Robotic Lobectomy: What can I expect? What is recovery like?

Posted by SJones55 @sjones55, Mar 16, 2022

Hello from the Bluegrass State!
Greetings! Just hoping for some advice. Though I've never smoked, I've been diagnosed with lung cancer (almost 2 weeks ago). Surgery is scheduled for Friday to remove the top lobe of the right lung (robotic lobectomy). Dreading surgery, of course - as I've had 7 in the past 5 years plus 2 endoscopic biopsies and pain meds don't work well for me. Just wondering if someone can let me know what I'm in for (very little info coming from the medical professionals looking after me - busy people) and any advice anyone may have about recovery. Also, I'm diabetic, so not sure how that will affect things (not on insulin). Okay, thanks so much!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


I'm sorry that I forgot to mention this- no small thing to forget, eh? Sorry. I did have chest tubes and my upper left lobectomy had special nurses who did this with breathing exercises and actually pressing around the tube with their palms. I hardly felt a thing. I was incredible. My first one wasn't. As you know operations are complicated and pain is a very common side effect. I've read your posts and can imagine your apprehension. I hope that since your surgeon and other doctors are informed of your history they will do everything to help you be as comfortable as possible. If I were you I would make sure that your surgeon is up-to-date with all of this so he can talk all of this over with your anesthesiologist. Make sure that they understand your fears. I'm sure that you are on top of this, right?

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Thanks for your input! I'm not looking forward to surgery or recovery, but I am looking forward to getting past it all. As for informing my surgeon: I've only seen him at my first visit when he looked at the scans and ordered the second endoscopy. I did call the office and told the nurse these things, so I hope he got the message. She wasn't sure that I'd see Dr. Ward before the surgery, so I'm thinking that I won't see him until sometime in the afternoon tomorrow after surgery. Medicine isn't the same as it once was. I remember being able to talk to a doctor by phone. I remember being called with test results instead of getting an email directing you to a 'patient portal' with test results - kind of a surreal way to be notified that you have cancer. However, on Manday (the day after I got the email on Sunday), the doctor in Nashville who did the endoscopy did call me to discuss the results. I still haven't spoken to the doctor here who will actually do the surgery, but I did call his office that Monday. So, I will attempt to make sure he's informed before surgery tomorrow. Thanks again!


My robotic surgery was in my small intestine so I didn't have a chest tube I had something called an NG tube - nasogastric tube. Dealing with that was more difficult than the surgery! That was in for two days but once it was removed I was ready to go home and get back to life. No infections, no skin issues and the only pain I had was handled with Extra Strength Tylenol.

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Awesome, Tom! So glad you had an easy recovery. That's something to be grateful for!


@y SJones55 - How did your surgery go? How is your pain level?

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