Horrible leg pain with fibromyalgia

Posted by fearless @fearless, Jun 6, 2012

Lately, I have been having terrible leg pains I think are associated with my fibromyalgia. Has anyone else experienced this? Also, because of my pain and fatigue I am unable to lose weight which is another downer on top of everything else. Any suggestions for that? I really am feeling rather defeated lately by fibromyalgia and my depression all tied into one.

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Thanks for your reply. I sometimes don't know if I can make it through the day. I have a high tolerance for pain; however, this pain in my legs has almost done me in. The bad part is that you look fine and feel terrible. I get no sympathy. I would just like some understanding that many times I just don't have the energy or will power to do anything. It makes you cranky and out of sorts. I also have trouble sleeping. I have sleep apnea so don't like wearing a mask all night long. I rarely have any nights when I don't wake up multiple times. To top it off I have hot flashes, even though I am 74. Ugh!

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I am 74 also and take periden C for hot flashes and now a estrogen cream which helps. Melatonin does help with sleep for awhile then like everything else it stops. I have gotten no help over the years with this because half of the docs don't believe in it. I went to the ER having a heart attack and the doc saw fibro and said he didn't have time for people like me, I grabbed him and said I Was having a heart attack, later he came running in and said I Was right and got a cardiologist in as fast as he good, I should have sued but didn't have the energy. No one brings casseroles when you can't get out of bed. I don't know how I am going to handle this brain surgery although I have had ovarian and gallbladder cancer so I guess I can get through this


I don't quite know what the neurologist will suggest. I tentatively have an appointment in June. I will share what I learn.

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gabapentin, antidepressants, lyrica, walk as much as you can. I took low does Elavil for years then after the heart attack they took me off and tired mirtazapine. You probably know more then they do


I have the same as you do. I have started using a exercise peddle thing everyday and it does help.


gabapentin, antidepressants, lyrica, walk as much as you can. I took low does Elavil for years then after the heart attack they took me off and tired mirtazapine. You probably know more then they do

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You are on Lyrica and Gabapentin?


You are on Lyrica and Gabapentin?

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lyrica was horrible for me, took gabapentin several times, have to keep upping the dose so stopped. They were using it for everything after they stopped pain meds.


Yes. As I have mentioned, I have horrible pain in the back of my upper thighs and lower back. I have had fibro for over 40 years. I have tried many medications as well as acupuncture, bio feedback, TENS unit. Nothing has helped. I am extremely sensitive to over 43 medications, so drugs are not an option. I do walk every day, but it is a painful experience. I am hoping the visit to the neurologist will provide some closure as to what is actually going on inside my body. I have read your suggestions. Unfortunately, I am not able to get in and out of a tub to soak. The arthritis is throughout my body and only getting worse. Some days it is a struggle to get through the day.


I wish I had an answer for us or some help. About three years ago docs here stopped pain meds,etc which I never took because I can't tolerate them so they sent me to a pain clinic, OMG it was horrible. Drug addicts were there doing anything they could to get something, it was shameless. Docs only came twice a month so I waited for a hip treatment in horrible pain ,then never went back, no one should be treated like that. TENS unit doesn't do anything but make my skin hurt and some swear by it.


I can only offer you my sympathy. The problem is that you look fine, but hurt all over. I don't expect sympathy; I only would accept compassion from those people who do not know what it is like to live in constant, unrelenting pain. it is horrible!


Fedupwith fatigue.com has suggestions


Yes. As I have mentioned, I have horrible pain in the back of my upper thighs and lower back. I have had fibro for over 40 years. I have tried many medications as well as acupuncture, bio feedback, TENS unit. Nothing has helped. I am extremely sensitive to over 43 medications, so drugs are not an option. I do walk every day, but it is a painful experience. I am hoping the visit to the neurologist will provide some closure as to what is actually going on inside my body. I have read your suggestions. Unfortunately, I am not able to get in and out of a tub to soak. The arthritis is throughout my body and only getting worse. Some days it is a struggle to get through the day.

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@bookahol Not sure if your addressing this to me or not as the @isnt before the name. As I said I have had this fibro since the 90,s also and the naturel meds I,m took awhile to figure out which worked and what did'nt I also have arthritis though out my body I dont take any perscriptions for this as I'm sensitive to meds The TENS does help me sorry it does'nt for you When I first was diagnosed with this fibro I attended a workshop and one thing they said was that doing isometric exercises will help I still do some in morning with the legs which are the worst and neck/shoulder area gives me a lot of pain. They also found out that we need more magnesium so I take 450mg of Magnesium Malete there are a lot of different kinds but the malete is best I just wring out a washcloth with the E.S. in water and apply . A.C. vinegar will do the same .

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