How do you treat excess scarring after TKR?

Posted by Jmacvol @jmacvol, Jul 29, 2016

I had TKR on my left knee Dec 2013. Had poor ROM performance with PT and had MUA after 3 months. Recovery from MUA was most painful experience ever and totally ineffective. As time went on ROM got worse as scar tissue took over knee. Sep 2014 I had left knee revision to remove scar tissue and had right kne TKR. 3 more months of PT and right knee recovered much better than left as left knee once again grew excessive scar tissue. Dec 2015 I had a 2nd revision on left knee to remove scar tissue and surgeon said if this didn't work he may have to replace remove appliance and start over. 3 more months of PT and ROM got worse with PT as scar tissue grew back again. ROM in left knee is about 70. As each day goes on pain increases with no improvement in site. Surgeon says that appliance is fine and there is no more he can do. Is there any solution to my problem. Contacted Mayo for help.

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Maybe you can share some details on your rolling pin therapy. I am trying to get ahead of my scar tissue issue to avoid a surgical tissue removal procedure. Even if I do Xbox ahead with it I want stay in front of the possibility of it returning.


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Everyday I would take roller and start at top of knee on one side roll down side of knee with pressure once at bottom of knee lifted roller back to top started again with timer set for 3 minutes on side both right and left side knee daily. Very uncomfortable at first but over time my pain was gone did this for a little over a year and did it daily.
My therapist is awesome. I tell him issues I have and he has been able to come up with a solution to date. He rehabbed me from my RTS and my TKR Good luck


Has anyone had excess scar tissue removed after a tkr? My tkr was august 2021 and I am still in significant pain most of the time, can feel deep pain on outside of knee especially when going up and down stairs, biking, walking, swimming. Am doing myofascial release therapy but don’t think it’s doing much. Tried nerve ablation once and to try again in March. Am not interested in a major surgery again. Can it be manipulated under anesthesia and/or removed arthroscopically? Hopefully someone here can share their experience. Thanks


Has anyone had excess scar tissue removed after a tkr? My tkr was august 2021 and I am still in significant pain most of the time, can feel deep pain on outside of knee especially when going up and down stairs, biking, walking, swimming. Am doing myofascial release therapy but don’t think it’s doing much. Tried nerve ablation once and to try again in March. Am not interested in a major surgery again. Can it be manipulated under anesthesia and/or removed arthroscopically? Hopefully someone here can share their experience. Thanks

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Yes i did. Jan 11, 2022 had TKR. Feb 22 had a manipulation. Apr 19 had second manipulation. Significant growth in Scar tissue and bonded back after each manipulation. Aug 9, 2022 scar tissue removal. Scar tissue was 1- 1 1/2 inches thick. 5 months later scar tissue is back. Limited ROM. Recently Saw specialist in Indianapolis. He’s recommending a revision to remove implant, remove scar tissue but to also use radiation on affected scar tissue to slow down or prevent scar tissue from growing back as much. Then put in new implant. Not sure about this so I’m seeing another specialist in Chicago in about two weeks. This guy has used radiation and hinged knee implants for patients with arthrofibrosis. Might be something to talk to your surgeon about. Not a common treatment but from what the Indy guy said and studied I’ve read it can improve ROM.

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