has anyone used inhaled Tobramycin for pseudomonas colonization

Posted by mamiebarker @mamiebarker, May 1 7:21am

after nine months of repeated flareups my doctor has prescribed a new treatment plan for me , inhaled Tobramycin 28 days on 28 days off. I am hoping this is going to be a game changer for me as Bronchiectasis rules my life these days. I would love to hear about anyone’s experience experience Using this treatment protocol

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I tried it but could not continue after a short trial due to unusual side effects. Some people do fine with it and it really helps them live with chronic Pseudo. Others find it very harsh on their throat and lungs and makes them cough alot. I guess you just have to try and see. Some pulmo's will do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off instead.


Also quite a few people lose their voices while on it but that might normalize after awhile or you may find things to help with that like honey etc.


Hi, I was diagnosed last October with Pseudo colonized and after 2 weeks on IV treatment (I am intolerant to many antibiotics) I then went to 1 week a month Tobramycin nebulized twice a day. It was difficult to tolerate and after 7 months my doctor took me off of it. Airway clearance in the main thing I am doing now and 3X a week Azrithromycin pill which I seem to tolerate in low doses. (I was treated for MAC 10 years ago) Give it a try and see how you do. It may just be the ticket as everyone is different. Good luck and take care.


I am currently nebulizing Tobramycin twice a day for chronic pseudomonas. My doctor has told me I need to be on the it for 60 days. I have been taking it for two weeks. I lost my voice at the beginning but that problem has resolved. I am coughing a lot, am very short of breath and the mucous in my lungs is beginning to break up. I was feeling awful from the pseudomonas so quitting is not an option for me. I also took two weeks of Levofloxacin along with the Tobramycin. I am also on the Big 3 for MAC. The pseudomonas has made me sick for a year and two rounds of Cipro did not stop it so I will definitely finish the two months of Tobramycin. Good luck with your treatment.


@mamiebarker Hi. Yes I used inhaled Tobramycin along with Cipro for Pseudomona infection. I took Cipro for 10 days and was only able to take the prescribed doses (twice daily) of Tobramycin for 2 weeks instead of the prescribed month. I tried hard to complete the month of Tobramycin but just could not due to soreness, inflammation, and tightening of my throat along with increased coughing. It has been about 6 months now since completion and I still feel great from the course of antibiotics. I saw my pulmonologist the other day and asked if he thought I had eliminated the Pseudos. He responded that they are very difficult to eradicate and I probably just knocked them down. I will be doing a sputum test shortly if I can get enough sputum up.
Best of luck to you....Kate

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