Holistic medicine approach to PMR

Posted by pargeo47 @pargeo47, Jun 15 3:47pm

I'm new to PMR, about 5 months, and am presently on Dr. prescribed tapering by 1 mg every 2 weeks that started at 17 mg and I am down to 12 mg, with satisfactory relief. Today, my adult daughter posed an interesting question, "Many anto-immune issues are caused by environmental or dietary factors. Have you been to a nutritionist or holistic doc to see if your PMR was caused by something external or dietary?" My question is has anyone sought help from a nutritionist or holistic physician with any degree of success?

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In the vein of holistic approaches… what have you tried to boost your own production of cortisol naturally? I have read that Vitamin A & C, Bromelain, and Zinc, can help. Plus, paying attention to your circadian rhythm and getting natural sunlight within one hour of waking. Delaying coffee intake until mid-morning (something I have not been successful doing).
Anything else?


PMR is so poorly understood by any professional since they don't know the cause. You need to understand that PMR could possibly be multiple things causing the inflammation and not just one thing. They do not know. I would think that if a holistic approach were to be successful it would be more the luck of the draw than real knowledge of the cause and treatment based on that cause. The only treatment is simply an anti-inflammatory, which actually is what I would consider more of a symptomatic treatment than a causal treatment. Something somewhere in your body is causing the inflammation. That alone tells me there is a lot not understood about PMR, and no really significant progress in treatment approaches in forever.
Any approach that gives you relief is a successful approach.


In the vein of holistic approaches… what have you tried to boost your own production of cortisol naturally? I have read that Vitamin A & C, Bromelain, and Zinc, can help. Plus, paying attention to your circadian rhythm and getting natural sunlight within one hour of waking. Delaying coffee intake until mid-morning (something I have not been successful doing).
Anything else?

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The brain tumor users have you try IV's . The one we use is called a myers cocktail. They are $200 each time. In addition to the ones you mention. They also recommend a low sugar diet. To help fight the inflammation they recommend Boswellia.


The brain tumor users have you try IV's . The one we use is called a myers cocktail. They are $200 each time. In addition to the ones you mention. They also recommend a low sugar diet. To help fight the inflammation they recommend Boswellia.

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I think you may have misunderstood my concern. I am looking to boost my own production of cortisol naturally. I am looking for treatment of PMR. It is my understanding that oral prednisone's can “override” a body’s own production of cortisol.


PMR is so poorly understood by any professional since they don't know the cause. You need to understand that PMR could possibly be multiple things causing the inflammation and not just one thing. They do not know. I would think that if a holistic approach were to be successful it would be more the luck of the draw than real knowledge of the cause and treatment based on that cause. The only treatment is simply an anti-inflammatory, which actually is what I would consider more of a symptomatic treatment than a causal treatment. Something somewhere in your body is causing the inflammation. That alone tells me there is a lot not understood about PMR, and no really significant progress in treatment approaches in forever.
Any approach that gives you relief is a successful approach.

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I believe you speak a ring of truth on the causes of PMR. My PCP is a relatively young (30 something?), though capable, physician. I can't be positive, but I think she'd never encountered PMR prior to ME and had to look up how to treat it. She provided a 6,5,4,3,2,1 "pred pack" with two refills before I could see the rheumatologist to whom she'd referred me. By the time I saw him, I was in significant pain, again. Thankfully, he provided guidance and the necessary meds that have had me living and sleeping normally for a little over 2 months and have tapered from 17 mg to 12 mg (next week will be at 11). My fingers are crossed that I'm on the right path. I just received my copy of the Wahl Protocol...BIG BOOK!


I think you may have misunderstood my concern. I am looking to boost my own production of cortisol naturally. I am looking for treatment of PMR. It is my understanding that oral prednisone's can “override” a body’s own production of cortisol.

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yes. As you have indicated. "If you stay on high dose prednisolone for several days the ACTH will be fully suppressed and the adrenal glands won’t make any cortisol for that whole period. If you stay on prednisolone for several weeks, the adrenal glands will start to shrink, and waste away." https://www.impendo.co.uk/prednisolone/prednisolone-in-vasculitis-and-cortisol-suppression
Other than the items you mentioned, I know of no other natural producers. Addison disease is the adrenal crisis and they use corticosteroids to treat it.


yes. As you have indicated. "If you stay on high dose prednisolone for several days the ACTH will be fully suppressed and the adrenal glands won’t make any cortisol for that whole period. If you stay on prednisolone for several weeks, the adrenal glands will start to shrink, and waste away." https://www.impendo.co.uk/prednisolone/prednisolone-in-vasculitis-and-cortisol-suppression
Other than the items you mentioned, I know of no other natural producers. Addison disease is the adrenal crisis and they use corticosteroids to treat it.

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Egad! PMR is a no win situation? Pain vs screw up your endocrine system? How positively encouraging. *sighing*


yes. As you have indicated. "If you stay on high dose prednisolone for several days the ACTH will be fully suppressed and the adrenal glands won’t make any cortisol for that whole period. If you stay on prednisolone for several weeks, the adrenal glands will start to shrink, and waste away." https://www.impendo.co.uk/prednisolone/prednisolone-in-vasculitis-and-cortisol-suppression
Other than the items you mentioned, I know of no other natural producers. Addison disease is the adrenal crisis and they use corticosteroids to treat it.

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Thank you for your thoughts and concerns. I was able to get off Prednisone for treatment of PMR in the past but that was 19 years ago when I was younger. PMR is an enigma to me.


Thank you for your thoughts and concerns. I was able to get off Prednisone for treatment of PMR in the past but that was 19 years ago when I was younger. PMR is an enigma to me.

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I was able to get off prednisone in about 6 months 2 years ago. Although I have had what I considered to be 2 flares since. I was hoping I was done with it. Thats interesting that it came back after 19 years. Thats a little scary to think about. Just when I think I might have things figured out I learn something new. So its an enigma to us all. Even the medical field.


I believe you speak a ring of truth on the causes of PMR. My PCP is a relatively young (30 something?), though capable, physician. I can't be positive, but I think she'd never encountered PMR prior to ME and had to look up how to treat it. She provided a 6,5,4,3,2,1 "pred pack" with two refills before I could see the rheumatologist to whom she'd referred me. By the time I saw him, I was in significant pain, again. Thankfully, he provided guidance and the necessary meds that have had me living and sleeping normally for a little over 2 months and have tapered from 17 mg to 12 mg (next week will be at 11). My fingers are crossed that I'm on the right path. I just received my copy of the Wahl Protocol...BIG BOOK!

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I resisted steroids until I had COVID and my inflammatory numbers were as high as many doctors had ever seen. One even said he had no clue they could be that high. I started at 5mg, then went up to 7.5 and up again to 10 - leveled out there for a few weeks then tapered down. There is not even a single protocol for treating people with PMR. I have seen that if you need over 20mg /day then it is worth considering it's not PMR or at least PMR + something else. My first rheumy wanted to start me at 40mg and when I said no-way she backed down to 20. I didn't even do that because she stepped back from practicing the same week - Covid had just hit and her husband is a hospitalist.

I eat organic and I would suggest that as a first step, that cuts out processed foods and non-gmo by definition. My understanding is the Whal Protocol is much like a Paleo diet - so you might start there. Paleo cuts out dairy, refined sugar, legumes and grains. My advise would be to go at a pace that works for you. If it is a lifetime change - there really isn't a big hurry.

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