Hair loss after transplant, probably Tacrolimus: Anyone change meds?

Posted by hello1234 @hello1234, Mar 26, 2022

In the beginning, my hair loss seemed minimal and I took Biotin supplements. Now, approaching my 2nd anniversary for my kidney transplant, my hair is coming out in gobs. I believe it's probably the Tacronlimis. If you had this problem, what did you do to solve it? Rogaine for Women, Hairmax laser comb, change your medication, or something else? Please let me know your experience (I think I am going bald).
Many thanks!

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Hi all,
I am post kidney transplant on Tacronlimis and Cellcept MMF). I was hopeful that my hair loss would slow down, but I am actually developing a bald spot in the front. I tried Biotin and I have been extra careful not to stress my hair in any way.
Has anyone changed their meds due to hair loss? I guess it would be changing Tac to Sirolimus?
Please give me your thoughts or experiences on this idea. And if you take sirolimus, do you have any side effects?
Thanks everyone!

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I lost my hair when I was treated for leukemia. I went through stem cell transplant. That was six years ago and my hair is very thin and patchy. I’m on sirolimus and have been on it off and on for over three years. No change as far as my hair goes. I tolerate sirolimus well and don’t have side effects. My dose had to be adjusted in the beginning. For my hair situation, I decided to wear wigs. They work well for me.


Hi all,
I am post kidney transplant on Tacronlimis and Cellcept MMF). I was hopeful that my hair loss would slow down, but I am actually developing a bald spot in the front. I tried Biotin and I have been extra careful not to stress my hair in any way.
Has anyone changed their meds due to hair loss? I guess it would be changing Tac to Sirolimus?
Please give me your thoughts or experiences on this idea. And if you take sirolimus, do you have any side effects?
Thanks everyone!


At what point did you notice your shedding? Mine started 3-4 months after transplant. I will stop taking Biotin since it’s not much of help with hair loss. Hopefully, my numbers will go up. Thank you all for sharing your experiences.

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@leahd Mine started within the first month, because I remember asking my team about Biotin before leaving Rochester to go home. I believe months 2-4 I lost the most. Thankfully it does get better! One other thing I have noticed, my hair gets oily now, like when I was a teen. My new kidney must be making hormones I have not had in years!


At what point did you notice your shedding? Mine started 3-4 months after transplant. I will stop taking Biotin since it’s not much of help with hair loss. Hopefully, my numbers will go up. Thank you all for sharing your experiences.


@stephanierp 😊 Hello and thank you for all your excellent comments and advice! I am so sorry to hear about your acute pancreatitis and hospitalization. On my last abdominal ultrasound it said that I had "sludge" in my gallbladder. That's the first time an ultrasound showed sludge iny gallbladder and I am concerned it may be precursor to gallstones, pancreatitis, etc. I never had any gallbladder problems before so I wonder if your pancreatitis and my "sludge" are just possible side effects of Tac. Anyway, I am very happy to hear you are better from your pancreatitis and are now on Cyclosporine...and your hair is doing 80-90% better!!
I noticed you are on Myfortic instead of Cellcept. Did you have an adverse reaction or problem with Cellcept? Or did you start on Myfortic?
Also, thank you for sharing that you go out to restaurants (and leave when crowded!). I am hopeful to be living your lifestyle in the near future. I am still spooked about covid, food borne illnesses, lots of tourists, and untrained kitchen help. What part of the country do you live? I live in Florida and our restaurants are always crowded with tourists during season.

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I have always been on Myfortic, so I never had an adverse reaction to Cellcept.

I live in Indiana. I'm sure Florida restaurants are more crowded, though your weather is better, so outdoor dining is more of an option:) I think everyone has to take re-entry into restaurants and social situations at their own pace. You will know what you are ready for and when!


@scottij, I am especially happy that you were able to enjoy your daughters wedding! Our son was married 4 months after my transplant in 2009. I didn't have the Covid precautions to contend with, but I do remember how concerned my son and bride were about me and the food preps. Due to my pre transplant conditions, I was skin and bones, and very weak. My transplant team okayed moving my 4 month post transplant visit to 5 months because of the wedding.

Scott, What are you doing to rack up an average of 40,000 steps per day?

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I don't really shoot for 40,000 but that is generally where I am ending up. Typically, I rise early because I still hear my Dad's voice in my head saying, "Get your a** up and get busy." We have converted a third stand-alone garage into a home gym with a variety of equipment. I spend the first two hours of the day doing crunches, full sit-ups, weights, stretches/yoga and hip exercises (hip replacement scheduled at Mayo on 11 April), Then She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed; a.k.a. Vicki, and I go on a long walk usually between 10,000 and 12,000 steps. On return from the walk I complete a variety of outdoor activities (watering flowers, cleaning the pool; etc) which adds about 2000 steps. After Vicki finishes with the elliptical trainer in our gym I put 50 minutes/5000 steps on that. After dinner we talk another gentle stroll. Two days a week we do not do the elliptical and so I like to hike in the Tortolita Mountains, really just small pointy hills, to get some good vertical in.

While it hurts a bit I find that not moving enough hurts my hips even more. On the recent wedding weekend I was out of my routine and averaged only about 10,000 steps a day. Those days hurt a lot.

Best always,


One thing I did notice in the packet for my one year biopsy at Mayo, it said to stop Biotin several days I believe before your labs at Mayo. Started doing this whenever I have labs and my numbers have come up a little bit so perhaps it does mess with the numbers. They didn’t tell me to stop taking it altogether though. I have taken it a little more sporadically recently because when I was sick I was only taking the required meds. I may even stop taking it all together and see what happens. So wonderful to hear everyone’s experiences!

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Hey @jennifer0726 😊 Thanks so much for the heads up about Biotin and the lab results! That's really good to know. Since I am taking Biotin every day and my hair is still falling out, maybe I will take a "vacation" from it too. I don't like taking anything that may effect my drug levels. All I take now are my Cellcept and my Envarsus. My liver enzymes are slightly elevated on a consistent basis caused by the meds so I don't like to add any more stress on the system with more meds if there is not a significant reward (like more hair!) I totally agree with you that it's wonderful to hear about everyone's experience and share tips, ideas and knowledge!


One thing I did notice in the packet for my one year biopsy at Mayo, it said to stop Biotin several days I believe before your labs at Mayo. Started doing this whenever I have labs and my numbers have come up a little bit so perhaps it does mess with the numbers. They didn’t tell me to stop taking it altogether though. I have taken it a little more sporadically recently because when I was sick I was only taking the required meds. I may even stop taking it all together and see what happens. So wonderful to hear everyone’s experiences!


@hello1234 . Many thanks for the congrats.
We have started to venture out for late lunches and early dinners at outdoor locations here in the Sonoran Desert/Tucson. That said we do mask everywhere. I am not totally comfortable returning to activity but upon advice from Mayo in response to my query about attending my daughter's wedding, "What is the point of being alive if you are not living."

The wedding was a successful small outdoor affair. Everyone was vaccinated per demand of my daughter. The real loss for me due to tacrolimus is cartilage in both hips. Heading to Mayo on April 11 to replace the right hip and hopefully address the left hip later this summer. Still I am averaging 40,000 sometimes painful steps per day.
Best always,

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@scottij, I am especially happy that you were able to enjoy your daughters wedding! Our son was married 4 months after my transplant in 2009. I didn't have the Covid precautions to contend with, but I do remember how concerned my son and bride were about me and the food preps. Due to my pre transplant conditions, I was skin and bones, and very weak. My transplant team okayed moving my 4 month post transplant visit to 5 months because of the wedding.

Scott, What are you doing to rack up an average of 40,000 steps per day?


After my transplant 2 years ago in February, my hair came out in handfuls, much like it did after childbirth but more intense. My hair dresser recommended Active for Women Shampoo and Conditioner. Within a week, I noticed my hair was not coming out in my hands as I styled it, which was huge. Hairdresser said that time after time, she hears exactly what I reported - it slows/stops hair loss and encourages new growth. It's about $50 on Amazon. Not cheep but helped. I also took Biotin each night. Hair stayed thin but did begin regrowing. I had this layer of 1" hair sprouting straight up in the air for several months. Very attractive:)

This past September, I developed acute Pancreatitis and was hospitalized for 5 days - highly painful, would not recommend it. We suspected drug related cause, as I don't drink alcohol and did not have gallstones (2 leading causes). So we changed Tacrolimus meds to Cyclosporine. So now I take Cyclosporine and Myfortic. I was able to wean off of Prednisone. Cyclosporine has its own side-effects, but my body seems to prefer it. I feel better overall.

My hair is back to being pretty thick again - 80-90% of what it was. I do not know if hair loss was just the trauma of the initial transplant and nephrectomy surgery, and now my body has recovered. If the Active caused the stop of hair loss and created new growth. Or if it was changing from Tacrilimus to Cyclosporine. Perhaps a combination of all. My hairdresser said that when the body experiences trauma, it immediately sheds hair, and pools its resources to healing. Then if trauma continues, it stops hair growth, because hair is not important to survival. Transplants are miraculous, but also traumatic for our bodies, "What is this? And who does it belong to?"

I noticed people talking about food on this feed. So I will share, I go out to eat often. If place looks crowded, I go elsewhere. I eat salads and raw veggies all the time. Just careful about where, if I am eating out. And make sure to rinse, if eating them at home. I have not had any problems on either front.

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@stephanierp 😊 Hello and thank you for all your excellent comments and advice! I am so sorry to hear about your acute pancreatitis and hospitalization. On my last abdominal ultrasound it said that I had "sludge" in my gallbladder. That's the first time an ultrasound showed sludge iny gallbladder and I am concerned it may be precursor to gallstones, pancreatitis, etc. I never had any gallbladder problems before so I wonder if your pancreatitis and my "sludge" are just possible side effects of Tac. Anyway, I am very happy to hear you are better from your pancreatitis and are now on Cyclosporine...and your hair is doing 80-90% better!!
I noticed you are on Myfortic instead of Cellcept. Did you have an adverse reaction or problem with Cellcept? Or did you start on Myfortic?
Also, thank you for sharing that you go out to restaurants (and leave when crowded!). I am hopeful to be living your lifestyle in the near future. I am still spooked about covid, food borne illnesses, lots of tourists, and untrained kitchen help. What part of the country do you live? I live in Florida and our restaurants are always crowded with tourists during season.

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