Golf and PMR

Posted by novabill @novabill, Apr 3, 2022

Presently on 5mg/day Prednisone from 6 mg/day and taper hasn’t been all that successful as I experienced an increase in symptoms in my shoulders, right wrist, left hamstring, right ankle and lower back. I’m reluctant to go back to 6mg/day and am hopeful I can gut it out…that being said I’d like to start playing golf again but my Rheumy cautioned me against golf and the impact of hitting the ball might have on my symptoms…I do walk one to two mile several days a week with out any noticeable impact but yesterday I spent a hour or so working in the yard and oh my did my symptoms increase. Long story short - what’s been your experience with play golf?

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It's been awhile since I stopped playing golf but I'm trying to wrap my head around why your Rheumy thinks the impact of hitting the ball might cause symptoms to get worse. Maybe he's seen how bad I was and the size of the divots I took 🙂 If it were me, I would just give it a try and listen to my body - if it hurts, don't do that. Good luck whatever you decide!


It's been awhile since I stopped playing golf but I'm trying to wrap my head around why your Rheumy thinks the impact of hitting the ball might cause symptoms to get worse. Maybe he's seen how bad I was and the size of the divots I took 🙂 If it were me, I would just give it a try and listen to my body - if it hurts, don't do that. Good luck whatever you decide!

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I hear ya, just looking to see what others have experienced... going to swing an 8 iron today and see how it goes...thx. My Rheumy is a she BTW - I believe she was more concerned about symptoms caused by osteoarthritis as she's not convinced my symptoms are all PMR based as my blood work has been in the green for some time now but symptoms persist, next doc visit is May 10th..


I hear ya, just looking to see what others have experienced... going to swing an 8 iron today and see how it goes...thx. My Rheumy is a she BTW - I believe she was more concerned about symptoms caused by osteoarthritis as she's not convinced my symptoms are all PMR based as my blood work has been in the green for some time now but symptoms persist, next doc visit is May 10th..

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I am an avid golfer and skier I am 73 got pmr last June started on 40 mg of prednisone got down to 8 had a flare in Dec back to 15 now on 10 will go this week to 9.5 for 3 weeks and see how it goes. I am going skiing today. I golf 3 times a week just take my pred earlier in the morning so I am not stiff or sore No Problem I am now making sure that my pain and stiffness levels stay at 1-3 on a scale of 10 each morning usually 1-2 if you are stiffer than that your dose is probably to low I do not reduce unless I am 0-1 my quality of life is important I need to stay active I don’t want another flare so reducing slower better to be the turtle than the hare but I realize not all Drs agree but we are all different and pmr has it’s own mind


I am an avid golfer and skier I am 73 got pmr last June started on 40 mg of prednisone got down to 8 had a flare in Dec back to 15 now on 10 will go this week to 9.5 for 3 weeks and see how it goes. I am going skiing today. I golf 3 times a week just take my pred earlier in the morning so I am not stiff or sore No Problem I am now making sure that my pain and stiffness levels stay at 1-3 on a scale of 10 each morning usually 1-2 if you are stiffer than that your dose is probably to low I do not reduce unless I am 0-1 my quality of life is important I need to stay active I don’t want another flare so reducing slower better to be the turtle than the hare but I realize not all Drs agree but we are all different and pmr has it’s own mind

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Thank you for your reply, I find it very encouraging...will continue to swing the Orange stick and build up to hitting an 8 iron at the customer golf in a month (better shake the stick)...😊.


@novabill I had osteoarthritis diagnosed in my knees shortly before the first onslaught of PMR. Since PMR I have gotten hyaluronic acid knee injections as needed for knee pain - about every 6-8 months. I go to my orthopedic surgeon for my osteoarthritis treatments.
I have chosen not to take oral steroids so I receive steroid injections for my hip pain from my rheumatologist. I receive hip injections every 4-6 months. I have had the knee and hip injections within two weeks of each other - and neither of the doctors have been concerned.
As Spring arrives I hope you find that you can enjoy golfing again.


I am an avid golfer and skier I am 73 got pmr last June started on 40 mg of prednisone got down to 8 had a flare in Dec back to 15 now on 10 will go this week to 9.5 for 3 weeks and see how it goes. I am going skiing today. I golf 3 times a week just take my pred earlier in the morning so I am not stiff or sore No Problem I am now making sure that my pain and stiffness levels stay at 1-3 on a scale of 10 each morning usually 1-2 if you are stiffer than that your dose is probably to low I do not reduce unless I am 0-1 my quality of life is important I need to stay active I don’t want another flare so reducing slower better to be the turtle than the hare but I realize not all Drs agree but we are all different and pmr has it’s own mind

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Hope you dont mind a question. Do you think your swing speed was impacted much by PMR or prednisone? PMR hit me early this season and my swing speed has really declined? Although it could just be age--I'm 63.


Last time I was on prednisone for a flare up my drives
improved enough that my friends noticed.
Stay active and walk as much as tolerated to keep up your bone strength as well🏌️

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