Posted by Cher @question7, Oct 30, 2023

I have severe pain at back, top left of my head. Have had MRI and x-rays. No clues. The softness of pillows feel like a rock. Anyone out there can provide information?

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@cher Ongoing pain is so awful and especially pain that disrupts your sleep. Getting a good night’s rest is at the top of my list but it doesn’t happen as often as I’d like.

Since you’ve had MRI and x-rays I am thinking you are already seeing a neurologist. Is that correct? Do the MRI and/or x-rays show any changes in your bone structure such as stenosis in the upper bony spine along the neck? What information has your neurologist shared with you or suggestions have they made?


I have a similar pain that radiates down through my face into the jaw and teeth, a trigeminal nerve problem. My dentist just told me to find a craniosacral specialist, usually a chiropractor, for the adjustment. It’s worked for me in the past many years ago, so I’m looking for a practitioner where I now live. Good luck to you stopping this misery!


@cher Ongoing pain is so awful and especially pain that disrupts your sleep. Getting a good night’s rest is at the top of my list but it doesn’t happen as often as I’d like.

Since you’ve had MRI and x-rays I am thinking you are already seeing a neurologist. Is that correct? Do the MRI and/or x-rays show any changes in your bone structure such as stenosis in the upper bony spine along the neck? What information has your neurologist shared with you or suggestions have they made?

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I am seeing a worthless neurologist. All he does is refill my old prescriptions. I have made an appointment with a new one but it takes 6+months to arrange.
BEWARE!!! I have been through a VERY bad experience after moving to a new state--neither SC neurologist nor new in TN would refill my parkinsons' meds and I was forced to suffer through horrible and dangerous withdrawals. I can't warn others enough: BEWARE!!!
My physician is the one who ordered my MRI and x-rays. She is leaning towards spinal cause. I have severe Osteoarthritis and many more battles to face.
Thanks for your ideas, Helen


Cher, first I hear you about continuing treatment for PD in SC & TN which turned into a truly horrific experience. I know of someone living in SC and her psychiatrist - suddenly, without warning - decided to lower her anti-anxiety medications all at once and she ended up in the ER. He never weaned her off properly and despite being called on the carpet for his extremely poor treatment of care - refused to help her. But back to you.
Have you ever suffered a fall and hit your head? Even years ago? Time does not matter. This happened to me and it took one year for TBI symptoms to arise. I am still suffering 4 years later. When I lay on my pillow on my right side (where the injury took place) I actually feel a "hardness" there also. I believe it's scar tissue under my scalp.
My MRI and CT Scans of my brain were also all negative. A concussion does not show up on such tests.
My neck is as hard as a rock due to an anxiety condition. I had "trigger point" injections in my neck which was a bit helpful. But everyone is different - might be truly beneficial to you. I am 68 y.o. and have degenerative disc disease and 4 herniated discs which can add to my head pain. No surprise I developed migraines after my fall.
Neck, back PT might be helpful. Migraine medications might also help with your severe pain. And there is also stress and anxiety which is simply adding to your pain. I would suggest a yoga/meditation plan. Do everything you can to decrease stress. Which I believe is at the root of so many health conditions. When I actually did develop symptoms a year after my fall I had every type of head pain imaginable. Severe stabbing jolts of pain, all over my head to constant throbbing pain and everything in between. If it is a neck condition most certainly it impacts your head. In fact, even the top of your shoulders could be the culprit. And it goes without saying, you certainly need a good neurologist!! The very best of luck to you. I more than understand what you are going through. Hang in there!


I have similar issues with pain in the back of my neck going to the back of my head into the left side of my head because I have a Traumatic Brain Injury and because of my TBI, I have vision issues, hearing issues, trouble with memory, confusion, severe Dizziness and Epilepsy Seizures. Right now I am taking Keppra 1000mg Twice Daily and my NEUROLOGIST is changing my Keppra over to Depakote and weaning me off the Keppra. I am waiting for the pharmacy to process the Rx and deliver it to me so I can begin the treatment. With the Depakote 750mg Twice Daily.


I have a similar pain that radiates down through my face into the jaw and teeth, a trigeminal nerve problem. My dentist just told me to find a craniosacral specialist, usually a chiropractor, for the adjustment. It’s worked for me in the past many years ago, so I’m looking for a practitioner where I now live. Good luck to you stopping this misery!

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I'll give it a try. Thanks


I'll give it a try. Thanks

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The next week after posting this, I broke out with Shingles on the right side of my face. Yikes! The blisters are almost gone, some remaining in my nose and throat. An extremely unpleasant experience which has left me with some pain, not as bad as initially but still noteworthy. A chiropractor has helped me in the past with trigeminal neuropathy, but not this time!

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