Has anyone had brain mapping?
My neurologist has referred me to USF for brain mapping because my seizures are resistant to medication. My research online shows it can be a minor to major procedure.
Has anyone had it done? How involved was it? Did it help?
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Yes, I have had that done. It was actually done in the hospital when I underwent a several day study to find out how extensive my seizures were. I guess it also does depend on how your doctor writes up the order. Unfortunately, I never saw the results of it. He only talked with me about it. I am also very medication resistant, which makes it extremely challenging when trying to find the right meds to help with this condition. I found that because my seizures affect every part of my brain surgery is not an option for me. For me any information that gives me more insight as to where the seizures are affecting my part of the brain why they are happening where they’re happening, is insightful information. I am learning new information about it all the time. It is not painful. Just make sure that when you have the testing done that your doctor explains everything to you and ask as many questions as you possibly can if you are uncertain about the situation or the procedure. I wish you good luck with it. If you have any more questions, please feel free to hit anyone up here and I can comment again if necessary.
Hi @closetmonster93
Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us. I never did brain mapping and I got very interested in knowing more about this exam. As you already know, I am also resistant to medication.
The exams I did (EEG, Pet Scan and MRI) have already shown that my seizures start at my left temporal lobe and might stay there or go to my frontal lobe or even to my right hemisphere, evolving from a focal seizure to a tonic-clonic one. So, I asked myself: "would this exam bring additional information on my epilepsy for its treatment"?
Doing a research on brain mapping exam, it is mostly done before surgery. Surgery has already been discarded in my case, as it would bring me more harm than benefits.
Besides understanding where your seizures start and evolve through this brain mapping, how did this exam help you? It would be great if you could detail it more. Thank you so much in advance.
Kind regards,
Thank you for the information, I'll make sure to ask a bunch of questions.
How was your mapping procedure done? Were you hospitalized, taken off all medication and wired similar to an EEG? Stopping all meds is scary, I had a bad seizure when I was hospitalized, heard the nurse tell the doctor they called in the stroke team because my blood pressure went so high.
My brain mapping took place in 2020. I actually was seeing an eliptologist at this time, and he had a separate area within his clinic, where he performed the study. I have had epilepsy almost my entire life, however, none of my former doctors ever considered doing it, and I wanted to know if I was a candidate for surgery. I had wires attached to various parts of my head and then a cap like cover that covered all the wires. For me, I was monitored while these wires took readings of my brain. It was approximately 30 minutes long. It did not hurt, and he did not have me go off my medications. I liken it to a take home EEG, or an EEG done in the hospital, however, minus the awful smelling adhesive they use with those. This was not like that. The doctor also wanted to get a good idea, that if I did not fit candidacy for brain surgery, he would establish a treatment plan moving forward for my situation. Up until this point, I was 30 years seizure free, and I was experiencing now, both tonic clonic and petit mal seizures. After doing the brain mapping, the epileptologist confirmed that due to thy type of seizures that I have, I was not a candidate for brain surgery. For me, my seizures affect all areas of the brain, not just specific locations like some people. You ate able to see where they originate, and what areas they affect. It is very informative. Unfortunately, for my reason, surgery could not be done to correct or change it, so then a treatment plan is put in place, that is best for the type of seizures one suffers. Each person is different. I am glad I had it done, knowledge is power to me, to learn more about it, what areas of my brain are affected, and what I personally can do. Epilesy is a very complex medical condition, however, I want to know as much as possible.