Gum disorder resulting from Auto Immune diseases

Posted by nmenonk2022 @nmenonk2022, Nov 19, 2023

During a normal dental cleaning visit the hygienist noted excess bleeding and asked me if I suffered from an auto Immune problem. I responded YES as I suffer from Inclusive Body Myositis. In her experience she had noted the correlation between Auto immune disease and excessive gum bleeding - any comments?
I have put in a request for opinion of Dr. Oskarsson of Mayo as well

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Another cause of gum bleeding can be Lichen Planus. It can vary from not noticeable, to irritating, to painful and bleeding throughout the mouth. Oral Lichen Planus is just one symptom of what can be body-wide involvement, again quite variable in type and degree. If diagnosed with oral Lichen Planus, first switch to a tooth paste without sodium laurel sulfate, like pronamel or parodontax.

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@hlab27 Can you tell me what is meant by OLP as 1 symptom of "body-wide involvement."? I have had OLP for years, seen numerous docs, and all say that OLP is an isolated problem. I never heard or read that it was related to any other physical problem. Thanks.


Yikes!! My mouth is a genetic gift from my father and likens to an ongoing renovation project. How would I know if I have Lichens Planus?

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A regular MD may or may not be able to diagnose oral lichen planus, but a rheumatologist should. Dentists and oral hygienists see it quite often, so should be able tell. It's hard for a person to see it on themselves, since it is inside the mouth, but it shows up as lighter colored webbing or lacey looking tissue. Google Images oral lichen planus for pics.


@hlab27 Can you tell me what is meant by OLP as 1 symptom of "body-wide involvement."? I have had OLP for years, seen numerous docs, and all say that OLP is an isolated problem. I never heard or read that it was related to any other physical problem. Thanks.

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It can also manifest as rashes or red bumps, sometimes itchy, sometimes not, often on arms, wrists, legs, or ankles. If you are prone to autoimmune conditions, it can be just another one of the big mix. Here's a Mayo link, but there are many others.


A regular MD may or may not be able to diagnose oral lichen planus, but a rheumatologist should. Dentists and oral hygienists see it quite often, so should be able tell. It's hard for a person to see it on themselves, since it is inside the mouth, but it shows up as lighter colored webbing or lacey looking tissue. Google Images oral lichen planus for pics.

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@hlab27 Thanks for your replies. Diagnosis was no problem. Had OLP for 8-9 years. The problem: no treatment. My tongue and lips are so swollen that my speech is affected. Inner cheek so swollen that I am biting it continually. Been to top-level specialists in Boston + NYC. All say: it doesn't look bad. I guess there is just nothing can be done about this.


@hlab27 Thanks for your replies. Diagnosis was no problem. Had OLP for 8-9 years. The problem: no treatment. My tongue and lips are so swollen that my speech is affected. Inner cheek so swollen that I am biting it continually. Been to top-level specialists in Boston + NYC. All say: it doesn't look bad. I guess there is just nothing can be done about this.

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Your OPL symptoms must be very uncomfortable! Has any treatment been attempted? My doctor prescribed a mouth rinse that helped to some extent. I noticed additional improvement when I took a long course of prednisone for another condition. In addition, there was some symptom relief when using a baking soda based toothpaste that my dentist explained changed the pH level in my mouth. OLP is, apparently, a chronic condition that probably will not go away but can be managed with these types of measures. I hope you find some relief soon!


Your OPL symptoms must be very uncomfortable! Has any treatment been attempted? My doctor prescribed a mouth rinse that helped to some extent. I noticed additional improvement when I took a long course of prednisone for another condition. In addition, there was some symptom relief when using a baking soda based toothpaste that my dentist explained changed the pH level in my mouth. OLP is, apparently, a chronic condition that probably will not go away but can be managed with these types of measures. I hope you find some relief soon!

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I use straight baking soda on my toothbrush and then dampen it for use before final brush. Really helps keep gums in order


I use straight baking soda on my toothbrush and then dampen it for use before final brush. Really helps keep gums in order

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@pb50 Pam-- More on OLP. The first doc I saw did give me a steroid shot (2X). This did work, but the problem with steroids is that the fix is temporary. Also, long-term steroids are bad in many other ways, not a good idea. Actually I figured out myself that baking sode rinse does help a bit. As for OLP as a chronic condition, this is not always true. Docs usually say it can go away, but not always. I will try your idea of using it to brush teeth.


Your OPL symptoms must be very uncomfortable! Has any treatment been attempted? My doctor prescribed a mouth rinse that helped to some extent. I noticed additional improvement when I took a long course of prednisone for another condition. In addition, there was some symptom relief when using a baking soda based toothpaste that my dentist explained changed the pH level in my mouth. OLP is, apparently, a chronic condition that probably will not go away but can be managed with these types of measures. I hope you find some relief soon!

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@brighterday - Thanks for your ideas. I think I replied to them in another reply or post.


@pb50 Pam-- More on OLP. The first doc I saw did give me a steroid shot (2X). This did work, but the problem with steroids is that the fix is temporary. Also, long-term steroids are bad in many other ways, not a good idea. Actually I figured out myself that baking sode rinse does help a bit. As for OLP as a chronic condition, this is not always true. Docs usually say it can go away, but not always. I will try your idea of using it to brush teeth.

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To clarify - I do both. I brush with toothpaste and floss and then rinse and brush with baking soda and rinse with waterpik.


@pb50 Pam-- More on OLP. The first doc I saw did give me a steroid shot (2X). This did work, but the problem with steroids is that the fix is temporary. Also, long-term steroids are bad in many other ways, not a good idea. Actually I figured out myself that baking sode rinse does help a bit. As for OLP as a chronic condition, this is not always true. Docs usually say it can go away, but not always. I will try your idea of using it to brush teeth.

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And that’s my issue as well with prednisone. It helps magnificently until I begin to step dosage down - and the magnificence wanes with the dose. And I can’t take it always. I was getting acne on a 2 week course.

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