Has anyone had success with Amitriptyline in reducing pain?

Posted by ripley @ripley, Jun 9 1:53pm

I've had fibromyalgia for 2.5 years and haven't tried any medications yet. But I'm having severe pain most days I've read Amitriptyline is one medication used, but also read it doesn't help much with pain. Wondering if anyone has tried this med and what your experience was with pain relief?

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No it does not help much for pain. It does cause drowsiness and weight gain. I can't take it. Each person is different. It did not help my mother in law or husband.
It does help some people go to sleep.


I do use Amitriptyline, but for migraine prevention. I haven’t noticed any reduction on other pain with it, though. And I have gained about 5 pounds since starting on it 3 months ago.


I think it’s one of those things where frustratingly, everyone responds differently. I just had a conversation with my Neuology NP about this and she suggested nortryptiline over amitryptiline, sayings it’s less fatiguing, for what that’s worth. She did say they tend to be better for headaches, however.

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