Has your Primary Care Provider been helpful?

Posted by Lisa, Volunteer Mentor @lls8000, Mar 29, 2020

Good morning, I have been diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma, and am still undergoing scans and biopsies to determine staging. I’m very early in the processing have a lot to learn! I have generally been very health and am still fairly young (49). I have a PCP, but I have had little to no reason to see her; once every three years or so. Has your PCP been helpful, or have you relied on the oncologists and pulmonologists? I’m wondering if or when I should reach out. Thanks.

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I am being seen at a Mayo Clinic Health System site close to my home. These providers are closely linked with others in the Mayo network, including those in Rochester. I’ve been impressed with their overall team approach. I know I’m fortunate to have such convenient access to this care.

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@lls8000- You are very lucky. I live in southern RI and have to take the train 1 hr to Mass General, but it's worth the trip. Driving to Boston is a horrible experience and just adds too much stress to my being already stressed. I'm also very thankful for being a member of the Connect and being a mentor is such an honor. It really helps me get through some tough times. MGH, Mass General has a fantastic team approach. I have a PCP near home, a pulmonologist 20 minutes away and then my Cancer team at MGH I have 5 Dr's.
I think that it's very important to trust your team.

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