Has anybody had an adenoma removed?

Posted by terid @terid, Jul 12, 2023

I just found out I have an adenoma that is slowly growing. It is about 1cm and my doctor said it is almost big enough to think about removing it.

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@terid. I recall that from your earlier posts in other discussions that you've had headaches for awhile. It's really good that you continued to follow up. Is that how the adenoma was discovered? May I ask the location of the adenoma - where in the brain - and what the treatment plan is as presented by your doctor?


Yes. I had a pituitary tumor removed through my nose ten years ago. It grew back and had a repeat surgery in January. They couldn’t get it all so we did radiation this summer. MRI is scheduled for September. So we shall see if the radiation worked.


Yes. I had a pituitary tumor removed through my nose ten years ago. It grew back and had a repeat surgery in January. They couldn’t get it all so we did radiation this summer. MRI is scheduled for September. So we shall see if the radiation worked.

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I hope the radiation works. How big was your adenoma? Good luck in Sept. and keep us informed!

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