Has aquatherapy helped you with chronic pain?

Posted by ellymayhem @ellymayhem, Aug 25, 2023

I have been diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, severe levoconvex scoliosis, osteoporosis and arthritis. Have a great deal of pain in low back and hips. Dr. Has prescribed aqua therapy. I'm worried it will make pain worse. Has anyone out there had relief from their pain with this type of therapy?

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I’ve had water therapy with my first back surgery and I loved it , it helps a lot with pain ,balance ,healing and strength

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I had aqua therapy before I had my hip replacements and it was not a lot of help but in recovery after the second one it was very helpful in getting my muscles strong again. in my case the physiotherapist actually got in the water too so she could do what would be normal physiotherapist but it's easier when there's no gravity


Aqua therapy is a miracle. An amazing gift to people with chronic pain such as myself. I received a prescription from my doctor for a 6-week, 3X a week therapy. I was very depressed when I started. I could not even walk to one end of the pool. After 6 weeks of an amazing progress, I had the option of joining the 'club' which was very inexpensive. I kept going once a week for 3 years! Then I moved to another state. I miss my saline/saltwater pool very much. I go to a pool and do my exercises, but a salt/saline pool is the best. I could skip in the pool like a kid again! (I do not know how to swim.) It is hard for me to describe all the benefits: no longer depressed, more mobile, more energy, weight loss . . . I made friends at the pool. I hated it at first and felt discouraged but ending up loving it.


Good luck on Tuesday. Give yourself a few sessions with the physical therapist to get used to the pool, and have the PT get a feel for how you will be helped most. I hope after some time there, you begin to feel the pool’s benefits.
Let us know how it goes for you!

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Had my 1st session today and I had a reaction I didn't expect. They had to sit me on a lift and when the therapist started lowering it I started getting scared... when the water covered my legs she stopped because I started having a panic attack. She tried going a little lower and I couldn't breathe. I was holding onto the lift pole so hard my hands hurt.
She stood in the pool alongside me for a couple minutes then raised me up and when I got above the water line I could breathe again. I had a hard time walking back to the locker room... had to walk alongside the pool and it terrified me... I was so off balance... getting dressed was hard and trying to put my walker in the car was almost impossible. I finally got it in and got a crying jag in the parking lot. I truly don't think I can do this. Tonight my back pain is worse than normal and I keep reliving the fear I felt and crying. Not sure if I will be able to get into bed... things seem so hopeless right now. My therapist was very concerned and patient with me but I'm not sure if I can go thru that again.


Had my 1st session today and I had a reaction I didn't expect. They had to sit me on a lift and when the therapist started lowering it I started getting scared... when the water covered my legs she stopped because I started having a panic attack. She tried going a little lower and I couldn't breathe. I was holding onto the lift pole so hard my hands hurt.
She stood in the pool alongside me for a couple minutes then raised me up and when I got above the water line I could breathe again. I had a hard time walking back to the locker room... had to walk alongside the pool and it terrified me... I was so off balance... getting dressed was hard and trying to put my walker in the car was almost impossible. I finally got it in and got a crying jag in the parking lot. I truly don't think I can do this. Tonight my back pain is worse than normal and I keep reliving the fear I felt and crying. Not sure if I will be able to get into bed... things seem so hopeless right now. My therapist was very concerned and patient with me but I'm not sure if I can go thru that again.

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I am so sorry to read this. I had the advantage of coming in on a motorized wheelchair with my husband driving our accessible van and helping me get my clothes off and on. I also had met the physical therapist before, and had been in aquacize in that same pool for years. I had also been trying to get into Aquatherapy since my neuropathy hit.
You can’t argue with a fear or a near panic attack, and going it alone did not work. So be it. I’m glad you had a good cry, because you were very brave just to attempt something so daunting alone.
Stay in touch here. Thanks for this update, and we’ll go “back to the drawing board” of our experiences here to try to find you some relief.


Aqua therapy is a miracle. An amazing gift to people with chronic pain such as myself. I received a prescription from my doctor for a 6-week, 3X a week therapy. I was very depressed when I started. I could not even walk to one end of the pool. After 6 weeks of an amazing progress, I had the option of joining the 'club' which was very inexpensive. I kept going once a week for 3 years! Then I moved to another state. I miss my saline/saltwater pool very much. I go to a pool and do my exercises, but a salt/saline pool is the best. I could skip in the pool like a kid again! (I do not know how to swim.) It is hard for me to describe all the benefits: no longer depressed, more mobile, more energy, weight loss . . . I made friends at the pool. I hated it at first and felt discouraged but ending up loving it.

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Your words are very encouraging. I had total hip replacement surgery 6 months ago. I am in severe pain now. Going to see another dr. today. Pray for me! Anyway, I've been looking for a place that offers water therapy, but cannot find anything in my area. Any ideas? I think it would help a lot. Many years ago, a friend and I did water therapy once a week for exercise. I remember we really enjoyed it. I live in Simpsonville, KY, just outside of Louisville.


Your words are very encouraging. I had total hip replacement surgery 6 months ago. I am in severe pain now. Going to see another dr. today. Pray for me! Anyway, I've been looking for a place that offers water therapy, but cannot find anything in my area. Any ideas? I think it would help a lot. Many years ago, a friend and I did water therapy once a week for exercise. I remember we really enjoyed it. I live in Simpsonville, KY, just outside of Louisville.

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KORT There are two locations in Louisville. One is 9 miles from Simpsonville and the other 12 miles from Simpsonville. Please let me know if you need more information.


Your words are very encouraging. I had total hip replacement surgery 6 months ago. I am in severe pain now. Going to see another dr. today. Pray for me! Anyway, I've been looking for a place that offers water therapy, but cannot find anything in my area. Any ideas? I think it would help a lot. Many years ago, a friend and I did water therapy once a week for exercise. I remember we really enjoyed it. I live in Simpsonville, KY, just outside of Louisville.

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I had hip replacement surgery in 2015. I have had severe to moderate pain until last year. Scheduled with a Neuro PT. Unlike other physical therapists who put me on
Machines for months at a time, she developed an exercise program that she stayed by my side as I completed the exercises. Six weeks later, and my continuing the regimen at least two times a week, I am pain free. This may not be an option for you, but I will be eternally grateful that I was treated by the amazing PT.


I have struggled with pain from my hips down since a spinal fusion (with an allograft inserted through my side) for spondylolisthesis, and following that osteonecrosis of both knees. Because of Covid I had to wait in terrible pain for knee replacements but finally got them in 2020 and 2021. Still ongoing unexplainable pain. Finally I decided to do whatever I could to get a diagnosis and help. I now have a rheumatologist and a pain management specialist as well as an amazing physical therapist. Lots of tests. At this point I am diagnosed with fibromyalgia -my CNS has reset to high alert from years of pain- and Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome from bursitis and labral tears.
My amazing PT and my pain management dr both suggested aqua therapy, and since I have a pool here in California I have been exercising in it almost every day. I have to say, for a person who has never enjoyed exercising and never stuck to a routine, I have been loving it. It DOES NOT HURT for me to paddle back and forth with my pool noodle for a half hour, and I even do some leg lift exercises per my PT. I have come to look forward to it because it gives me relief for that period of time and I believe I’m getting stronger. My pain management dr also started me on Savella 12.5 mg and that has brought the pain down a notch- such a relief. I also do cognitive brain therapy to work on my brain resetting re: pain. In short, I love the aquatherapy! I will be starting an actual class at our community pool when the weather is too cool to use my own pool without expensive heating, and I am nervous about that, but we’ll see.


I started warm water pt a few weeks ago and found a wam water pool near me that I have been going to in between therapy sessions. It is amazing to me how much pain relief I get just being in the water! Being able to move without the pressure on my joints is wonderful. Of course it comes right back as I step out of the pool but I’m hoping that will get better with some time. I highly recommend warm water pt to anyone with joint or muscle pain. Check you local YMCA - some have warm water pools and accept silver sneakers if you have that. Hope this helps!


Fear is an emotion that we feel when we are threatened or in danger. It can be caused by something happening in the present or by anticipating or expecting something bad in the future. Fear involves changes in our body and mind that prepare us to act to protect ourselves. Fear can be unpleasant and strong. Irrational fear of a perceived danger, one that really does not exist, is even more frightening.

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