I'm struggling with post transplant weight gain and depression

Posted by aubie @aubie, Jan 14 5:52am

I am struggling with weight gain post transplant. It has created more feelings of depression and failure

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Hey Aubie,
I am 18 months post and struggling with weight gain and depression as well. I do see a therapist weekly and she helps with the depression. As far as the weight loss issue... I am still working on that. Nothing I do seems to make much of a difference. The search is still going on. Just make sure you check with the Mayo before you take anything internal....


Hey Aubie,
I am 18 months post and struggling with weight gain and depression as well. I do see a therapist weekly and she helps with the depression. As far as the weight loss issue... I am still working on that. Nothing I do seems to make much of a difference. The search is still going on. Just make sure you check with the Mayo before you take anything internal....

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I am 2 years post transplant and have gained 20lbs. I didn't go anywhere, because of covid, but Drs and blood draws. I felt very isolated during this time. The weather was cold and wet so I stayed in and ate things I could now eat again. Plus some of the meds cause weight gain. I have become more active now, and am grateful for the gift I was given. Celebrate your life with your new gift! Start slow with an activity and don't over eat. It will all be worth it.


@aubie welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Congratulations on your transplant. As other members here have suggested it is a big adjustment, especially at first. How far out post transplant are you? It does get easier as time passes. Perhaps you can find some resources for help with diet / nutrition, exercise, a social worker or support group. Do you still have follow up access to your transplant coordinator? That could be a place to start to express your concerns and get some help.


I am 20 months post transplant. I had lost a lot of weight prior to my surgery, but have gained back a lot that was lost. I needed to gain some, but have gone past that amount. One of the things that I have done to combat weight and need to get back to (stopped due to various reasons including having COVID) is to get a treadmill. I was having an issue with balance (still do some) so I was afraid to go out walking in the neighborhood when weather was nice and didn't want to be walking out in bad weather. I am able to hold on loosely so I am not holding myself up, just so I don't fall over (yes this has happened a couple of times due to my balance being off). I was informed that walking is one of the best exercises for recovery, so this helps and you can build up as you go. Add more time or more speed until you are at a good amount and then stick with it. Good advice that I need to take myself (again).


I am 8 months post live LT. I, too, was gaining weight even though I was eating well and exercising (walking, getting steps in, no weight bearing, etc). I was also depressed. Between the two I was confused as this was new and I should be blissfully grateful and full of joy. My PCP suggested checking my thyroid which had been checked many times in my life pre transplant. No problems then. BUT, my results came back and I was just out of the normal range (high or hypo) just above 4 (4.16 I believe). My baseline, or tests prior to transplant, were always around 2.4. Doctor said I don’t have to go on thyroid medicine unless I wanted to. Yes, I wanted to and jumped at the opportunity. He put me on 50mcg of Levothyroxine and within a week I was remarkably better in my mood/depression. I did some research and found that the “norms” per the medical profession are just guidelines - MY norm should be in the low 2s. Over the next few weeks the weight just melted off and I did nothing different. Additionally, my transplant team increased my Venlaxifine (Effexor ER), also new post transplant. Between the two changes I feel like myself again - happy, unexplained weight gain stopped/disappeared and I feel “normal.”

I hope you find what is inside of you, both mentally and physically, that is causing your weight gain and depression. There are answers. Insist that your liver team help and talk to your PCP. My plan worked for me. Heck, get your thyroid checked! Only a blood draw. If it’s not within YOUR baseline, have a talk with your doctor/PCP. That thyroid is a sneaky, tiny thing that can really mess up your mood and weight. Good luck to you and wish you the best.


I am 8 months post live LT. I, too, was gaining weight even though I was eating well and exercising (walking, getting steps in, no weight bearing, etc). I was also depressed. Between the two I was confused as this was new and I should be blissfully grateful and full of joy. My PCP suggested checking my thyroid which had been checked many times in my life pre transplant. No problems then. BUT, my results came back and I was just out of the normal range (high or hypo) just above 4 (4.16 I believe). My baseline, or tests prior to transplant, were always around 2.4. Doctor said I don’t have to go on thyroid medicine unless I wanted to. Yes, I wanted to and jumped at the opportunity. He put me on 50mcg of Levothyroxine and within a week I was remarkably better in my mood/depression. I did some research and found that the “norms” per the medical profession are just guidelines - MY norm should be in the low 2s. Over the next few weeks the weight just melted off and I did nothing different. Additionally, my transplant team increased my Venlaxifine (Effexor ER), also new post transplant. Between the two changes I feel like myself again - happy, unexplained weight gain stopped/disappeared and I feel “normal.”

I hope you find what is inside of you, both mentally and physically, that is causing your weight gain and depression. There are answers. Insist that your liver team help and talk to your PCP. My plan worked for me. Heck, get your thyroid checked! Only a blood draw. If it’s not within YOUR baseline, have a talk with your doctor/PCP. That thyroid is a sneaky, tiny thing that can really mess up your mood and weight. Good luck to you and wish you the best.

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Thanks for the suggestion! I just did a bunch of blood, and I thought he checked it, but maybe not. I will follow up with him and with the liver team. I really appreciate it!


Thanks for the suggestion! I just did a bunch of blood, and I thought he checked it, but maybe not. I will follow up with him and with the liver team. I really appreciate it!

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Great! Remember to compare your results to YOUR past results when you felt good. Like I said, for this particular test, MY normal, the number that I need, is low 2s. After much research I learned that with this test, you need to be within YOUR normal, not necessarily medical guideline normals. I don’t know how this issue is related to LT, but never before have I had hypothyroidism. I’m thinking related to meds…?

Again, good luck!


I am 2 years post transplant and have gained 20lbs. I didn't go anywhere, because of covid, but Drs and blood draws. I felt very isolated during this time. The weather was cold and wet so I stayed in and ate things I could now eat again. Plus some of the meds cause weight gain. I have become more active now, and am grateful for the gift I was given. Celebrate your life with your new gift! Start slow with an activity and don't over eat. It will all be worth it.

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I too still struggle with weight and depression. I am 33 yrs out, age 60. After 25 yrs I rejected my liver and my team said I was too fat. I got scared and strict diet of no sugar, no white carbs and smaller portions on smaller plates. I lost weight and have to be mindful bc I am a stress and emotional eater. Moderation is key. It will get easier. If u want to eat jump online and distract yourself. Keep us posted. We care


I am 20 months post transplant. I had lost a lot of weight prior to my surgery, but have gained back a lot that was lost. I needed to gain some, but have gone past that amount. One of the things that I have done to combat weight and need to get back to (stopped due to various reasons including having COVID) is to get a treadmill. I was having an issue with balance (still do some) so I was afraid to go out walking in the neighborhood when weather was nice and didn't want to be walking out in bad weather. I am able to hold on loosely so I am not holding myself up, just so I don't fall over (yes this has happened a couple of times due to my balance being off). I was informed that walking is one of the best exercises for recovery, so this helps and you can build up as you go. Add more time or more speed until you are at a good amount and then stick with it. Good advice that I need to take myself (again).

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Hello. My liver transplant was 3 yrs ago in October. So I am 3yrs 4 months. If I was not a member of this Mayo group I wouldn't know anything.. I was in hospital. 2 months. Ended up with drop foot so that alone put a damper on my balance. I went thru same thing as u. Lost lots weight could not eat cause of taste in my mouth plus the sore that developed also. Put when time came 1yr later I started eating but healthy. Gained weight now having hard time getting it off and not aware that meds could be a factor. But we keep pushing thru! We r awesome!

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