Going Back to Work

Posted by lovemypups @lovemypups, Feb 26, 2023

I started having COVID symptoms on Feb 16 and was diagnosed with COVID on Feb 17.
I am vaxxed to the max (5 shots all together, last booster was in November 2022), and I know that is no guarantee you won’t get COVID, but I was disappointed that it finally caught me. I had so many friends get it and had been exposed but never got it so I was feeling confident (cocky?) I would never get it.
I am 64 and in good health, teach an exercise class and eat a fairly healthy diet.
I guess I’m considered high risk by age, so my doc got me right on Paxlovid that evening that I was diagnosed. I was hopeful I would have a minor case and go right back to work in 5 days. That was 10 days ago.
While most symptoms have improved (cough is almost gone, no more high fever, small spurts of energy) I have a few persistent symptoms that are keeping me home from work. I still have a stuffy nose, fatigue, and can’t seem to go 24 hours without a low-grade fever (a requirement for me to return to work).
I feel very unproductive and frustrated. I love my job and want to return to work, but I fear this lingering fever could keep me home a lot longer.
I followed advice given to me by HR and (reluctantly) filed for protection under FMLA. Now I’m glad I did because I never expected to be out of work for more than a week.
I can do some work from home, but I work in a public facility and need to be there to fully do my job.
Any others finding it challenging to return to work?
So glad to have found this group!

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Hello @lovemypups. I was happy to read your post as we have much in common. I started symptoms 2/11, tested + 2/12. I also had decided I must be immune to covid, ha, no. I'm 63, took paxlovid. I'm on day 17 and scheduled to return to my very physical job, where I do a lot of talking, tomorrow. I could ask for part time or alternating days. Problem is I don't know what to do!! My manager is not the warm, fuzzy type. Not sure what to tell him.... I did see my MD yesterday for a previously scheduled visit and she told me to expect 6 weeks total before I feel right again!!

Have you been exercising at all? I've never been so tired, but I'm walking 20-30 minutes most days. Are you still having fevers? I've not had that. Glad to meet you here.


Hello @lovemypups. I was happy to read your post as we have much in common. I started symptoms 2/11, tested + 2/12. I also had decided I must be immune to covid, ha, no. I'm 63, took paxlovid. I'm on day 17 and scheduled to return to my very physical job, where I do a lot of talking, tomorrow. I could ask for part time or alternating days. Problem is I don't know what to do!! My manager is not the warm, fuzzy type. Not sure what to tell him.... I did see my MD yesterday for a previously scheduled visit and she told me to expect 6 weeks total before I feel right again!!

Have you been exercising at all? I've never been so tired, but I'm walking 20-30 minutes most days. Are you still having fevers? I've not had that. Glad to meet you here.

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Hi @haystack913 - so glad to connect with you! We certainly do have a lot in common.
I was having low-grade fevers show up at least once a day, but I’m taking a decongestant now that also has Tylenol in it so it has kept the fevers at bay.
I work for local county government and we are required to be fever free with no fever reducing medications for 24 hours before we can return to work. I’m fortunate to have an understanding boss who is very flexible with me.
I am very fatigued and have not had the energy to exercise. But I should really force myself to at least do some gentle yoga or short walks. I know it will be better for my recovery.
I’m isolating in a portion of my home because my husband is diabetic and I want to keep him safe - so far he is fine and testing negative.
I started to improve a bit, but have had a rebound of symptoms (starting on day 9 after first day of the 5-day Paxlovid treatment). My doc seems to think it is just a sinus infection and isn’t a rebound, but from what I’ve read it is a textbook case of rebound, so I’m continuing to isolate to protect my husband as much as possible.
Did you take Paxlovid? Did it seem to help?


Yes I took paxlovid and I don't believe I've had a rebound. Have you tested when youre having fever? Im very fatigued, trouble concentrating and short of breath when I'm talking.

I work in sales, usually meet with 2-3 clients a day. Today I started back with just one morning client. I don't think it went too well. We were talking about something and she asked me how much it costs. My mind went blank and I thought "How much does what cost?" My short term memory seems out of whack. I came home and took a nap afterwards. I guess I'll keep trying one a day. It's depressing. I took extra care with my hair and make up, clothes today for my first day back and my co-worker says "you look so tired." I want my life back!!!


Yes I took paxlovid and I don't believe I've had a rebound. Have you tested when youre having fever? Im very fatigued, trouble concentrating and short of breath when I'm talking.

I work in sales, usually meet with 2-3 clients a day. Today I started back with just one morning client. I don't think it went too well. We were talking about something and she asked me how much it costs. My mind went blank and I thought "How much does what cost?" My short term memory seems out of whack. I came home and took a nap afterwards. I guess I'll keep trying one a day. It's depressing. I took extra care with my hair and make up, clothes today for my first day back and my co-worker says "you look so tired." I want my life back!!!

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@haystack913 Today marks two weeks since I tested +COVID. I’ve tested three times (all positive) - Feb 17, Feb 23 & Feb 28. I’m not sure if there is any correlation between the fever and the positive tests and I haven’t really timed the testing to coincide with the fevers - but that’s a good question.
I am hoping to return to work Monday. Im allowed to do that even if I’m still testing positive as long as I have no fever and my symptoms have “improved.” I guess that’s the indicators of whether a person is contagious or not.
So even if I’m having some minor symptoms (stuffy nose, mild coughing, fatigue), I can go back to work. My biggest concern is the fatigue - so sorry to hear you are still struggling with it. I think you have the right idea and I will probably have to do the same and work a few half days to prevent myself from becoming too exhausted.
I manage an active senior center (55+ recreation & social) within the parks & recreation dept. Some days, my job is heavily administrative and I'm at my desk a lot, and other days I’m interacting with our members, at meetings or helping to host a special program. Special programs are exhausting, so I’m glad we only have those a couple times per month.
I’m also worried about “COVID brain.” I’m doing a little bit of work from home (some administrative tasks) and I find it hard to concentrate. UGH
How long were you out of work before you went back? Do you plan to stick with half days for a while?
Sending healing energy your way!

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