Has anyone gotten Ulcerative Colitis after having Covid ?

Posted by kitty2 @kitty2, Jun 10, 2023

Hi..has anyone gotten Ulcerative Colitis and digestive issues after having Covid? I wound up with this disease right after I got Covid on December 19th 2021. The medications I was put on made my condition much worse and I finally said no more and did a fast taper off the horrible steroids in late March of 2023. All the new biologic drugs also have terrible side effects, such as their hair falling out, strokes, and a rare brain infection, which is not curable and can be fatal. I have heard that a low dose HCL 1.5 mg of Naltrexone is helping some patients. Any feedback would be helpful. Thank you..kitty2

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I do not have ulcerative colitis, but, I do have IBS which worsened after COVID and also my acid reflux (GERD) worsened after COVID. So many unknowns about this awful virus. Bless You!


I do not have ulcerative colitis, but, I do have IBS which worsened after COVID and also my acid reflux (GERD) worsened after COVID. So many unknowns about this awful virus. Bless You!

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Hi..thanks for replying to my post..this is an awful virus and caused so many digestive issues for us. I sure hope you are feeling better. Anything special helping with your IBS and gerd? You are so right , so many unknowns for all of us. Sincerely, kitty2


Kitty2, Yes. I am on prescription Protonix 40 mg and 1 Pepcid AC Extra strength at night before bedtime for reflux. I was having back-up reflux in my sleep. I have lost 20 lbs, don't eat close to bedtime and my bed has been elevated at the head of the bed for years. I am on prescription Bentyl (an old drug) for IBS-C and also I am on Linzess 72mcg (prescription drug) for IBS-C. If my IBS is flared up....my GERD is flared up and vice-versa. I had on endoscopy last week and found out I have a hiatal hernia, I had an esophageal dilation done and he did a biopsy. He said all looked well. I am watching all the trigger foods for acid reflux. I am very hopeful that you will get better my friend. COVID is brutal and I pray God takes it away from us all. Blessings.....

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