Gut and Mac Lung

Posted by meadows @meadows, Sep 29, 2023

Gut and Mac Lung. Have you noticed weight loss from having had MAC Lung and not being able to digest foods well? Thanks

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Yeah, I m having this issue before I knew I had MAC. Adding gerd issues to the pile it’s a dayly bottle, I think the only option is to keep feith and keep trying nutrition and nutrition, consider it as another medication, I know it is hard…blessings


I have had severe weight loss with MAC and also have GERD. I'm trying to find out more about how to control the GERD since it seems acid reducers are not recommended for people with MAC??


I have had severe weight loss with MAC and also have GERD. I'm trying to find out more about how to control the GERD since it seems acid reducers are not recommended for people with MAC??

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diane4?, there is a list of foods to avoid if you have GERD.. Things like coffee, chocolate, mint, beer, wine , hard liquor, spicy foods, vinegar, citrus, vinegar, fatty foods, etc. Eat small meals and chew food well. One more thing to monitor . But I have followed this protocol and managed to get off of medication for GERD without experiencing any GERD symptoms.


It’s fine to use PPI medication if needed to control Gerd symptoms , but note they only reduce discomfort from acid Not the reflux
The theoretical risk is that NTM bacteria ingested into the stomach would not be killed by stomach acid so could cause infection if aspirated
As well as controlling dietary triggers, avoid bending after eating and sleep with your chest elevated to reduce aspiration into your lungs


Hello, yes, I was diagnosed with acid reflux/GERD before MAC. I lost 15 pounds because of it. I tried a lot of things, including Prilosec, and it helped. I was advised it's not good to take it for long periods so I did some research. I stopped drinking coffee, eating spicy foods, etc. Someone shared somewhere that taking 1 tablespoon of aloe vera juice 20 minutes before a meal helped. So I started doing that and it really helped me. I've been able to tolerate mildly spicy foods. You have to be careful with aloe vera juice, it can cause diarrhea. I take 3 tablespoons max a day (before breakfast, lunch and dinner).


Thanks very much for sharing what you have been through. I kno wwhat you mean about GERD - I've lost weight since that too - also about 15 lb. . My GERD came on first too. I have a vague memory of having once tried the aloe vera juice - I might try that again. My GERD is not so much heartburn but rather how it causes laryngitis - used to get a cough too but that isn't too bad anymore.


@diane47 @benniej23 @meadows I've had Gerd for years and on top of that a hiatal hernia (with bronchiectasis and sometimes MAC) and I don't take the PPI medication anymore and have stuck with natural, alternative remedies which work pretty well. I take aloe vera juice (George's 100% Aloe can get it on Amazon) and I drink 2 ounces in the morning and 2 ounces in the evening. I also chew up to DGL Plus tablets (I use the Pure Encapsulations brand that you can also get on Amazon) before a big meal (you can take them before every meal actually). Sometimes I forget. And then also at night before I go to bed and especially if I've eaten a big dinner I chew up 2 Esophageal Guardian tablets (by Life Extension)...they can kinda blow up in your mouth but you have to drink 4-8 ounces of water to down it. It forms a little inner tube of sorts at the top of your stomach so that the acid doesn't flow up your esophagus. Because the biggest issue here is that the acid doesn't burn up your esophagus. And I don't remember to do all of this all the time but I look at it as my little toolbox of remedies to help the problem. Nan


@diane47 @benniej23 @meadows I've had Gerd for years and on top of that a hiatal hernia (with bronchiectasis and sometimes MAC) and I don't take the PPI medication anymore and have stuck with natural, alternative remedies which work pretty well. I take aloe vera juice (George's 100% Aloe can get it on Amazon) and I drink 2 ounces in the morning and 2 ounces in the evening. I also chew up to DGL Plus tablets (I use the Pure Encapsulations brand that you can also get on Amazon) before a big meal (you can take them before every meal actually). Sometimes I forget. And then also at night before I go to bed and especially if I've eaten a big dinner I chew up 2 Esophageal Guardian tablets (by Life Extension)...they can kinda blow up in your mouth but you have to drink 4-8 ounces of water to down it. It forms a little inner tube of sorts at the top of your stomach so that the acid doesn't flow up your esophagus. Because the biggest issue here is that the acid doesn't burn up your esophagus. And I don't remember to do all of this all the time but I look at it as my little toolbox of remedies to help the problem. Nan

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Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I bought some DGL today - what timing. I'll be trying the aloe vera juice soon as others I know have mentioned it too. I use Life Extension for some of my supplements. That one that blows up sounds wild - almost creepy! Thanks again for writing.


@diane47 @benniej23 @meadows I've had Gerd for years and on top of that a hiatal hernia (with bronchiectasis and sometimes MAC) and I don't take the PPI medication anymore and have stuck with natural, alternative remedies which work pretty well. I take aloe vera juice (George's 100% Aloe can get it on Amazon) and I drink 2 ounces in the morning and 2 ounces in the evening. I also chew up to DGL Plus tablets (I use the Pure Encapsulations brand that you can also get on Amazon) before a big meal (you can take them before every meal actually). Sometimes I forget. And then also at night before I go to bed and especially if I've eaten a big dinner I chew up 2 Esophageal Guardian tablets (by Life Extension)...they can kinda blow up in your mouth but you have to drink 4-8 ounces of water to down it. It forms a little inner tube of sorts at the top of your stomach so that the acid doesn't flow up your esophagus. Because the biggest issue here is that the acid doesn't burn up your esophagus. And I don't remember to do all of this all the time but I look at it as my little toolbox of remedies to help the problem. Nan

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@nannette I also have bronchiectasis and a small hiatal hernia. I don't feel so alone now! Lol. Thanks for sharing info about DGL Plus tablets and Esophageal Guardian tablets. I haven't heard of them before but it is helpful to know these additional natural remedies also help if you plan to eat a big meal. I try to avoid overeating as I have MVP (mitral valve prolapse) and when I overeat, it seems to trigger the MVP. Also, I was incorrect in my previous post, I take 1 oz of aloe vera juice (not sure why I was thinking tablespoons!) 20 minutes before a meal.


I’ve had GERD for decades. I even had Barrett’s esophagus (small area) years ago. After that diagnosis, I did a lot of research and stopped eating and drinking the known problem foods/drinks. Chocolate, mint, tomatoes, spices, chewing gum, coffee, caffeine anything, citric acid, etc…and also did not eat or drink anything g three hours before bed. Also, got an adjustable bed to raise my head. In 2003, I had Nissen Fundoplication surgery, to tighten the area where my stomach connects to my esophagus. That’s a whole other topic!! Several years after that, I had to start taking Prilosec once a day. I didn’t want to take a PPI , but I was having some break through GERD. My pulmonologist s have told me that often people with GERD will have MAC. In fact, the GERD can sometimes cause the MAC. I can see how that might happen.

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