Help: bad anxiety and looking for counseling solutions

Posted by alewis24 @alewis24, Aug 23, 2023

So I suffer from really bad anxiety I had a kidney transplant in 2006 I am currently 23 and my anxiety won’t allow me to get to far away from home without feeling like I’m going to die and when I do try to drive a little further I start to feel like I can’t breath does anybody have any recommendations on good counseling or solutions

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Hi. I’ve gotten to be the same way unfortunately. I don’t even really drive anymore; my husband takes me everywhere. Definitely counseling and anxiety meds if you’re not on them already. I’m on two different daily and one as needed. Anxiety sucks. If haven’t tried yoga and meditation I also highly recommend it.


It sounds a little like agoraphobia but could just be general anxiety. The best thing to do would be to get a referral to a psychiatrist and start cognitive behavioral therapy with a therapist. There are a lot of good workbooks out there about anxiety but since your situation is specific to the kidney transplant a live therapist can help you delve into that a lot better.

A psychiatrist can figure out what the best medication is for your specific symptoms.

Also- find out if your insurance covers Genesight. It's a genetic test that determines which antidepressants are optimal for you. You don't have to go through months of trying different ones.


I wanted to add my welcome along with @femalepersuasion and @mrsr1234 who offer helpful suggestions.

I'd also like to tag a couple of members who have had a transplant and also manage mental health challenges like @kandidubrall and @shepn7.

@alewis24, you were very young when you had your transplant. Do you feel like this early medical issue contributes to your anxiousness about being far from home? Have you spoken to your transplant social worker about finding counseling specific for young adults who had early medical interventions?


@alewis24 Please allow me to echo the welcome from others here.

A transplant at any age is life-changing. No doubt you are on several medications to prevent rejection. Do you have an annual transplant review appointment with your team? It may very well be there needs to be an adjustment on the list of medications you are taking, or a change-up to the dosing.

A chronic condition, such as the underlying kidney issue, can be a factor in anxiety and depression. I think it would be well worth your time and effort to look into speaking and working with a therapist, getting insight to what is behind how you are feeling. I am really glad to read your post, and that you recognize there is something you want to address and get better! That all by itself, is a healthy sign, believe me!


I wanted to add my welcome along with @femalepersuasion and @mrsr1234 who offer helpful suggestions.

I'd also like to tag a couple of members who have had a transplant and also manage mental health challenges like @kandidubrall and @shepn7.

@alewis24, you were very young when you had your transplant. Do you feel like this early medical issue contributes to your anxiousness about being far from home? Have you spoken to your transplant social worker about finding counseling specific for young adults who had early medical interventions?

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Yes I had this traumatic experience when I first found out my kidney was failing I cannot stop picturing me running in the front yard and just passing out and my aunt didn’t know what to do and last thing I knew I was in a helicopter heading to Oklahoma City children’s hospital don’t know if you know where that’s at or not but now I feel like if something where to happen when I travel to far away I feel like no one is there to help or save me and I see a kidney doctor and all my numbers are still amazing


@alewis24 Please allow me to echo the welcome from others here.

A transplant at any age is life-changing. No doubt you are on several medications to prevent rejection. Do you have an annual transplant review appointment with your team? It may very well be there needs to be an adjustment on the list of medications you are taking, or a change-up to the dosing.

A chronic condition, such as the underlying kidney issue, can be a factor in anxiety and depression. I think it would be well worth your time and effort to look into speaking and working with a therapist, getting insight to what is behind how you are feeling. I am really glad to read your post, and that you recognize there is something you want to address and get better! That all by itself, is a healthy sign, believe me!

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Yes I see a kidney doctor every 6 months and and everything is amazing my numbers never change and he also wants me to see a therapist but every time I try to call they are all booked


Hi. I’ve gotten to be the same way unfortunately. I don’t even really drive anymore; my husband takes me everywhere. Definitely counseling and anxiety meds if you’re not on them already. I’m on two different daily and one as needed. Anxiety sucks. If haven’t tried yoga and meditation I also highly recommend it.

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The thing is I’m already on fluoxetine and buspiron but they are both low doses but how did you even get to get in the car without freaking out because any time that I hop on the highway I start to panic one time I even parked and started to run down the street because I felt like I was dying but er doctors and everything say my lungs are completely clear everything is clear I just can’t stop thinking that something might happen to me if I travel to far


That is troubling and disturbing and needs addressed. I can only tell you what I think or what I would do, so … I would go to whoever prescribed those medications because they can be increased and are clearly not working (?yet?) and if at all possible do not drive!! Hitch with a friend or Uber whoever so that you are not behind the wheel. Also, breathing exercises!! Try it and see if it helps. Hugs.


Yes I see a kidney doctor every 6 months and and everything is amazing my numbers never change and he also wants me to see a therapist but every time I try to call they are all booked

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@alewis24 Check with your kidney transplant team, and speak to the social worker there. Let them know you are struggling, and are seeking some assistance. Kindly ask them for help in getting help. I know what you mean, so many therapists are really busy these days. You have to be persistent and keep at it!

Meanwhile, think about things you can do on your own right now to ease your mind. Exercise moderately, go back to a hobby you once did, or start a new one that interests you. Write out your thoughts and concerns in a journal
Do something creative like artwork or building something. Any or all of these may be helpful to you. What do you think?


The thing is I’m already on fluoxetine and buspiron but they are both low doses but how did you even get to get in the car without freaking out because any time that I hop on the highway I start to panic one time I even parked and started to run down the street because I felt like I was dying but er doctors and everything say my lungs are completely clear everything is clear I just can’t stop thinking that something might happen to me if I travel to far

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I understand your suffering. I was agoraphobic for 5 years. I had meds but they didnt do much. Suddenly it kind of went away for a few years. Now after 2 bouts of pneumonia with sepsis during the last one, my anxiety/panic has never been worse. I cant go far. My husband is disabled so I'm the breadwinner. But I cant go far! Disability wont help me because I receive a widows pension from a previous marriage. They figure that should be enough to live on and it's far from it. I'm at the end of my rope. God bless you! Yvonne

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