Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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I bought Dr. Aviv's book "The acid watcher diet" off Amazon. Good info!


I’ve been on 40mg omeprazole for Gerd and acid reflux for over 12 years.
Recently (last 3 months) it stopped working and acid was out of control. Doc booked me in for a gastroscopy, which meant no meds for 5 days prior.
Obviously the acid was really bad, but other things happened too. I started sleeping through the night. Reflux & aspiration stopped. I felt less fatigued, had a clearer head, felt like for the first time in ages I had some energy.
I’ve already suffered a crumbling hip joint and had a replacement, have put on 5 stone in the last 8 years and sometimes felt so tired and washed out that all I wanted to do was stay in bed (not possible as I still have to get up and work).
Omeprazole was my crutch and I never realised how bad it was for me - I am now trying different things to address the acid and although it initially got worse, it’s now not too bad (nearly 2 weeks off it).
I’m not going back on it. Currently changing diet to alkaline with digestive enzymes. I have a hiatus hernia. Gastroscopy found lesions and polyps which are currently being biopsied, but until I’ve tried absolutely everything else I’m not going back on meds.


Good luck!! I also stopped PPI and taking Famodidine only 1 daily. Try Organic Throat Coat tea seems to help. I will pick up book suggested. Also Aloe Gel is good.


Good luck!! I also stopped PPI and taking Famodidine only 1 daily. Try Organic Throat Coat tea seems to help. I will pick up book suggested. Also Aloe Gel is good.

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I just stopped taking it because I now have to put all my cooked foods in a blender and drink it as a soup due to diverticulitis. No affects whatsoever. Of course, I'm not eating. Just drinking.


I just stopped taking it because I now have to put all my cooked foods in a blender and drink it as a soup due to diverticulitis. No affects whatsoever. Of course, I'm not eating. Just drinking.

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Have you been tested for Achalasia? I have and had Poem procedure so can eat but still have to be cautious. I’m so sorry you are going through this I know it’s depressing when you can’t join family and friends in eating.


I’ve been on 40mg omeprazole for Gerd and acid reflux for over 12 years.
Recently (last 3 months) it stopped working and acid was out of control. Doc booked me in for a gastroscopy, which meant no meds for 5 days prior.
Obviously the acid was really bad, but other things happened too. I started sleeping through the night. Reflux & aspiration stopped. I felt less fatigued, had a clearer head, felt like for the first time in ages I had some energy.
I’ve already suffered a crumbling hip joint and had a replacement, have put on 5 stone in the last 8 years and sometimes felt so tired and washed out that all I wanted to do was stay in bed (not possible as I still have to get up and work).
Omeprazole was my crutch and I never realised how bad it was for me - I am now trying different things to address the acid and although it initially got worse, it’s now not too bad (nearly 2 weeks off it).
I’m not going back on it. Currently changing diet to alkaline with digestive enzymes. I have a hiatus hernia. Gastroscopy found lesions and polyps which are currently being biopsied, but until I’ve tried absolutely everything else I’m not going back on meds.

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I took omeprazole originally when NEXIUM was prescribed by my doctor but my insurance would not pay for it. I had no problem just stopping one and starting the other.

I then went on NEXIUM in 2014 when it came on the OTC market. After two years, I switched to ranitidine up until I had a hernia repair and LINX augmentation done in 2018.

My surgery and LINX was a great success and I have not taken as much as one tum since. Ask your doctor about it,

Dr. Lipham at USC is my referral to you. Good luck.


Acid reflux problems for years, severe, stopped meds, started daily; 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce, and 1 tablespoon sauerkraut and leafy salad greens. It works great for me. If I have any stomach pain I swallow a tablespoon of sauerkraut and it almost instantly goes away. Applesauce is a prebiotic sauerkraut probiotic (any fermented food daily is good for your microbiomes.) I can't tell you how easy and happy this solution has made me after years of chronic pain. But everybody's got is different so you have to experiment and be your own advocate.


I took omeprazole originally when NEXIUM was prescribed by my doctor but my insurance would not pay for it. I had no problem just stopping one and starting the other.

I then went on NEXIUM in 2014 when it came on the OTC market. After two years, I switched to ranitidine up until I had a hernia repair and LINX augmentation done in 2018.

My surgery and LINX was a great success and I have not taken as much as one tum since. Ask your doctor about it,

Dr. Lipham at USC is my referral to you. Good luck.

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I was on it for years and it stopped working. I has the Nissan Fundoplacation surgery which was an extremely hard recover for me. It never truly relieved my symptoms and now I take Zantac daily.


Acid reflux problems for years, severe, stopped meds, started daily; 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce, and 1 tablespoon sauerkraut and leafy salad greens. It works great for me. If I have any stomach pain I swallow a tablespoon of sauerkraut and it almost instantly goes away. Applesauce is a prebiotic sauerkraut probiotic (any fermented food daily is good for your microbiomes.) I can't tell you how easy and happy this solution has made me after years of chronic pain. But everybody's got is different so you have to experiment and be your own advocate.

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May I ask you where in your stomach the pain is? I have pain in middle where ribs meet and under ribs get inflamed or bloated or feel so heavy. Used to have little pain, but now, no matter what I drink or eat it or walk or bend pick something up, it hurts and feels heavy and bloated. The only thing has helped is warm water and heat pad. I can't take any PPIs or H2 Blockers due to thrush and getting Sibo. As soon as bloating and gas is gone, SIBO shows up! Thanks.


Hi Jojo
I have had the same problem for years that you're having now. Ice get pain that starts at the rib cage and then now it radiates to the very back of my back and I spend a lot of time on the heating pad. I've been on Omeprazole, nexium, dexilant (which is extremely expensive in my insurance won't pay for it now) you name it all of them. Last year I did a lot of research on microbiomes and stomach issues and what I've learned seems to help me a lot. Like I said I take applesauce and sauerkraut everyday. To try and keep myself regular I take a powdered magnesium made by vitality extracts called calm. You can get it at any health food store or Costco it cost about $24 a year the bottle has lasted me 9 months and it's only halfway empty. I take a teaspoon of that everyday and mix it with a quarter teaspoon of psyllium fiber in a glass of 8 oz of water and I drink that down every day. It keeps me pretty regular so I'd miss out on the constipation I used to get. Everybody is different you might have to take a little more or a little less depending on how bad your stomach issues are. Too much magnesium will give you the runs and too much fiber will blow you and give you a stomach ache. For me I only need a quarter to a half a teaspoon of fiber every other day but the calm magnesium I take everyday. Also green leafy salads even if you go without onion and other things in it like tomatoes I can't do helps to move your system and keep you regular. I pretty much stay away from sugar but I do love my chocolate so I might have a little candy bar every other night. I also get diverticulitis pain on the left side when I feel like I'm starting to get constipated or bloated so I'm very careful. I switched my milk out to lactose-free and that helps. I've been to so many doctors for scleroderma and the only thing that really helps anything with my disease is sildenafil for my raynauds and hydroxychloroquine for my stiffness and puffiness in my fingers. But I would like to get off the hydroxychloroquine due to the fact that it can cause plaquenil toxicity and affects your eyes after about 5 years sometimes. The disease that I have affects everyone differently so I just try really hard to stay healthy but I have noticed a diet and exercise have helped me more than any medication they've given me at this point. I hardly ever get stomach pain now but when I do I curl up like a baby and cry myself to sleep on the heating pad. I wish you the best of luck we have to be our own advocate so fight for your life and your pain to go away research research research! Big hugs, Melissa

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