Hormone Replacement starting at 75yrs old

Posted by curlyqlinda1 @curlyqlinda1, Jan 23 9:46am

Doing reach, I have decided to try HRT with testosterone, very low dose. I’m in pretty good health, but was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rhuematica 2yrs ago. I’m Just trying to make a better life with what yrs I have left. There are so many positive messages out there, and yes I’m on the older side. I have 6 daughters and we have all been doing a lot of reading on this subject. Is there anyone else trying HRT at an older age?

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I’m 63 yrs I would love to try HRT but my Doctor says no because I smoke:(?

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Did your provider talk about other drugs beside HRT that might help.

This Mayo Clinic web site list some drugs that might be an alternative.

I went thru menopause multi times, once early in life after a hysterectomy due to endometriosis. Eventually the provider put me on HRT. Then later in life when stopped HRT. It is terrible and definitely effects your quality of life.
I use to lay in bed with fan blowing on me.

Hope you find a solution.


Hi ladies. I have a menopause-related question and hope you all have some insight. I am 56 years old and bloodwork (along with 14 missed periods) confirmed that I was post. Well, at about the 18-month mark, I had a period. of course, we sounded the alarm and did bloodwork, ultrasound, and D&C. That was last summer. A year later (yesterday), the ordeal started again. spotting, then today a period. I was able to get in with my ob/gyn this morning and also had my hormone bloodwork. Tests just came back with FSH at 16.6 iu/l; Estradoil at 77.8 pg/ml; and Progesterone at .68 ng/ml. I'm not great at this, but just comparing to the numbers from earlier, it seems like something is off. Has anyone else experienced this on-again/off-again menopause?

Thanks so much for your help - I know this was a lot!


Hi ladies. I have a menopause-related question and hope you all have some insight. I am 56 years old and bloodwork (along with 14 missed periods) confirmed that I was post. Well, at about the 18-month mark, I had a period. of course, we sounded the alarm and did bloodwork, ultrasound, and D&C. That was last summer. A year later (yesterday), the ordeal started again. spotting, then today a period. I was able to get in with my ob/gyn this morning and also had my hormone bloodwork. Tests just came back with FSH at 16.6 iu/l; Estradoil at 77.8 pg/ml; and Progesterone at .68 ng/ml. I'm not great at this, but just comparing to the numbers from earlier, it seems like something is off. Has anyone else experienced this on-again/off-again menopause?

Thanks so much for your help - I know this was a lot!

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I hope you get some responses. I can’t recall my numbers.

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