Hearing Loss: Come introduce yourself and connect with others

Welcome to the Hearing Loss group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
This is a welcoming, safe place where you can meet people living with hearing loss, and friends and family supporters. Whether you were born deaf or hard of hearing, experienced hearing loss after birth or with aging, it helps to connect with others. Together we can learn from each other, support one another and share stories about living with hearing loss, coping with challenges and celebrating milestones.

Let’s chat. Why not start by introducing yourself? What is your hearing loss experience? Got a question, tip or story to share?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Hearing Loss Support Group.


@grovelander, I hope you'll add your journal notes to @lizzy102's thread. We're all richer when we hear multiple accounts.

To connect with other with Meniere's you'll want to meet @joyces @trishanna and others. Feel free to start a new discussion pertinent to your specific questions and concerns.

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I haven’t been following the various Mayo discussion groups…I’ve been working fire relief almost every day since last September’s forest fire just outside our town. After we returned from having been evacuated, I stopped getting any notices from any of the Mayo groups and was so busy trying to get basic stuff to people that I didn’t notice for a couple of months. Good news is that some of the people who lost their homes in an area where everything had been lost banded together and started to clear their own land. The effort attracted the attention of volunteers (like me) who helped them. Eighty-six people did the work themselves, saving each family $20,000 to $50,000, and most of the 86 families who participated are back living on their own land, either in temporary travel trailers while waiting for a home to be delivered or a new manufactured home. This had never been done anywhere before and has become an example for other fire victims. Some outside the area where the effort took place followed suit, too. Cascade Relief has taken the program to other areas of Oregon hit by wildfires last fall.

Now, we’re preparing for another evacuation, which is highly likely, given drought conditions. Who would have thought that the eternally damp Oregon coast would have been on fire alert since early April?


Hello! I am 60 years old with moderate sloping hearing loss to moderately severe in high frequencies. I have been had of hearing since 23 and have worn hearing aids for 12 years.


Hello! I am 60 years old with moderate sloping hearing loss to moderately severe in high frequencies. I have been had of hearing since 23 and have worn hearing aids for 12 years.

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@mrcarl Hello and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect's discussion on hearing loss. You are in good company here with people to are willing to talk about how hearing loss affects their lives. Feel free to ask questions and/or share your experiences with hearing technology, etc. What state to you live in?


@mrcarl Hello and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect's discussion on hearing loss. You are in good company here with people to are willing to talk about how hearing loss affects their lives. Feel free to ask questions and/or share your experiences with hearing technology, etc. What state to you live in?

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Thank you!


My single-sided hearing loss seems to run in my family, started almost 20 years sgo. If i had it to do over i would get new hearing aids every 2 years to keep up with the technology. I did have 2 sets of bicross aids that made little difference. About the time of the pandemic my hearing took a turn for the worse and I panicked, looked into the cochlear and qualified for the surgery with Medicare, had the surgery in March of this year and it was activated a few weeks later. While I am still very hard of hearing I can tell I'm making progress; am being diligent about the homework I have to do and keeping appointments with my audiologist. A factor in my decision to go ahead with cochlear was the location of the providers. My driving is limited so I need them nearby. I am relieved and happy to have gone ahead with the cochlear.


Congratulations on going the CI route. I look forward to hearing how it's working for you. I am a 'bimodal' user of both a CI and a hearing aid. It has made a wonderful difference for me. I hope you'll share more of your experiences.


I'm curious to know what state you live in, if in the USA? All state regulations require a trial period, most often 30 days. There are a few states that have 60 day trial periods. It takes time to adjust to wearing hearing aids.They should all allow enough time to really serve as a 'trial' period.

There are some options you should insist they include. For example, a telecoil, which adds no cost to a hearing aid, can connect you to assistive tech in performing arts centers, theaters, meeting rooms, etc. BlueTooth is great for connecting with your cell phone, etc, but doesn't replace telecoil. You won't know how much these features can do for you unless you have the opportunity to experiment with them.

Insurance is another issue. I have never had insurance that covered hearing aids. If you do have it, you are fortunate. Medicare does NOT cover them. A pair of good quality hearing aids can range from $1400 at Costco, to $8000 elsewhere. It's important to have a well qualified fitter, which is where the audiologists come in. It's unfortunate that it's so confusing.

ReSound is a good brand. Still, as with all hearing aids, much depends on how well they are adjusted to your particular hearing loss. I look forward to hearing how this goes for you.

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Hi again, Julie. I went for my HA consult with the new audiologist today. I ended up selecting Phonak Paradise P90 HAs, in part because I can pair them with my iMac for Zoom calls (and not just pair them with my iPhone) but also because I prefer working with an app over "set it and forget it." I love how light-weight they are and I selected the chestnut color that nearly matches my hair so they will be very unobtrusive.

The audiologist said the HAs are "covered in full" by our insurance which was a shocking, but welcome, development. The trial period here is 45 days. I forgot to ask about telecoil although Google searching indicates it does have it.

I consider myself sound-sensitive so we'll see how it goes. Thank you again for your help and support!


Hi again, Julie. I went for my HA consult with the new audiologist today. I ended up selecting Phonak Paradise P90 HAs, in part because I can pair them with my iMac for Zoom calls (and not just pair them with my iPhone) but also because I prefer working with an app over "set it and forget it." I love how light-weight they are and I selected the chestnut color that nearly matches my hair so they will be very unobtrusive.

The audiologist said the HAs are "covered in full" by our insurance which was a shocking, but welcome, development. The trial period here is 45 days. I forgot to ask about telecoil although Google searching indicates it does have it.

I consider myself sound-sensitive so we'll see how it goes. Thank you again for your help and support!

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That all sounds so positive. And you are very welcome for my support. I know you are going to do great with those new hearing aids. Isn't it amazing how far technology has advanced in the last decade?


Yes, I totally expected them to feel heavy and uncomfortable, not connecting the fact that they no longer have the weight of a battery in them! I feel fortunate indeed to be needing them at this time. I’m slightly nervous because I’m a noise-sensitive person - I couldn’t wait for our lawn mowing people to stop making a racket today - but we’ll see how I do. I feel optimistic at this point.


Hi again, Julie. I went for my HA consult with the new audiologist today. I ended up selecting Phonak Paradise P90 HAs, in part because I can pair them with my iMac for Zoom calls (and not just pair them with my iPhone) but also because I prefer working with an app over "set it and forget it." I love how light-weight they are and I selected the chestnut color that nearly matches my hair so they will be very unobtrusive.

The audiologist said the HAs are "covered in full" by our insurance which was a shocking, but welcome, development. The trial period here is 45 days. I forgot to ask about telecoil although Google searching indicates it does have it.

I consider myself sound-sensitive so we'll see how it goes. Thank you again for your help and support!

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What insurance are you referring to? Homeowners?

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