Hi! Daughter 3 types of hearing loss - Unspecified Hearing Loss

Posted by sophiaresop @sophiaresop, Feb 20 11:49am

Hi folks!
I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself and my daughter. . I am a medical professional with 10 years experience perusing a career at Mayo Clinic. My motto is the patient comes first! I cant do healthcare otherwise and at this point i can’t support clinics that don’t share that mentality. 😉
I have WONDERFUL 4 year old daughter with bilateral hearing loss. She was misdiagnosed by 5 pediatricians and one audiologist with Autism so she had late intervention at age three. The hearing loss itself was caused my mistreated jaundice as a neonatal that I found connecting her diagnosis in the Iranian journal of ENT, 2018. 3 months later and all the correct steps forward my girl has hearing aides, and WORDS!!
She’s absolutely my hero, and my drive to do good practice and research!! She loves her ponies, and excelled in academics. She’s at a second grade readying level from teaching her in a loud bathtub!! Look at her go!!
My dream is to see our future full of robust pediatric and audiological studies defining how we perceive sound, the behavior of neurotoxicity and the parameters of the cochlea. I’d love to see it with NASA, the sound kings and queens. I’ll throw out a little hypothesis too because it’s fun-! I believe the cochlea could hold more memory than we think from my findings, and I’d love to get excited about some research here with folks!

All in all, I’m happy to be here and share my life and my baby girl! She’s the best thing, never forget that fighting for your kids is worth it! You know
More that you think!!

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