Hearing Loss Experiences - Can you find humor in some of it?

Posted by Julie, Volunteer Mentor @julieo4, Jul 20, 2021

People with hearing loss can easily mishear and respond to something out of context. Obviously, this can be a big problem. Most often it's not. How about sharing some of the experiences we have had. I believe that being able to laugh and find humor in some of our experiences can be healthy. What do you think?

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Interesting. Perhaps more music is embedded in some brains than in others. Sounds are what you seem to be hearing; identifiable ones for the most part from past experiences. That can lean a bit towards tinnitus too.

We need to understand that 'auditory fatigue' is very real. We get exhausted from working so hard to hear, especially in challenging situations. When that happens we tune out and take an exit from input and output for a while.That's when others accuse of us not paying attention; not trying, etc. Many people decide to withdraw from social situations because of this. Others work through it.

Although it's not so helpful in group conversation you can use a strategy in one on one situations such a at home communication between spouses. Find a way to get the HH person's attention before starting to speak. My husband often clears his throat while sitting in the living room watching TV when he wants me to listen. For some reason, I can hear that...or have taught myself to hear it knowing that words will follow so I pay attention. (Right now with all the smoke in north central Minnesota from boundary water forest fires, we're both clearing our throats a lot! This too shall pass, thankfully.)

John has mild/moderate hearing loss that finally 'arrived' a year or so ago. I have to laugh because when he wants to hear, the remote for the TV goes on mute. He still hasn't figured out that is a key to my being able to hear him, and has been for years. He doesn't do that when he starts a casual conversation. Then I have to interrupt to ask him to mute the TV and that annoys him as it breaks up the spontaneity. Hearing loss challenges relationship. I say once more that if we don't learn to laugh at some of these things, all we can do is become angry and bitter.

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Julie, I too must have the TV, radio or other background muted to hear properly - maybe because of my tinnitus? My husband finds it annoying that I do, even though he too comprehends better that way.

Over time, our friends must all be feeling the same, as "background music" at our gatherings is now either very soft, or completely absent as we all enter our 70's...

As for misunderstanding words - we just spent a couple days with my 7 yo great nephew, who has a speech impediment. That was an auditory workout, even without much hearing loss - especially when he chose me to be the one to practice reading lessons! But he is such an inquisitive and charming boy that we all worked hard to hear his 10,000 questions, even our friend with profound vision and hearing loss.

And one of his questions was about Bob's hearing aids - which he was allowed to examine closely, and which Bob described to him as "helping my ears to hear like your sister's glasses help her eyes to see" - hopefully one more child who won't be squeamish about them.


Do true about background noise at social events. It used to be that every one had music going at dinner parties and all social events. Some of my dear friends were sensitive to my hearing issues and turned it down or off. Now they don't have it on at all. I hadn't even thought about it, but now I'm thinking it's not for me...it's for all of us! Hooray! Yep, it's more common as we age, but it affects people of all ages.

Speech defects and dialects are always so hard. It sounds as if your great nephew is working on it. That's good. Schools offer a lot of support now that wasn't there years ago.. I am thankful that my hearing loss didn't start until I was in my 20s after I had developed language. My speech is not affected much although I have had people ask me about 'my accent', so I know there is a slight bit of deaf speech within me. I do quite a bit of public speaking so get a lot of practice.

Kids today shouldn't even look at hearing aids as weird. There are so many people wearing devices in their ears now. Even the Apple Ear Pods are being discussed as 'hearing devices'.. But that crazy stigma needs to be erased. Below is a document that shares some good information about hearing loss...basic stuff. Hoping some may find it worth looking at.


jshdma... I think you are so right and even myself, although never joked about it, did not realize what a "loss" being unable to hear even moderately is affecting my life along with other issues; however, I have felt - rightly or wrongly - over the years that if "I" or the person with whatever "health issue" they have chooses to laugh about "their" loss it is up to them, but not to laugh about another person's?? Some people cope by joking about their OWN health or life issues and perhaps it's their way of coping... for myself I am not too keen what a medical person treating me makes light of my issues. About jokes in general or comedians about certain illnesses in general without being specific about a certain person, I am 50-50 depending on who says it, what is said and in what "context." ???

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