Gabapentin side effects?

Posted by Sundance(RB) @sundance6, Apr 13, 2019

I am a regular on the Mayo Board! I don't know what I would do without it! Our doctors don't want to discuss openly the things about illnesses and side effets of drugs and other things. Anyway, my question to all of you is Gabapentin and it's side effects. I have been on it now for 6 months. My doctor raised me from 100mg. to now I am on 400mg. three times a day.
The problem is my tiredness! I happen to be in a friends office yesterday and she was taking some medicine. She said she was taking Gabapentin. I asked why and she said she had, had shingles back when and it still helped with the pain. I know the drug is percribed for many things that is why I take it for my issues.
I told her I had been taking it for about 6 months. She asked if I had been tired all the time, just out of the Blue. OF COURSE I SAID YES! She said it took her a year before she got out of the tiredness.
Let me know if any of you have experienced the same thing. Also let me know at what dosage you may be on? I know this is all confidential!
Again Thanks to The Mayo Clinic and Everyone who is kind enough to be open with their lives!

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It's just crazy to me, that with all the medical advancements, nobody can fix neuropathy!

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A lot of it is food that we eat but if you don’t eat you get skinny I lost 25 pounds not good I’ve gained about 7 pounds back by eating more but of course, having more pain


A lot of it is food that we eat but if you don’t eat you get skinny I lost 25 pounds not good I’ve gained about 7 pounds back by eating more but of course, having more pain

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Mine was caused by my lower spine surgery...fusion and laminectomy.


She did mention it, but she said they were about the same. My insurance requires generic meds, but I could certainly try it to see if it works better. I went to a podiatrist, and she prescribed a compound cream which consists of gabapentin, lidocaine, clonidine and 3 others that I can't remember. It helps for about 3 or 4 hours.

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I forgot to mention the side effect of gabapentin is gout is a calcium blocker so the calcium goes to your bones. Causes gout. Gout in my big toe got worse. Now I need to have it removed and Lyrica is a lot stronger. I cannot even take it any longer I have to get off gabapentin was better to take for my pain than Lyrica.


When I first got shingles in 2019 I tried a lot of stuff in it up on gabapentin. I was on 2400 mg a day. I finally got down when I finally quit. I was on 900 a day you have to get off very slowly. I’m glad I did, they say Lyrica is even harder to get off of but I haven’t been on that long enough. It really made my pain worse.


When I first got shingles in 2019 I tried a lot of stuff in it up on gabapentin. I was on 2400 mg a day. I finally got down when I finally quit. I was on 900 a day you have to get off very slowly. I’m glad I did, they say Lyrica is even harder to get off of but I haven’t been on that long enough. It really made my pain worse.

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I feel lucky it gave me crazy psycho dreams and I quit
After two days.


I wasn't putting down alternative therapies. The wrong drugs are not an alternative therapy, they are malpractice. Pt is great for delaying back problems as is stretching. Hypnosis is an alternative therapy are is Qigong, yoga, acupuncture and ,many other forms and they all have there place. For late stage chronic pain that is not going to get better or abate, for pain that will only progress as you age, as you become more disabled, stretching, exercise and PT may help but they are not an alternative for real pain management. Narcotics have there limit, they can only do so much but reverting to what might have been appropriate or useful when you you were 40 is a cope out on the part of medical professionals. The fact that some people were given narcotics which they misused and became addicted to does not make it ok to throw real patients who used their drugs as they were meant to be used and did not abuse them, under the proverbial bus. I am a Qigong practitioner, an energy healer. That's an alternative therapy. As good as it is, and as skilled as I am, I cannot correct the damage of a crumbling spine or the lasting ravigis of radiation and chemo therapy. The congress passed a law preventing the DEA from investigating the drug manufacturers. This was done because these same manufacturers are almost certainly selling their drugs on the black market to drug dealers just as the manufacturers of Quaaludes were in the 70's. Think about the number of overdose deaths and ask yourself if you raelly think well meaning doctors could be responsible for a problem of this major scale.

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It's not the Drs it's the Dentists!


I am taking 300 MG capsules 3x per day.
About a year ago I started seeing a new doc who prescribed the max 1800MG per day (300 MG 6 times per day). I lost ALL muscle strength. Could not even crawl! I stopped taking all Gabapentin and this side effect (ataxia) went away.
I am now seeing another neurologist and informed him about my history. Gabapentin is helpful to me in lower doses and I have not noticed any side effects (other than constipation). I looked up the clinical trials of Gabapentin and ataxia is mentioned as a possible side effect. Now I research the clinical trials of any FDA approved drug that I am prescribed!


I am taking 300 MG capsules 3x per day.
About a year ago I started seeing a new doc who prescribed the max 1800MG per day (300 MG 6 times per day). I lost ALL muscle strength. Could not even crawl! I stopped taking all Gabapentin and this side effect (ataxia) went away.
I am now seeing another neurologist and informed him about my history. Gabapentin is helpful to me in lower doses and I have not noticed any side effects (other than constipation). I looked up the clinical trials of Gabapentin and ataxia is mentioned as a possible side effect. Now I research the clinical trials of any FDA approved drug that I am prescribed!

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Wow…. that was a heavy dosage regime. I took it and I could have slept around the clock. So I took it at night but it gave me wacko psycho dreams .. stuff you don’t even want to know is lurking in your brain. I just stopped it.


I took Gabapentin after a hip replacement. When the dosage ramped up,my thoughts went very dark.

I weaned down immediately.


Wow…. that was a heavy dosage regime. I took it and I could have slept around the clock. So I took it at night but it gave me wacko psycho dreams .. stuff you don’t even want to know is lurking in your brain. I just stopped it.

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I know what you are saying. I can't imagine 1800 mg of Gabapentin on a daily basis. My neurologist upped my dosage to 300 mg 3x daily. I eventually cut that back to 150 mg. 3x daily. I, also, tend to get very sleepy after dinner, often falling a sleep during a movie. It could also be the diazepam that I am taking. I may try to wean myself off both of these meds since I had a pain pump implanted. The pump doesn't give great relief, but I'd like to know if the meds are really helping after 7 years.

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