Has anyone else had pain return after reducing pred by only 2.5 mg?

Posted by charlotte61 @charlotte61, Oct 11, 2023

I'd been taking 15 mg of prednisone for two months after being diagnosed with PMR in early August (I am 62). I saw my doctor a couple of weeks ago, and he suggested I start trying to slowly taper off the prednisone. I started by cutting down to 12.5 mg a day (his recommendation), but within a week, my pain levels have increased again. I can't believe just 2.5 mg could make such a difference! It's not anywhere as bad as it was before diagnosis, but it's enough to be uncomfortable, and make my arms and legs stiff and sore throughout the day. The doctor did hint that the tapering might not work and that I may have to stay on 15 mg for a while longer.

My big concern is the bone thinning side effect of being on prednisone indefinitely. I already have osteoporosis. My doctor said I should be taking a biophosphate, but last time I tried taking those medications I ended up with stomach upset. So I feel like I'm screwed -- stuck between a choice of living in pain without the prednisone, or taking the prednisone for months/years and having my bones deteriorate and break down. I take calcium and vitamin D, and exercise every day, but I am not convinced that this is going to offset the effects of the prednisone. What have others done to help mitigate the bone thinning effects of long term prednisone use?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


I'm just saying, but I think coming down 2.5 ml at one time is a bit much. I had to retreat to a quarter ml decrease before I could stand decreasing my dose. It worked for me and after four years I have at last made 1 ml a day. I feel confident I can reduce this further and soon. Keep trying what ever works. I put faith in my doctors direction not to tough the pain out but retreat a little and wait for a better day. Will keep you in my thoughts and hope for the best for you.

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Thanks Bradninchgirl! Coming down by 2.5 mg at a time was definitely too much for me. I really hope I don't have to be on any amount of prednisone for more than a year, but it's looking like I may have to be. I saw my naturopath yesterday, and am now upping my daily dose of calcium and vitamin D to further help protect my bones, taking a turmeric supplement for inflammation, and a homeopathic remedy called Rheuma Pasc, which is supposed to help with the pain associated with rheumatic conditions. In the meantime, I will try tapering at by 1 mg/month at a time and see how that works.


Thanks Bradninchgirl! Coming down by 2.5 mg at a time was definitely too much for me. I really hope I don't have to be on any amount of prednisone for more than a year, but it's looking like I may have to be. I saw my naturopath yesterday, and am now upping my daily dose of calcium and vitamin D to further help protect my bones, taking a turmeric supplement for inflammation, and a homeopathic remedy called Rheuma Pasc, which is supposed to help with the pain associated with rheumatic conditions. In the meantime, I will try tapering at by 1 mg/month at a time and see how that works.

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I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


I was on a very lose dose of prednisone of 10 mg. and I tapered off by .5 to 1 mg. per month.


I was tapering at 1 mg. a .month and had a big flare-up that only subsided at 10 mgs. of prednisone. Now have been cutting back at 1/2 mg. a month and am back at 8 mgs. and doing ok but also injecting 25 mgs. of methotrexate weekly. Joping and praying for a remission to.get off all this poison but we have to do what works.


Good idea -- thanks John!

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My new rheumatologist say it isn't PMR. She says it is rheumatoid arthritis. How do you know which is right? My primary diagnosed PMR. I am so exhausted and ready to give up April to now.


Like all of you, I have found that coming to grips with the taper has been a challenge. Over time I learned that, for me, over 1 mg/month is too fast, and the single dose in the morning recommended by my rheumy is not effective. I have been splitting the dose evenly AM & PM. After 11 months I am at 6 mg, 3 in the AM and 3 in the PM, and am symptom-free. So far so good (touch wood).

My thought is that dividing into two daily doses makes the taper gentler because although you are decreasing by 1 mg daily, at any given moment you are not seeing a decrease greater than 0.5 mg.

However, splitting pills is a pain. You almost always end up with two unequal "halves" and a scattering of crumbs and dust. These you sort into two "equal" doses, one of which you try to extract while leaving the other in the splitter. This is all done with large fingers, crummy vision, and rising impatience, with the toilet beckoning.

On the other hand, being alive is pretty wonderful! Gorgeous clouds yesterday evening.


Like all of you, I have found that coming to grips with the taper has been a challenge. Over time I learned that, for me, over 1 mg/month is too fast, and the single dose in the morning recommended by my rheumy is not effective. I have been splitting the dose evenly AM & PM. After 11 months I am at 6 mg, 3 in the AM and 3 in the PM, and am symptom-free. So far so good (touch wood).

My thought is that dividing into two daily doses makes the taper gentler because although you are decreasing by 1 mg daily, at any given moment you are not seeing a decrease greater than 0.5 mg.

However, splitting pills is a pain. You almost always end up with two unequal "halves" and a scattering of crumbs and dust. These you sort into two "equal" doses, one of which you try to extract while leaving the other in the splitter. This is all done with large fingers, crummy vision, and rising impatience, with the toilet beckoning.

On the other hand, being alive is pretty wonderful! Gorgeous clouds yesterday evening.

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I had my follow up with my Rheumy two days ago. She originally insisted that I only take a single dose in the morning, but was much more receptive that I am splitting my dose and tapering at a schedule that fits my body. When I mentioned that for now I was splitting a 5mg tablet in two (along the break line) and then splitting each half in two with an exacta knife to taper at 1.25, she immediately sent in a new Rx for 1.0mg tablets to taper at a 1mg rate. The tablet still has the break line, so it can be split easily into .5mg doses. I figure if I need to I can taper at the .5 anytime and especially when getting below 10mg per day to keep the taper within 10%.

Now 3 months into Prednisone. Started at 20mg and started taper 8 weeks ago and am currently down to 14. Splitting 10 morning and 4 evening. CRP was 6.0 and now < .5 (normal!) and ESR was 52 and now 14 (normal < 15!)

Cautiously optimistic and sticking listening to my body with slow and steady tapers.


Hi Charlotte, I did exactly the same taper and my pain was back terribly. I went back up for a while to minimize the pain and now I just go down by 1 mg. each month. So far so good. Better to take it slowly and succeed rather than go too fast and have that awful pain and stiffness come back.

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Hi Charlotte,
Check out Reclast for your bones. It's given by infusion once a year so the gi tract is bypassed. I had several infusions some years ago for osteoporosis, then another this year because of taking prednisone for pmr. The first time I had a reclast infusion I felt a little bit off for two weeks. I was fine with subsequent infusions. Good luck to you!


I use Collagen Peptides as well as Citracal with Vitamin D, Vitamin D3, Various Magnesium supplements, I take a Magnesium Complex and Magnesium Oxide and Flax seed oil gel caps. I also drink Fairlife milk which is actually less sugar and higher calcium content than other milks and it's lactose free. I try to get calcium from food but I admit I don't eat well due to other health issues. After being on Predisone for only 10 months I had a bone density test and was diagnosed with Osteoporosis. At that same time I had fractured 2 vertebraes in my spine. Not a pleasant experience AT ALL! I have had to taper very slow on Prednisone. Started at 20mg in July 2020 when diagnosed and am now down to 4mg. ( I am almost 60...in 3 days.) I was at 3mg until about 2 weeks ago and started to have terrible leg pain. So went up to 4mg. I would like to get off of Prednisone but it truly is a struggle. I use CBD and I believe that has helped me to taper as far s I have in the time that I have done it. Sending you all good thoughts and healing energy.


Thanks Daniece. I'm sorry you ended up with fractured vertebrae -- that's horrible! This is what really scares me...that my bones are going to start breaking. I hate the thought of being on Prednisone long term, but it looks like I won't have a choice if it's going to take years to taper down.

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