Has anyone had success with TENS machines and massagers on the market?

Posted by dougies @dougies, Nov 28, 2023

My neuropathy mostly effects the bottom of my feet (numbness) but slowly has been moving up through my toes and feet. Some clinics offer these TENS units plus a few other treatment modalities at a very high cost. Makes more sense to just buy the machines. Have they helped anyone out there?

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Hi - I am asking this for my husband! Where do you put the tens pads on your legs. He uses a tens for his back - and it helps a lot. His neuropathy is not painful but his legs tingle *heavy tingle* and he has trouble sleeping because of it - he was diagnosed at Mayo about 5 or 6 years ago. He is also having trouble with balance and walking.
Thank you

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I am not a doctor but I needed something for my restless leg and was given by my doctor the medication "pramipexole". I think it helps with tingling in the legs. Like anything it does have side effects but they are manageable.You might want to visit with your doctor and do not forget the exercise like a stationary bike.


I am not a doctor but I needed something for my restless leg and was given by my doctor the medication "pramipexole". I think it helps with tingling in the legs. Like anything it does have side effects but they are manageable.You might want to visit with your doctor and do not forget the exercise like a stationary bike.

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Thank you so much. We are not familiar with pramipexole but will check it out. thanks


If you have access to a YMCA or some facility with an indoor heated swimming pool I have found benefits to the legs by doing specific exercises prescribed by a physical therapist or doctor. One of the best is walking backwards which of course you can do anywhere. There is no substitute for exercise.


I have neuropathy in both feet. Testing a TENS device on my forearm gives ample sensation but with electrodes on each foot, or both electrodes on one foot, there is no sensation felt due to nerve damage.
Do you consider it possible, that while no sensation is felt, that some nerve benefit could be achieved?
Thank you.


I have neuropathy in both feet. Testing a TENS device on my forearm gives ample sensation but with electrodes on each foot, or both electrodes on one foot, there is no sensation felt due to nerve damage.
Do you consider it possible, that while no sensation is felt, that some nerve benefit could be achieved?
Thank you.

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Check out scrambler therapy. Much stronger than 10's


I have neuropathy in both feet. Testing a TENS device on my forearm gives ample sensation but with electrodes on each foot, or both electrodes on one foot, there is no sensation felt due to nerve damage.
Do you consider it possible, that while no sensation is felt, that some nerve benefit could be achieved?
Thank you.

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Welcome @forestlodge, There is another discussion where members have shared their experience with using a TENS unit that might be helpful to read what has been shared.
--- Has anyone had success with TENS machines and massagers on the market?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/has-anyone-had-success-with-tens-machines-and-massagers-on-the-market/.

I tried an expensive Zopec DT-1200 when I first started looking for something that would help but it really didn't do much for me. It did give my wife quite a shock when she decided she wanted to put her feet on it to see what it felt like 😂. It had quite a few different settings and levels of intensity. I could tell the difference if I cranked it up but it didn't help my neuropathy at all. I stopped using if after about 6 weeks.

I see from your other post that you also are getting some results from taking Alpha Lipoic acid, B12 and D3 daily under the supervision of your doctor. I think that it's great to hear that your doctor is working with you to help the symptoms. If you haven't already seen this, the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has a pretty comprehensive list of supplements that have been found to help with neuropathy on their list of complementary and alternative treatments here - https://www.foundationforpn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Complementary-and-Alternative-Treatments-Revised-2020-final.-1.pdf

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