home TENS treatments no longer reduces (increased) feet pain

Posted by jordan @sfn, Jul 23, 2023

For the past 2 years, I've used a small battery-operated TENS unit on my feet several times a day to reduce severe feet pain from small fiber neuropathy. The TENS unit reduced my feet pain by about 3 out of 10 points. Recently , the intensity of my feet pain increased significantly, and the TENS unit no longer reduces my feet pain at all, even when the TENS unit's Intensity setting is turned all the way "UP".

Does anyone have any tricks I might use to enable the TENS unit to help reduce the more severe pain now?

How might you explain the fact that the TENS unit no longer reduces my now higher level of feet pain?

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I believe you have hit the proverbial brick wall relating to the TENS relieving your foot pain. You can have your rehab or neuro doc check an EMG to determine if your PN has worsened. Like many of us with chronic pain issues from PN we search for relief and get it where and when we can but we continue to fall apart no matter. Good luck on your quest for relief.

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