Have you had to bring your children with you to appointments at Mayo?

Posted by Chelsea L. @clockrem12, Jun 27, 2017

What did you do with your children while you were at appointments? Any resources you found to be helpful?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Visiting Mayo Clinic Support Group.

What a great question, Chelsea @clockrem12,

You'll notice that I moved your message to this 'Visiting Mayo Clinic' group, as we have a number of similar, relevant discussions here. I'm tagging @jamienolson (Moderator), to see if she would like to add her insights, and suggestions,and tag other members?


Thank you, @kanaazpereira.

Great question, Chelsea @clockrem12! A lot of people bring children with them to clinic appointments. The floor I work on has a children's area, a pint size desk and chair, a few activity center consoles on the wall, a TV, and numerous computers available for patient use. The reception desk also has crayons and paper for kids to take with them.

When I visit the clinic for appointments with my kids, I make sure to pack some snacks and a drink. We usually pack some books or play a game on the patient computers while waiting in the lobby. I'm all about rewarding good behavior (some may call it bribery :)) with ice cream from Carols cup after an appointment- http://www.carrollscorn.com/carrolls-cup.html. Or during the summer if we have an appointment on a Thursday in June, July or August, we will wander over to Thursdays on 1st and 3rd. This is the perfect place to catch some afternoon live music, shop, eat ice cream or just take a break from being a patient. Here is a link with details for those interested in checking it out- https://www.downtownrochestermn.com/events/tof

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