Has anyone had a low platelet count of just 1?

Posted by johnbowrey @johnbowrey, May 19 10:08pm

I developed a bleeding mouth problem a few days ago followed quickly by leg rashes and bruising. Blood test gave doctors a surprise as it was only ONE … put on immunoglobulin drip (8 bottles) then a cocktail if pills (haven’t got names yet) and next day I was up to a count of FIVE. Hospital staff say they’ve not seen such a low count. Anyone else out there with similar? Any advice welcome.

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Have they tested your blood and found results? That would seem to be needed first. I only had that low after going through chemo.
Be good to yourself and get those doctors to get more information. There is a reason.


Have they tested your blood and found results? That would seem to be needed first. I only had that low after going through chemo.
Be good to yourself and get those doctors to get more information. There is a reason.

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Yes - tested twice in two days. Went from 1 to 5 after meds.


I hope they find out what is wrong. Please keep us posted.


Any chance of a tick borne disease? My dog's is at 38 because of lyme or anaplasma.


Good morning, @johnbowery Well, I’d say knife juggling as a new hobby is out of the question for you right now. 😉
Thrombocytopenia, which is a term for low platelets, can be caused by an underlying health condition such as a viral infection, autoimmune condition or sometimes certain medications can interfere with platelet production. A low platelet count can also be due to the bone marrow not producing enough platelets or the body destroying or using up the platelets that the bone marrow produces. Also the spleen could be holding onto too many platelets, meaning that the amount in the blood is too low. So your doctor will want to do a little more testing to get to the bottom of your mystery.

I found a couple of good articles for you that help explain why a platelet drop can happen. Here are the links:


Prior to having the infusions were you taking any medications daily such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin, antibiotics, etc.? Have you been tested for any autoimmune diseases or have you had any recent viral infections or illnesses?


Good morning, @johnbowery Well, I’d say knife juggling as a new hobby is out of the question for you right now. 😉
Thrombocytopenia, which is a term for low platelets, can be caused by an underlying health condition such as a viral infection, autoimmune condition or sometimes certain medications can interfere with platelet production. A low platelet count can also be due to the bone marrow not producing enough platelets or the body destroying or using up the platelets that the bone marrow produces. Also the spleen could be holding onto too many platelets, meaning that the amount in the blood is too low. So your doctor will want to do a little more testing to get to the bottom of your mystery.

I found a couple of good articles for you that help explain why a platelet drop can happen. Here are the links:


Prior to having the infusions were you taking any medications daily such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin, antibiotics, etc.? Have you been tested for any autoimmune diseases or have you had any recent viral infections or illnesses?

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Hi - early days on tests and I’ve read up on things but none of the obvious precursors apply, so it’s just something in my chemistry that out of whack. Fingers crossed they will stumble on the right course of medication… but right now my concern is that I seem to be presenting with a record-breaking low platelet count!!!


At this low level you could be given platelet transfusions. Also IV steroids if it’s autoimmune and your immune system is destroying your platelets by antibodies against them. This level is dangerous and you must be extremely careful not to cut or injure yourself. When you get home no razors for shaving, no food prep with knives or operating machinery. Also I would avoid all sports until your platelet count comes up. Several tests will be needed to determine the cause and in the meantime place yourself in a bubble of safety to avoid any bleeding problems. Significant bleeding can occur around or below 20k. Report any bleeding or bad headache, abdominal pain, blood in urine or stools, nosebleeds to your nurse or Dr immediately. . The spleen can be involved, left upper quadrant, so be sure to report pain in that area to your doctors. Good luck and keep us posted please.


Thanks! They did try a platelet transfusion today but my arm swelled up to a tennis ball and they had to stand down. I’m now on meds to build up platelet levels… definitely not playing any extreme sports for a while now… not that I ever did before LOL. Trying to keep smiling but I scare small children looking like a vampire after a feast with blood dripping from my fangs.


Thanks! They did try a platelet transfusion today but my arm swelled up to a tennis ball and they had to stand down. I’m now on meds to build up platelet levels… definitely not playing any extreme sports for a while now… not that I ever did before LOL. Trying to keep smiling but I scare small children looking like a vampire after a feast with blood dripping from my fangs.

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Oh John! You have me laughing with your vampire image. Been there myself…it’s a bit disconcerting. 😅
You have the dubious honor of taking top prize for the lowest platelet level. I’m sure you have your medical crew scratching their heads while looking for answers. Hopefully this is just a one-off anomaly and soon rectified.
Keep up with the sense of humor. It can sure help lift one over some lofty hurdles…no knife juggling though.


I agree. I love your humor. I am glad your medical team is hot on the trail of figuring this super low platelet count out. It does happen for a reason. Take it easy.

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