glaucoma drops sideeffects or dry eye

Posted by bubica83 @bubica83, Jun 16, 2023

Hi everyone! I'm 40 years old female and I have narrow angle glaucoma for 5 years. I had laser iridiotomy and I am on cosopt and xalatan since than. For last 3 weeks I fell stinging, burning, and sometimes blurry vision for short, my eyes are also tired, but not red. I tried artificial tears and gels but that doesnt help me lot or just for short. Hot compress maybe help much more. I had appoitment to my Dr on beginging on july. My biggest fear is alergy on drops. Any advice? Thank you all for reading and answering!

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thanx.... now its as clear as mud - well not really but it is confusing to the average user (like me)... as I mentined I use Monoprost... but eventually don't all eye drops end up in our bodies... I am thinking of my 365 drops a year times 5 type thing.
Also we are told to hold finger to inside eye area, eye closed, for 2 minutes or so so (for most eye dorps) so meds stay in eyes... but surely still gets into body? And my Monoprost leaflet says: "Contact your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible if you swallow MONOPROST accidentally. Also says in case of drug overdose contact a health care practitioner , hospital emergency dept. or regional poison control centre immediately even if there are no symptoms.
So in effect these and other glaucoma drops are serioius meds aren't they and am not picking on Monoprost, its just used for 5 yrs. Recently I wrote the manufacturer re the possible preservative and they were good and replied right away ...and I know many meds have pages of side effects, but when a pharmacist first told me not to worry as stayed in the eyes, was not quite right. At least if they stop my eye pressure and, oddly enough NARROW angle glaucoma (it says for wide angle).. then I suppose like all meds, we have to deal with the negatives and keep our vision as long as possible.


I saw my glaucoma specialist yesterday and learned something new. I've been on a new compound eye drop to improve rough cornea surface, and lately my dorzolimdie eye drop for glaucoma has started stinging and burning for a few minutes when I take it twice a day. The other drops pilocarpine and rocklatan do not cause stinging. My doc says that's a good thing as Dorzolimide normally does sting and now your cornea nerve cells are waking up and feeling it. She says my corneas do look a little better.


I was diagnosed with glaucoma 20+ years ago. Over this time I have had to switch eye drops often. It seems I would eventually develop a reaction or allergy to different drops. My opthamologist felt it had to do with the preservatives in the drops. Sometimes my eyes would be constantly red, watery and uncomfortable. It was a embarrassing. He then tried a drop called Rocklatan which I have been on for about 2 years. So far I have tolerated it very well and my pressure has been good. I use it in the evening. One other thing--my eyes got very dry and uncomfortable about 15 years ago. He switched drops but I think the dryness was the result of another medication I was taking at the time--Actinel for osteoporosis. Once I stopped taking it, my eyes cleared up. Don't know if any of this helps.

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