Have you eliminated AFIB by normalizing thyroid hormones?
Has anyone eliminated their AFIB by bringing their thyroid levels to the normal range. I was diagnosed with sub-clinical hyperthyroidism and Graves when my AFIB was discovered. Methimazole brought my TSH level to normal, and I went from being in AFIB 100 percent of the time to under 20 percent of the time. I'm considering an ablation, but I want to make sure I've reached the maximum effectiveness through the thyroid medication first.
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My thyroid is the opposite. Hypothyroidism. I have been taking Levothyroxine to lower my TSH level. Last blood test 5 days ago showed my TSH level back in the normal range. BUT, according to my Kardia Mobile I am still in Afib. My primary health care provider informed me that I will stay on Levothyroxine for an extended period even though my TSH level has gone down. Kind of like taking a statin to keep cholesterol low. I see my cardiologist next week and will ask about the potential impact of normal TSH vs continued Afib.
Make sure you are not consuming anything with caffeine which can cause AFIB.
You used the correct operative word "can" not "will" when you mentioned caffeine and Afib.
My wife did not get her thyroid levels correct until she had values for T4 and free T3 checked. Until then she was stuck with synthetic thyroid drugs that left her without any energy. She has since used desiccated pig thyroid for the last 30 years. Now she does not have Afib but I bring it up because many people do struggle on synthetic thyroid drugs and have turned to desiccated pig thyroid which has both T4 and free T3. Synthetic thyroid only gives you T4. Our bodies do are supposed to convert some of the T4 to free T3. But many people do not convert the synthetic thyroid hence they are left with low functional levels of thyroid. I wouldn't know if this has any effect on Afib but I am bring it up as an FYI.
I had been drinking one cup of coffee per day. It was my understanding that such a small amount wouldn't make a difference. But because I will try anything to get back to normal, I'm giving that up. I also gave up the small amount of alcohol I was consuming. Thanks for your input.
I don't have Afib but have been having heartbeat issues. When I stand my heart "races" and I am also often lightheaded and dizzy. I believe that is due an overdose of the synthetic thyroid hormone, levothyroxine. I have been on a full replacement dose after treatment for Graves disease forty years ago. My "heart" symptoms started about 2 years ago. Again I believe that this due to an overdose of levothyroxine. My challenge on this is that my serum TSH is in the "normal" range. Thus my primary care physician is reluctant to make a change. Any recommendations on what else to test for? Perhaps a change in the source of the medication? I am currently using the generic from PUBLIX. Prior to this I used Synthroid.
Two years?! Then what does your doctor think is the issue? I don't think an endocrinologist would tell you different. I also had Graves. I had thyroid ablation in 2003. Do you always get T3 T4 and TSH panel? You don't mention other symptoms: insomnia; wired/tired feeling; muscle weakness or soreness - especially in quads; hair loss or thinning issues; sensitivity to heat; weight loss? First glance, it doesn't sound like overdose to me. TSH is always in normal range? I would look to other issues. First, are you drinking enough fluid? Fruits, vegetables? No other overindulgence of caffeine or sugar (chocolate, tea) which can jack you up? Might be something as simple as electrolyte imbalance. Or anxiety. Did your primary suggest cardio referral? That would be my first go2. Lightheaded and dizzy doesn't compute with euthyroid. FYI: I take Synthroid because it has less variance. I assume you know never to self-adjust and wait 6 weeks for testing after doctor recommended dose change.
Thank you for the helpful comments/questions. I do plan on going back to synthroid (brand) and will request additional tests (T3, T4, TSH). One of my challenges is to find an endocrinologist who focuses on thyroid conditions.
I eliminated mine by eliminating all caffeine and drinking more water when I was drinking very little.
In Sept I had an Embolic Stroke wth rapd and persistent AF. What caused this - on the 4th day in hospital a carotid arteries scan showed a tumour shadow on my thyroid.
Aguing Endocrinologist to wait 6 moths after the stroke, my surgeon carried out my Thyroidectomy in 4 months after biopsy, voice box tests were done and there was a backload of colon cancers held it back in the 3rd month.
I can keep my TSH at 1.3-1.7 by Synthroid 125mg and reducing to 100 3-4 days each month.
I changed to Synthroid as
More reliable
Date of Expiru
Sealed container
Kiddu Lock
Easier to get pills ouy
Condensation pellet inside
My T3 is. boosted to normal by 2 Brazil Nuts daily
My H/Rate rapid nut controlled now with CCB Dilriazem, shows 47avg bpm at night.
I take 120 CD Ditiazem early morning daily only.
Dropped off the Bisoprolol in December - Low BP and dizzy.
My Potassium level dropped to 4.5 now.
cheri JOY. (tuckie)