Have you tried looking for other treatment options?

Posted by florabel @florabel, Mar 29 7:23am

I’ve been suffering from long covid since January 15, 2024 . I have chronic fatigue, diarrhea, blurry eyes, foggy head, palpitations, high blood pressure and just general malaise on most days. I started going on YouTube to check out any recovery stories and I found Raelan Agle who has interviewed a lot of long covid sufferers who have recovered particularly Robert who is a nurse in New York who recovered and shared his story. Check out Raelan Agle on YouTube and her channel might help you. She’s also interviewed doctors who are helping long covid sufferers. Good luck to everyone.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

God Bless You! Only another long hauler understands what Long Covid is like.

I went to an Integrative Medicine doctor and I am so sensitive to everything. I could not tolerate the supplements, meds or IV infusions to treat long covid.

I pray something comes out soon to help all of us battling this malady.

Praying for you. Blessings....

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