Have you tried the new Protocol 525 product for neuropathy relief?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Apr 21, 2020

I have used the original version of the Protocol 525 product (https://theprotocolworks.com/) since 2016. I have idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy with the only symptom being numbness in both legs. When I started taking the protocol, the numbness was just below my knees. After 2 months, the numbness seems to be just above the ankles which is subjective on my part with no additional testing. I do feel it is a win-win for me as my neuropathy has not progressed like I was told it would by the neurologist. I have continued taking the protocol in hopes that it may continue to roll back the numbness symptoms. I have noticed some new feeling in my feet in the last 2 months. Some feeling has returned to me feet and they seem to feel better lately although I still have the numbness – hard to describe the difference.

The Protocol 525 is not a cure for neuropathy. It treats the pain and discomfort symptoms of neuropathy without the drugs which have their own side effects. Have you tried the Protocol 525 or the original protocol? Did it help? If yes, how? If no, please share.

Note: I have no commercial investment in the protocol and I am sharing this information as someone who has found some degree of relief using this combination of supplements. I also discussed these supplements with my Mayo primary care team before I started taking them. The care team sent them to the pharmacist for review who did not have any major concerns for me taking them.

*** Edited Oct 3, 2023 ***
For more information and a list of the ingredients, please see the frequently asked questions on the Protocol's website here - https://theprotocolworks.com/faq/.

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Has anyone tried the supplements called; Protocol 525 for peripheral neuropathy? The patient and creators name is Bob Diamond. I just came across this group on FB. I joined the group last night in order to get more information from people afflicted with neuropathy. Please let me know before I buy into it.


Has anyone tried the supplements called; Protocol 525 for peripheral neuropathy? The patient and creators name is Bob Diamond. I just came across this group on FB. I joined the group last night in order to get more information from people afflicted with neuropathy. Please let me know before I buy into it.

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Hi @d13 I moved your post to a conversation that is discussing the same thing.

What information have you discovered about protocol 525?


Hi @d13 I moved your post to a conversation that is discussing the same thing.

What information have you discovered about protocol 525?

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I googled it and didn't find any negative reviews about it. I'm still hesitant about purchasing for two reasons; one being that I need to consult with my oncologist first and the other is about the price. It is a rather steep price for supplements.


I googled it and didn't find any negative reviews about it. I'm still hesitant about purchasing for two reasons; one being that I need to consult with my oncologist first and the other is about the price. It is a rather steep price for supplements.

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@d13 I have been a member of the Facebook group since 2016 and have also taken the protocol of supplements before the Protocol 525 became a product. It has helped me. We used to order all of the vitamins and hemp oil from Amazon.com and maintained a list of the links for ordering everything on the Facebook groups page. We all complained about having to take so many pills and capsules and Bob Diamond worked with a local pharmaceutical company in Florida on combining the different vitamins and supplements we were taking into fewer capsules. So we went from ordering supplements of different quantities which meant you always had to be watching when you needed to order more of any one vitamin to ordering once a month or every couple of months. The best part was going from having to take 20+ capsules a day to 12 capsules a day which is how the product got it's name 525 (5 in the morning, 2 at noon, 5 in the evening).

If I remember right the price we paid when we had to order each one separately was around $6/day if you added up all of the different costs for each supplement and divided it by the daily cost. The cost of the 525 is $8/day which includes shipping for the U.S. I don't look at the cost as being steep compared to a lot of other stuff that I have purchased when looking for something to help my condition. I did have to work it into my budget and understand we all have our struggles with making ends meet.

Definitely talk with your doctor or oncologist first. I did run it by my Mayo doc who ran it by a pharmacist and they didn't have any issues for me taking it.

There are some frequently asked questions on their website that may answer some of your concerns/questions and they also have some testimonials of members in the Facebook group who also take the protocol on the website:
-- https://theprotocol525.com/faq/

It's not a cure but it may help provide relief from some of your symptoms.


@d13 I have been a member of the Facebook group since 2016 and have also taken the protocol of supplements before the Protocol 525 became a product. It has helped me. We used to order all of the vitamins and hemp oil from Amazon.com and maintained a list of the links for ordering everything on the Facebook groups page. We all complained about having to take so many pills and capsules and Bob Diamond worked with a local pharmaceutical company in Florida on combining the different vitamins and supplements we were taking into fewer capsules. So we went from ordering supplements of different quantities which meant you always had to be watching when you needed to order more of any one vitamin to ordering once a month or every couple of months. The best part was going from having to take 20+ capsules a day to 12 capsules a day which is how the product got it's name 525 (5 in the morning, 2 at noon, 5 in the evening).

If I remember right the price we paid when we had to order each one separately was around $6/day if you added up all of the different costs for each supplement and divided it by the daily cost. The cost of the 525 is $8/day which includes shipping for the U.S. I don't look at the cost as being steep compared to a lot of other stuff that I have purchased when looking for something to help my condition. I did have to work it into my budget and understand we all have our struggles with making ends meet.

Definitely talk with your doctor or oncologist first. I did run it by my Mayo doc who ran it by a pharmacist and they didn't have any issues for me taking it.

There are some frequently asked questions on their website that may answer some of your concerns/questions and they also have some testimonials of members in the Facebook group who also take the protocol on the website:
-- https://theprotocol525.com/faq/

It's not a cure but it may help provide relief from some of your symptoms.

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Thank you so much. I needed confirmation from someone who is taking this. I have so many supplements at this time, so I will need to compare what is in the 525 supplements with what I'm currently taking. And then maybe give what I have away to someone who can use them. I'm hoping to hear from my oncology nurse today, so I can run this by her and she can relay this to my oncologist. I need him to at least tell me if what I'm experiencing with symptoms besides the neuropathy in my feet, are a result from the chemotherapy. If I do decide to start the protocol 525, what quantity would be best to start with; 30 day, or 60 day? Thanks, again.


Thank you so much. I needed confirmation from someone who is taking this. I have so many supplements at this time, so I will need to compare what is in the 525 supplements with what I'm currently taking. And then maybe give what I have away to someone who can use them. I'm hoping to hear from my oncology nurse today, so I can run this by her and she can relay this to my oncologist. I need him to at least tell me if what I'm experiencing with symptoms besides the neuropathy in my feet, are a result from the chemotherapy. If I do decide to start the protocol 525, what quantity would be best to start with; 30 day, or 60 day? Thanks, again.

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There is a picture at the top of this discussion that shows the pills and ingredients for each of the capsules of the 525. You might want to copy/print it to take to your doctor if that would make it easier for you. If you haven't been on R-ALA before, you would want to order the ramp up version of the protocol which comes with 100 mg R-ALA capsules so that you can follow a ramp up program to acclimate your body to taking 1200 mg daily of R-ALA . I never did that since I was taking R-ALA before I found the protocol group. I would just order the 30 day supply but you can save a little money by ordering 2 or 3 months. The other caveat is when ordering the normal 525 product they make you check a box that you have done the ramp up.

It can take awhile to have any results. Members of the Facebook group have mentioned results in a few weeks while others like myself it took a few months or longer (2 months before I felt it was making a difference for me). Also, even thought I feel it has helped myself and others we are all different and it may or may not help you. I'm really hoping it works for you also,. You might want to join the Facebook group (Join link on the website here - https://theprotocol525.com/) so that you can search their files and watch some of the videos where members have discussed various questions and topics.


Has anyone tried the supplements called; Protocol 525 for peripheral neuropathy? The patient and creators name is Bob Diamond. I just came across this group on FB. I joined the group last night in order to get more information from people afflicted with neuropathy. Please let me know before I buy into it.

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I took Protocol 525 for 16 days including ramp up and had to stop because of significant diarrhea which I am still dealing with a week later. Taking Tramadol may have also been a contributor which I have also stopped.


There is a picture at the top of this discussion that shows the pills and ingredients for each of the capsules of the 525. You might want to copy/print it to take to your doctor if that would make it easier for you. If you haven't been on R-ALA before, you would want to order the ramp up version of the protocol which comes with 100 mg R-ALA capsules so that you can follow a ramp up program to acclimate your body to taking 1200 mg daily of R-ALA . I never did that since I was taking R-ALA before I found the protocol group. I would just order the 30 day supply but you can save a little money by ordering 2 or 3 months. The other caveat is when ordering the normal 525 product they make you check a box that you have done the ramp up.

It can take awhile to have any results. Members of the Facebook group have mentioned results in a few weeks while others like myself it took a few months or longer (2 months before I felt it was making a difference for me). Also, even thought I feel it has helped myself and others we are all different and it may or may not help you. I'm really hoping it works for you also,. You might want to join the Facebook group (Join link on the website here - https://theprotocol525.com/) so that you can search their files and watch some of the videos where members have discussed various questions and topics.

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Thank you very much. This is going to be helpful. I did join the fb group recently. Thanks again, John.


I took Protocol 525 for 16 days including ramp up and had to stop because of significant diarrhea which I am still dealing with a week later. Taking Tramadol may have also been a contributor which I have also stopped.

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Thank you for your advice. I haven't decided yet, but the diarrhea maybe wouldn't be too bad for a little while anyway, because I get constipated easily.


There is a picture at the top of this discussion that shows the pills and ingredients for each of the capsules of the 525. You might want to copy/print it to take to your doctor if that would make it easier for you. If you haven't been on R-ALA before, you would want to order the ramp up version of the protocol which comes with 100 mg R-ALA capsules so that you can follow a ramp up program to acclimate your body to taking 1200 mg daily of R-ALA . I never did that since I was taking R-ALA before I found the protocol group. I would just order the 30 day supply but you can save a little money by ordering 2 or 3 months. The other caveat is when ordering the normal 525 product they make you check a box that you have done the ramp up.

It can take awhile to have any results. Members of the Facebook group have mentioned results in a few weeks while others like myself it took a few months or longer (2 months before I felt it was making a difference for me). Also, even thought I feel it has helped myself and others we are all different and it may or may not help you. I'm really hoping it works for you also,. You might want to join the Facebook group (Join link on the website here - https://theprotocol525.com/) so that you can search their files and watch some of the videos where members have discussed various questions and topics.

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I have also wondered about trying this and found this recent interchange very interesting. Do we know which symptoms are most relieved by the 525 protocol? My main concern is increasing numbness which is impacting my balance. I have some pain but it is not as much a concern as feeling like I am going to topple over when just walking around the house. Thank you

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