Having a scan this week to see if I have pancreatic cancer

Posted by pdawson @pdawson, Mar 5, 2023

I have severe crohns and have had pancreatitis 10 times.

I am scared

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My scans this week showed an adenocarcinoma in the pancreas. Waiting to imminently have this and the spleen removed. In England

In US is this done by laparoscope or is it by opening you up ( laparotomy) which I'm due to have ?

Very shocked and scared by it all . Now a new member of the C club

No one has mentioned creon to me - should I be taking it now ?


My scans this week showed an adenocarcinoma in the pancreas. Waiting to imminently have this and the spleen removed. In England

In US is this done by laparoscope or is it by opening you up ( laparotomy) which I'm due to have ?

Very shocked and scared by it all . Now a new member of the C club

No one has mentioned creon to me - should I be taking it now ?

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In the US, as elsewhere, this is normally an open procedure. There are some major centers and surgeons who do this laparoscopically.

Laparoscopic Whipples seeem to have lower infection rates, but the overall survival rates don't appear to be different.

What is important is the surgeon and the center being in the business of doing Whipples.


But mine is not a whipple as it is in the tail . Can that and removal of spleen be done by laporoscopy in US ?


My scans this week showed an adenocarcinoma in the pancreas. Waiting to imminently have this and the spleen removed. In England

In US is this done by laparoscope or is it by opening you up ( laparotomy) which I'm due to have ?

Very shocked and scared by it all . Now a new member of the C club

No one has mentioned creon to me - should I be taking it now ?

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My husbands was in the tail of pancreas and had it done laparoscope. It was well tolerated-no cutting open from outside.


But mine is not a whipple as it is in the tail . Can that and removal of spleen be done by laporoscopy in US ?

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My husband’s was in the tail. His surgery was done robotically. Doctor took out almost half of pancreas, the spleen and surrounding lymph nodes. That was done in the Fall. He is doing well to date.


My husband’s was in the tail. His surgery was done robotically. Doctor took out almost half of pancreas, the spleen and surrounding lymph nodes. That was done in the Fall. He is doing well to date.

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Thank you so much.

I am glad your husband is doing well.

Did your husband have pancreatitis prior to the op, do you know the size of the tumour and did your husband have chemo afterwards?


Thank you so much.

I am glad your husband is doing well.

Did your husband have pancreatitis prior to the op, do you know the size of the tumour and did your husband have chemo afterwards?

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Sorry to bother you but can you also tell me where your husband had this done please ?


Thank you so much.

I am glad your husband is doing well.

Did your husband have pancreatitis prior to the op, do you know the size of the tumour and did your husband have chemo afterwards?

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He did not have pancreatitis beforehand. He had no symptoms. It was found by accident during a scan of his heart. It was about an inch and a half by an inch and a half when converted. He had 6 rounds of chemo before the surgery and just finished the post op 6 additional treatments. I wish you the best.


Thank you so much. I wish your husband the very, very best. Sending positivity from London


But mine is not a whipple as it is in the tail . Can that and removal of spleen be done by laporoscopy in US ?

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Yes. My tumor was in the tail. It was removed, along with my spleen and an adrenal gland laporoscopically. Recovery a few weeks, time in hospital 3 nights. Great surgeon in Atlanta, Dr Eddie Abdalla.

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