How can I identify why my joints are hurting? Blood work is normal

Posted by doug63 @doug63, Apr 15, 2024

I have lost 20lbs this year. I have been diagnosed with SIBO . My ANA is slightly elevated but blood work from my RA is normal. I have Osteoarthritis but I get days where I am so inflamed in many joints and they seem to keep adding up. I also have severe back pain and that is explainable but it is getting worse. Looking for an answer!

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If you had COVID, its very possible it exacerbated your previous issues.

It certainly did mine.

Praying for you to get help & healing. Blessings....


@doug63 what is SIBO?

Is it possible that you have fibromyalgia?
Or PMR? Polymyalgia Rheumatica?
Your rheumatologist will know better than me.


If you had COVID, its very possible it exacerbated your previous issues.

It certainly did mine.

Praying for you to get help & healing. Blessings....

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Same with me!


My blood work normal but had pain all over and swollen hands. At same got covid and then vaccine. I take methetrexate and plyquenil. Swelling gone but hands a little stiff. Having mri for breasts in july. Has anyone had infusion to wash away the dye used gadilinium(sp)???


My blood work normal but had pain all over and swollen hands. At same got covid and then vaccine. I take methetrexate and plyquenil. Swelling gone but hands a little stiff. Having mri for breasts in july. Has anyone had infusion to wash away the dye used gadilinium(sp)???

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If C-Reactive protein test and Homocysteine are both normal it would be a surprise if you have
arthritis or infection. I have severe osteo along with a couple of other issues that cause inflammation so both of those tests show high levels. Get those tests to find out more if you have not had them.


@doug63 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I’m glad that you found this site. And I’m so sorry that you’re having pain and you need answers. Has your doctor said anything about your pain or given you any medicine for it? Here is a discussion group that may have suggestions or answers to your questions.
How did you find Mayo Clinic Connect?


If C-Reactive protein test and Homocysteine are both normal it would be a surprise if you have
arthritis or infection. I have severe osteo along with a couple of other issues that cause inflammation so both of those tests show high levels. Get those tests to find out more if you have not had them.

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I have blood work every month to make sure my liver and kidneys are OK because I take methetrixate(sp) my c-protein is normal and so is rest of blood work. Homocysteine is not in my testing I don't think. My ana normal and so is my ra factor. Back when hands swelling my tendon shafts were swollen..still are but going down. My RA doc said I need to stay on methatrixate plyquenil folic acid. All I know is I am not in pain anymore. I just have to watch the breast cancer coming back...8% chance it might. The mri with dye is a worry because of dye. I want to know anyone that has had an infusion to wash the dye out of you. I drink lots of water after and drink Gatorade but I want I fusion too.


May I ask what you are taking the methotrexate and Placquenil for? These meds are usually prescribed for autoimmune, arthritis conditions like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD). MCTD does cause hand swelling, inflammation and pain and serum shows RNP antibodies. Does any of this sound familiar to you?


I have blood work every month to make sure my liver and kidneys are OK because I take methetrixate(sp) my c-protein is normal and so is rest of blood work. Homocysteine is not in my testing I don't think. My ana normal and so is my ra factor. Back when hands swelling my tendon shafts were swollen..still are but going down. My RA doc said I need to stay on methatrixate plyquenil folic acid. All I know is I am not in pain anymore. I just have to watch the breast cancer coming back...8% chance it might. The mri with dye is a worry because of dye. I want to know anyone that has had an infusion to wash the dye out of you. I drink lots of water after and drink Gatorade but I want I fusion too.

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The Gadolinium in the MRI contrast dye is removed almost entirely by the kidneys within 24 hrs. It should be safe if your kidney function is good. It’s recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water during the 24 hrs following the MRI. An IV of normal saline could be given but would require you to be retained in the hospital or imaging center during the infusion and it would probably be deemed not medically necessary. Your insurance company would likely deny coverage for the IV and time of administration. The goal is adequate hydration afterward which can be accomplished by drinking fluids. You might discuss your concerns with your physician, and I would bet he/she will allay your fears about the contrast.


Rheumatologist diagnosed me as "probably having seronegative rheumatoid arthritis". This type does not show up in blood work. Treatment has slowed progress and removed pain.

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