Has anyone gotten back to normal after one complication after another?

Posted by britelite @britelite, Apr 25, 2023

I’m 78 yr old female in good health. Able to swim 2 K and walk 1 mile 3 X week.
I tested positive for COVID on Feb. 10, 2023. I just had a cough - no other symptoms. Took a course of Paxlovid. After about a week, tested negative and was able to go back to short spurts of exercise - swimming and walking. After another week, noticed severe exercise intolerance. I’d get short of breath and my pulse would slow to 48 and become irregular. Saw cardiologist and EKG was essentially normal. Wore a 24 hr. Holter monitor which showed some irregularities but doc did not feel they were significant. In the meantime, chest congestion was getting worse so my internist put me on a course of prednisone. Then my blood pressure shot up to 210/110 and I landed in the ER. I was trending toward hypertension so I was put on Amlodipine. I’ve gotten my BP under control and have days when the shortness of breath is not too bad. (I use an Albuterol inhaler which helps). Then today (3/25) I woke up really lightheaded and had what I think was an anxiety attack. I was afraid I was going to die. I’m feeling better as the day goes on but still lightheaded. It’s just one thing after another. I wonder if I’m ever going to get back to normal.
I’m retired and don’t have to worry about work but my heart goes out to the younger ones who are experiencing similar post COVID symptoms and are unable to get back to work or a semblance of a normal life. I’m grateful to be able participate in this forum and read about other’s experiences and know that I’m not alone in all this. Thank you.

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I sure hope this helps and I'm making a very long story short. I have written on this blog previously if you would like to look back, a few times. It is been a year this month that I have been dealing with long covid. I have been in the hospital six times due to heart palpitations, chest pain, lightheadedness, confusion, my face tingling and going numb, and many other issues. I'm 63 years old and have always been very healthy active competitive tennis player. After a year of being frightened, worrying that that was going to be my life feeling like I was never going to be back to myself. I am now feeling much better. Back on the court, less palpitations if any, less lightheadedness. I have a few things here and there that from me back but I count my blessings everyday. I refuse to accept this as my life . I don't want to get anybody's hopes up and this may not be for everybody. I had read something about mango tea leaves. It was an ingredient in a form of a capsule but the main ingredient for autoimmune was the mango tea leaves. Instead of taking the capsule with otherherbs etc in it, I decided to go right to the mango tea leaves. This may sound crazy but I am drinking three glasses of mango tea leaves, as well as probiotics twice a day. Over a four month period, I am feeling so much better. I don't think it's a coincidence, because I stopped the mango tea leaves for 2 weeks thinking that I was better I started going right back to where I was, heart palpitations, stomach issues, tired, lightheadedness. My husband is the one that brought up the mango tea leaves. He asked me if I stopped drinking the tea. Oddly, yes I did. Since then I am back to drinking my tea leaves 3x a day and I I'm feeling so much better. My thoughts are, long covid messes with your autoimmune system. Probiotics helps your gut, the mango tea leaves also help with your autoimmune. I am not a doctor or a nurse but it may not help to try this . Please do some research on the mango tea leaves to see if it may work for you. I hope this helps somebody. Amazon has the mango tea leaves in a powder form, or tea bags which is what I use. I also get the Florastor (probiotics) on Amazon.

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Thank you for sharing your experiences and suggestions. So glad to hear you are feeling so much better. My thinking is whatever works for you or anyone else is certainly not crazy and worth a try. Hope you keep getting better.


I sure hope this helps and I'm making a very long story short. I have written on this blog previously if you would like to look back, a few times. It is been a year this month that I have been dealing with long covid. I have been in the hospital six times due to heart palpitations, chest pain, lightheadedness, confusion, my face tingling and going numb, and many other issues. I'm 63 years old and have always been very healthy active competitive tennis player. After a year of being frightened, worrying that that was going to be my life feeling like I was never going to be back to myself. I am now feeling much better. Back on the court, less palpitations if any, less lightheadedness. I have a few things here and there that from me back but I count my blessings everyday. I refuse to accept this as my life . I don't want to get anybody's hopes up and this may not be for everybody. I had read something about mango tea leaves. It was an ingredient in a form of a capsule but the main ingredient for autoimmune was the mango tea leaves. Instead of taking the capsule with otherherbs etc in it, I decided to go right to the mango tea leaves. This may sound crazy but I am drinking three glasses of mango tea leaves, as well as probiotics twice a day. Over a four month period, I am feeling so much better. I don't think it's a coincidence, because I stopped the mango tea leaves for 2 weeks thinking that I was better I started going right back to where I was, heart palpitations, stomach issues, tired, lightheadedness. My husband is the one that brought up the mango tea leaves. He asked me if I stopped drinking the tea. Oddly, yes I did. Since then I am back to drinking my tea leaves 3x a day and I I'm feeling so much better. My thoughts are, long covid messes with your autoimmune system. Probiotics helps your gut, the mango tea leaves also help with your autoimmune. I am not a doctor or a nurse but it may not help to try this . Please do some research on the mango tea leaves to see if it may work for you. I hope this helps somebody. Amazon has the mango tea leaves in a powder form, or tea bags which is what I use. I also get the Florastor (probiotics) on Amazon.

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Thank you so much for the encouragement. It means a lot.


Thank you for sharing your experiences and suggestions. So glad to hear you are feeling so much better. My thinking is whatever works for you or anyone else is certainly not crazy and worth a try. Hope you keep getting better.

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I will do what I can to help anyone going through this. It's scary when there are no answers or solutions. I carry on and do not think about it. If I have a small relapse I tell myself, ok... it hasn't killed me yet. I will fight this all the way. I hope you are well also.


It is one day at a time. My thoughts are with all who posted. I am 71 and have had Post-Covid for almost a year now (and a second bout of Covid in early March). I have found some relief from the most horrific symptoms -- blurred vision, inability to sleep, inability to maintain body temperature, rapid heart beats, orthostatic issues, post exercise exhaustion, and brain fog that prevents me from reading and writing (which was my career!) -- with skills I gained in the Mayo Post-Covid program. I do daily full body stretching, diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, pacing of activities, wearing compression socks, and slowly adding more sitting-based exercises to improve muscle strength. It's still frustrating to have symptoms return when I add on one too many small things like trying to read more than a few pages of a book -- but there have also been days when I feel as good as before! Unpredictability is the worse!


It is one day at a time. My thoughts are with all who posted. I am 71 and have had Post-Covid for almost a year now (and a second bout of Covid in early March). I have found some relief from the most horrific symptoms -- blurred vision, inability to sleep, inability to maintain body temperature, rapid heart beats, orthostatic issues, post exercise exhaustion, and brain fog that prevents me from reading and writing (which was my career!) -- with skills I gained in the Mayo Post-Covid program. I do daily full body stretching, diaphragmatic breathing, meditation, pacing of activities, wearing compression socks, and slowly adding more sitting-based exercises to improve muscle strength. It's still frustrating to have symptoms return when I add on one too many small things like trying to read more than a few pages of a book -- but there have also been days when I feel as good as before! Unpredictability is the worse!

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You are so right about the unpredictability of this dreadful disease. Some days I feel like I’m turning the corner to a return to normal and it’ll turn right around and kick me in the butt. I am feeling better than the earlier days but still chronically short of breath. I’m starting to resign myself to this being my new normal. Thank you so much for all of your suggestions for keeping your body in balance. It’s much appreciated. Best wishes for your continued improvement.


I'm a 72 year old female and these stories sound exactly like what I'm going through. My health was good until I got Covid in late January 2022 with diarrhea as my only symptom. Since then I've had one health problem after another: severe insomnia, several body aches, digestive issues, headaches, acid reflux, constipation or diarrhea, anxiety. Most have resolved except for the insomnia. I tried sleep-restriction therapy and had a sleep study that ruled out apnea and restless legs. I take 2.5 mg of melatonin and 100-150 mg Trazodone at night, which only gets me around 4 hrs of sleep a night. My sleep Dr won't prescribe anything else "due to my age". I am so tired during the day it's hard to function normally. Last January-February my sleep started to improve, but now my insomnia is back full-force. Wondering if I'll ever get back to the health I enjoyed before Covid.

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You have described my life. I am 75 and have gone from a healthy, active professional woman to a person who barely functions with a long list of symptoms. I hope and pray that we get some kind of relief protocols soon.


I'm a 72 year old female and these stories sound exactly like what I'm going through. My health was good until I got Covid in late January 2022 with diarrhea as my only symptom. Since then I've had one health problem after another: severe insomnia, several body aches, digestive issues, headaches, acid reflux, constipation or diarrhea, anxiety. Most have resolved except for the insomnia. I tried sleep-restriction therapy and had a sleep study that ruled out apnea and restless legs. I take 2.5 mg of melatonin and 100-150 mg Trazodone at night, which only gets me around 4 hrs of sleep a night. My sleep Dr won't prescribe anything else "due to my age". I am so tired during the day it's hard to function normally. Last January-February my sleep started to improve, but now my insomnia is back full-force. Wondering if I'll ever get back to the health I enjoyed before Covid.

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So sorry about your sleep problems and I feel for you! I have always had problems with getting a solid night’s sleep but after covid, its so much worse! I have anxiety attacks and can’t get to sleep then worry that I’m not getting enough sleep and so it goes - round & round. I never used to have anxiety attacks! When will it end??


So sorry about your sleep problems and I feel for you! I have always had problems with getting a solid night’s sleep but after covid, its so much worse! I have anxiety attacks and can’t get to sleep then worry that I’m not getting enough sleep and so it goes - round & round. I never used to have anxiety attacks! When will it end??

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Have you talked to your Dr about the anxiety? Shortly after my first bout with Covid I developed severe anxiety in addition to my insomnia. My Dr prescribed Sertraline (Zoloft) at 25mg, increased to 50mg. It takes a couple weeks to work, but it helped a lot. After about 3 months, I tapered off to see if my anxiety was better w/o the meds and it was. I'm no longer taking the meds, but they helped me when my anxiety was affecting my life.


Have you talked to your Dr about the anxiety? Shortly after my first bout with Covid I developed severe anxiety in addition to my insomnia. My Dr prescribed Sertraline (Zoloft) at 25mg, increased to 50mg. It takes a couple weeks to work, but it helped a lot. After about 3 months, I tapered off to see if my anxiety was better w/o the meds and it was. I'm no longer taking the meds, but they helped me when my anxiety was affecting my life.

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Thanks for sharing your experience and helpful suggestion. It’s so good to hear some positive experiences from others having similar problems.


Something weird has happened! I woke up this morning feeling NORMAL! No coughing, no arrhythmia, no pvcs, no tachycardia, no brain fog, no extreme fatigue . . . just NORMAL. I took 3 ECGs 2 hours apart, all NORMAL! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I don’t know how or why or if this is permanent or just another temporary cycle, but for now I am basking in the feeling and filled to overflowing with gratitude! I will keep doing what I’m doing and keep my upcoming appointments but right now, this minute, I feel like myself again. It’s like a switch flipped on or off. 🎉🎊❤️🙏🏻✝️

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