Gastric bypass surgery scheduled for Sept. Any encouragement? Advise?
It’s taken 9 months to get all the stars aligned for a surgery date. I took all the classes months ago. I have my big binder of information, but I’m real nervous that I don’t feel prepared now, or maybe Im worried that I can’t do it anymore. Need some encouragement and help getting back on track. I start my liquid diet Sept. 7. Any advise?
Thank you,
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You. Will enjoy the sweet taste of being thin . set you mind to the new future
Carry a heatin pad to lay on ur stomach!! Helps the gas pain!! Good luck!! James k
Best advice is to follow rules afterwards. They are based on evidence. If try to eat solids to soon or wrong food you will be sorry. Few weeks / months of restrictions is worth the awards.
I hated tracking food, but at least track water and protein intake. It is important.
If they have you start new prescriptions or vitamins, ask about any conflicts with existing meds. Example, I can not take multi-vit at same time as thyroid med. Ask if calcium and multi-vit can be taken with each other or other meds? If any of your meds need to change because of surgery. After I lost weight, I was having dizzy spells and turned out that my blood pressure was to low and needed to reduce blood pressure medications. That was months after surgery.
When go home from hospital, have pillow available to put over belly on way home. I had 40 minute drive home, and every bump on road jarred the stomach. A pillow between stomach and seat belt helped.
If have problems, do not hesitate to call your care team. That is what they are there for. Better to address problems immediately.
Your journey does not end with surgery, as I am sure they have told you in classes, if go back to your old habits, the weight will come back.
If your clinic has a Gastric surgery support group, join. Lot of good advice from patients with experience. Everything from vitamins, suggestions on food, how to keep weight off, etc....
I am over 10 years out, and weight has been up and down. But currently 100lbs less then pre surgery and makes a big difference in my health and activities I can do.
Wishing you the best
Thank you all for responding and for the information. I am rereading all the info in my binder trying to get back in the mindset that I can do this! I am nervous, but determined.
Your responses and tips are truly appreciated. I can use all the tips I can get♥️
Hi @liver2007, of course you're nervous, but I like that you offset that with your determination. Getting support from others really helps too. @grandmar @nova1976 @sharonrider may also have some encouragement and advise to share from their experiences.
As the date approaches, do you have specific questions or concerns?