Gum disorder resulting from Auto Immune diseases

Posted by nmenonk2022 @nmenonk2022, Nov 19, 2023

During a normal dental cleaning visit the hygienist noted excess bleeding and asked me if I suffered from an auto Immune problem. I responded YES as I suffer from Inclusive Body Myositis. In her experience she had noted the correlation between Auto immune disease and excessive gum bleeding - any comments?
I have put in a request for opinion of Dr. Oskarsson of Mayo as well

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I do have minor gum bleeding but I’m pretty sure mine is related to addition of a statin to my medications.


I do have minor gum bleeding but I’m pretty sure mine is related to addition of a statin to my medications.

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I have gum inflammation that appears related to autoimmune issues. There is a small amount of bleeding associated with it, at times, including when I’m having my teeth cleaned. Mostly, it’s just uncomfortable and can make brushing/flossing sometimes challenging due to sensitivity of the gums.


Well I certainly wouldn’t be surprised that autoimmune conditions cause yet another malady.


in reply @nmenonk2022 I too suffer from gum disease as a result of dry mouth, and also the methadone my doctor placed me on and which I am no longer taking, many years ago when I fell into the Medicare Donut Hole while using pain patches. Had I known that methadone was made of a sugary substance which causes many dental problems, I never would have agreed to using this medication. My doctor recently prescribed it again because of my chronic and debilitating pain, but alas, I am now allergic to it. Yeah.


I have not yet heard from Mayo and hope to get some kind of closure on this next week.


I have gum inflammation that appears related to autoimmune issues. There is a small amount of bleeding associated with it, at times, including when I’m having my teeth cleaned. Mostly, it’s just uncomfortable and can make brushing/flossing sometimes challenging due to sensitivity of the gums.

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Yea I do have that gum inflammation. I got a water pik on advice from my dentist and that helps.


I’ve been a RDH for 22 years. Yes, autoimmune disorders often are the cause of bleeding gums. (It’s nothing newly known.) For instance, undiagnosed Diabetes Type II is often first suspected in the dental office due to newly bleeding gums, especially without the presence of tartar on the teeth. Crohn’s, Lupus, and many other autoimmune disorders that cause inflammation can propagate bleeding gums in spite of your best efforts to keep up with your meticulous dental hygiene routine! Just keep on flossing, though.


Another cause of gum bleeding can be Lichen Planus. It can vary from not noticeable, to irritating, to painful and bleeding throughout the mouth. Oral Lichen Planus is just one symptom of what can be body-wide involvement, again quite variable in type and degree. If diagnosed with oral Lichen Planus, first switch to a tooth paste without sodium laurel sulfate, like pronamel or parodontax.


Yikes!! My mouth is a genetic gift from my father and likens to an ongoing renovation project. How would I know if I have Lichens Planus?

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