Getting Off of Omeprazole: Share your success stories please.

Posted by Bonnie @nightngale1998, Jun 26, 2018

Hi there: Has anyone had success in weaning off of Omeprazole? I take it for GERD. Thank you in advance!

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I was taking 2- 40 mg omeprazole per day and my doctor asked me to just take one a day because it was not good to take that much over a long period of time which I had been taking it for about a year so it was no problem to quit the night time dose of 40 mg


I had my GI appointment yesterday. I was told I can start tapering off the 40 mg of Pantaprazole I take daily. I have no reflux or heartburn at all. I get my next EGD and Colonoscopy in Oct. The NP at his office told me yes, Barrett's can go away. I will find out in October.

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What is your schedule for tapering off? I tried to taper off another PPI (Pantoprazole) by taking 1 pill every other day for two weeks and then stopping completely, according to my Dr's recommendation. I was off the meds for about 3 weeks when I started having stomach pains so I had to go back on the drug.


I'm doing the same as you. 1 every other day and then report if I have a problem.


Is the Pepcid working for you? I’d like to avoid PPI, but have chronic sore throat which I believe is an acid issue.

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Yes it is. There are too many side affects with PPI


I weaned myself off of omeprazole. I have a hiatal hernia. I did it very slowly. I was on it for two and a half + years. I eat in the morning and early afternoon. I don’t eat after 2:00 pm until the next morning. I have the head of my bed raised about 7 inches. I try to eat the foods that don’t bother me, but I do cheat once in awhile. I have been taking Pepcid about 15 minutes before bed. I’ve been doing this for about a month. I’m not sure how long I can do that. I feel good though. I use tums occasionally too. My throat gets sore off and on. I walk when the weather permits, and I go to a fitness center when it doesn’t.


I have GERD and H.H. too. I am seeing a Naturopathic Doctor. She will be testing for food sensitivities and H. Pylori. In the meantime, I am chewing 2 DGL tablets 20 mins before meals. I drink 1 cup of bone broth in the morn, on an empty stomach, and I do an exercise in the morn to get my h.h. down (easy to find on internet). I bought a water filter jug that makes my water more alkaline, and I am drinking low acid coffee now. I have gone from 4 to 2 cups a day so far. I drink marshmallow root, slippery elm (yuck), and chamomile tea and try to drink 8-9 cups of water per day. I don’t have dairy (except butter) and very little bread/wheat and def nothing acidic. I’m trying to heal my stomach so I can wean off PPI’s since I’ve been on them for years. Trying to alternate PPI’s one day and H2 blockers the next. I’m still doing some things I shouldn’t (snack at night) so I don’t know but I just want to enjoy my life without pain. If this doesn’t work, I’m wondering if surgery to fix a hiatal hernia would be the answer. I don’t know if it’s as easy as wanting it or if it has be a certain size and what is the success rate. I’ve also found some YouTube videos and do some exercises that are supposed to help. PPI’s do help but they are def not a miracle cure, they are less effective with time nor should we be on them indefinitely. Anyway, that’s what I’m doing.

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Say, I have added some good quality probiotics to my regime to improve my gut microbes… seems to be helping. Also have the cabbage juice you recommended every few days. Hope you are doing better.


OK, here goes. I suspect this may be long. Omeprazole and Pepsid are the same thing. Reglan caused me to have involuntary movements of my tongue and feet. I’ve been off of it for over a year and the feet are in constant motion-the Doctors do not think it will resolve. I currently take 40 mg Omeprazole in the morning and 8 mg Ondansetron 2-3 times a day for nausea and vomiting. If I do not take them before my feet hit the floor, I will throw up. I had a hiatal for about 15 years before I had surgery to repair it (fundoplication). All was good for about 6 years. I had been told that that was about all I could expect. About 12 years ago, it was back and I started to vomit bright red blood, which resulted in esophagitis. Many tests and hospitalizations later, it was discovered that I also had gastritis and gastroparesis (delayed emptying of the stomach). The esophagitis and gastritis resolved with antibiotics and some minor diet changes. I am being followed at Emory University Hospital and have been for 33 years. I had a kidney transplant there 20 years ago as a result of untreated strep throat. My gastroenterologist has referred my to another Emory gastroenterologist who is specially trained in a procedure called G-POEM (look it up). Not many hospitals perform it as it is fairly new. They believe this should solve many of my problems caused by Gastroparesis. I expect to hear this week if I am a candidate. The procedure is 80-90% successful. The procedure is done through the mouth ((no external incision) and takes approximately 2 hours with 1 night in the hospital. The diet afterwards is gradual over a period of time -clear liquid, full liquid, soft then finally, regular. After extensive research, I feel that the possible reward outweighs the risk. I strongly suggest you contact the nearest teaching hospital for an evaluation. I wouldn’t consider going anywhere else for anything! Good luck and good health to all of you! Thank you for sticking with me through this epic journal.

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First, i am sorry you are habing to deal with these issues all these years. Hope you found a resolution. Do you have a gastro doc u recommend at Emory? I think I need to see someone more than just the local gastro doc. They seem more focused on just doing procedures and not maintaining relationships with patients. Did u receive a referral . I could go to either Mayo in Jax or Emory. Both are somewhat in driving distance


I never had heartburn either. Wound up with Barrett’s esophagus. I’ve taken PPIS to heal ulcers but took only for 14 months. I’m on Pepcid an H2 blocker. There are multiple side effects from PPPIS.

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Just found this thread. I have suspected LPR, according to ent, and short barretts, visually on endoscopy but negative for barretts on pathology after 5 months on omeprazole.
My ent recommended a plant based diet but with animal protein in small portions 2 to 3 times a week. He also recommended reflux gourmet, which has sodium alginate, to create a reflux raft above stomach contents and keep acid in stomach. I found esophageal guardian by life extension which costs less and works better for me. I take it at bedtime.
Waiting to hear from GI that I can wean off omeprazole, which I already stated doing every other day. So far so good.


We weaned off our acid reflux meds very slowly. The possible long term side effect of taking acid reflux meds concerned us. I brought empty capsules and made our own capsules as we slowly weaned off. Now, i juice 16 ounces of celery every morning for myself and husband. . We drink it before our coffee and wait about 30 minutes. And, we drink a teaspoon of Braggs apple cider vinegar (the mother) each morning before breakfast. I hope this is helpful.

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Coffee is very excessive and it's not really good for GERD are you you are blessed that you're making any progress by taking other things and I encourage you to keep taking other things and I encourage you to use the at least use the low acid coffee with alkaline water maybe bananas I've heard Daddy and bananas that are there alkaline and they help get rid of the acid naturally also I guess there's other things that I need I have Gerd I still take Omeprazole I take a half of what my doctor had me on he said he was concerned about me taking it at my age I'm 73 I was taking omeprazole and my doctor had me cut it in half I still take 40 mg in the morning and I'm looking to quit call me it's the hardest thing in the world to do it's harder than I used to be an alcoholic I used to smoke two or three packs of cigarettes a day and the Lord Jesus Christ help me to quit on on those habits I'm still struggling with the coffee because it seems to have an effect on helping my degenerative disc my sciatica and my neuropathy it seems to help a little bit but I think in the long run it may be harming the nerves so I'm praying and seeking help on that God bless you and Trust in the great physician he's able to do anything he rose from the dead he made us he knows our bodies and he can do anything for us and he will use anything to get our attention turn to him and Trust to him as our God and savior God bless you and praying for you


And there are many things you can do for your diet to get rid of the acid or cut back on it if you're drinking coffee or anything with caffeine chocolate they tell you all these things but I myself still struggle with drinking coffee the Lord Jesus Christ help me quit smoking two to three packs of cigarettes a day I used to drink 12 pack of alcohol almost every night beer the Lord Jesus has used doctors to help me but he is the great position he's the one that can do anything and he will use anything to get our attention to turn to him from our sins and to trust in him he died on the cross for our sins he came in into this world to save us not to condemn us but without him we will experience a lot of pain the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Our Lord he will use our doctors I was being dismiss diagnosed for years and the Lord Jesus Christ sent a doctor to me with the right medication which was opposite of what they were giving me for about 4 years I was able to start driving a car again I was able to start concentrating and watching TV with my wife and going to sleep at night and not sleepwalking and many other things the Lord help me with and I I can't help but I recommend him with all my heart

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