Has anyone had MRI suspicious for malignancy but negative Mammo + US?

Posted by gardenfairy @gardenfairy, Nov 30, 2023

My breast MRI last week showed a very large lesion with clustered ring enhancement and washout that radiologist defines as "suspicious for malignancy", but absolutely nothing showed on subsequent mammo and ultrasound. My surgeon is concerned it could be invasive lobular cancer or lobular cancer in situ. Has anyone been diagnosed with similar lesions based on similar testing? Thanks!

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I would definitely push for an MRI! I am surprised an MRI wasn't done pre-surgery as it does give a much better look at size etc. I assume your surgeon is going back in for better margins - I had 2cm ILC with very narrow if no margin but they felt radiation would address. An MRI seems to be so warranted to help direct your surgical strategy. Keep us posted. xoxo


I was diagnosed with ILC. I found the lump. Went for a Mammogram and the technician said she didn't see anything. I made her feel the lump. Dr performed a US, and said the lump was a few mm (not big at all). Dr ordered a biopsy; second doctor said it was approx. an inch. 3rd doctor (Oncologist Surgeon) confirmed the size and performed a lumpectomy. The lump was over 3 inches, 29 lymph nodes were removed (2 were cancerous).
I have asked for an MRI now; the doctor told me that it wouldn't necessarily show up on an MRI. Why does it always have to be a fight to get the tests we need? They say early detection is everything.


Hello, thanks for your insightful comments. What is your advise for someone like me who had a preventative double mastectomy for LCIS 1 year ago? All the doctors, my surgeon, oncologist, primary md, tells me I don’t need to do routine scans anymore but to just feel for lumps. I feel that an MRI would be most effective in detecting abnormalities before it becomes later in stage. But act the same time, it has been only a year ago since my surgery and probably there is trauma to the tissue that will show up on the MRI that needs to be ruled out as non malignant. I am not sure if I am mentally ready to go through the stress again of waiting for biopsy results. Any advise is appreciated.

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I think you have to be your own advocate. You have a right to those tests the same as any other person. Early detection is everything. Not to mention piece of mind. Our daughter had a DMX, and an MRI for the next few years. She was 25 years old, she was diagnosed with triple negative.

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