Follow up after proton beam treatment: GREAT PSA NUMBER

Posted by mwspro @mwspro, Jun 1, 2020

After I finished my last Proton Beam treatment for Prostate Cancer Jan 21,2020, I had my first PSA test last week May 28, 2020, and PRAISE THE LORD, it was .26 !!!! I was told
Anything under 2.00 is OK . The Dr tells me I Will have a PSA TEST approximately every 6 months now
for 5 years. Basically I had very few side effects
Until the last 5 treatments out of 20, then I had
Burning when urinating, and Constipation.
Those effects when away after 5 weeks. I am
very thankful for DR CHOO and his staff at MAYO CLINIC Rochester, and that I had the opportunity to have Proton Beam Treatment.


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

My layman understanding is that following prostate radiation tx, the goal is a PSA of 2.0 or less. The lowest PSA achieved is the nadir. And a rise of 2 or more above nadir is significant.

Prostate Cancer Foundation has an updated download or hard copy (both free) for patients with recurring cancer. Also Dr Walsh's book Surviving Prostate Cancer (5th ed).

A PSMA PET scan (or other scans ?) may be able to identify individual metastasic locations that can be subjected to radiation and/or ADT tx.

Layman out on a limb here.

Best wishes

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