Gabapentin and Cymbalta

Posted by jeanniem @jeanniem, Mar 15, 2021

I am taking 300mg of Gabapentin twice a day and my neurologist seems to feel pretty strongly that I add 30mg of Cymbalta. Does anyone else take this combo? I really hate adding new medications!

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I wrote in another neuropathy group yesterday about my surgery mistake damaged my intercostal nerves. That resulted in a flank bulge, which I had never known I had a FLANK and it’s now called pseudo hernia. Once the intercostal nerve is damaged, a recent study indicates there’s a domino effect to other nerves resulting in neuropathy pain and in my case ET, essential tremors. It was 6-8 months after the surgery that both those issues appeared. Of course, the neurologist prescribed gabapentin. I had been prescribed that drug previously and have it on my Allergy List. I use lidocaine topically and have Tramadol for other pain in the pseudo hernia.
The neurologist wanted me to use gabapenatal/Lyrica. No. My friend says she feels like a zombie. I had anxiety and confusion and trembling. No!

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A doctor prescribed Lyrica for my Fibromyalgia. Although I started out on the lowest dosage (I am ever so sensitive to many, many drugs and many homeopathic products). Even at the lowest dosage of the Lyrica, I felt a definite difference ... an all over feeling of calm and reduction of aches and pains. BUT...after a couple of months I became zombie like - didn't have any desire to do anything. I stopped taking it.


@gshfmb You're welcome. It's good to hear you're working with physical therapy. I hope they provide you help not only while working with them but to use at home when you work with yourself. "Motion is Lotion" as we say in Mayo Pain Rehab. The important key is to learn how to move appropriately.

I hear you about the island. It's not easy to pop into a Mayo Clinic. I flew from NY to FL and was blessed to have Medicare cover my whole 3-week pain rehab experience, however I incurred the expense of travel, hotel and meals.

Recently Connect was privy to have access to Dr. Sletten's Mayo PRC Family Day videos. Dr. Sletten is the director of the PRC in FL and breaks down concepts to the families of participants each of the 3 weeks they are there. The videos contain an inside peek of the principles and tools used for rehabilitation. I graduated the PRC almost 2 years ago and it was the hardest thing I've ever done, but most rewarding and life changing. My husband was able to learn about what I was experiencing in rehab each week so he could support and encourage me.

I'm happy to share the Week 1 video with you, and any other Connect member out there who is curious about Mayo PRC or who knows they can't get there but wants to pick Mayo's brain on how this program works. There is no shame in the game in learning or hearing about a plan you may be able to apply to your current situation, especially if its beneficial. Dr. Sletten explains the "Cycle of Pain" and the science behind "chronic". He educates on many factors and presents on how lifestyle changes can empower you. He's also kind of funny. Take a peek...

Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center - Family Day Week 1:

If you, @gshfmb, or any other Connect member watches the Week 1 video and would like to see the following Week 2 and Week 3 please do not hesitate to let me know and I'd be happy to share. There are always ways each of us can continue to improve, even in pain. Keep your chin up, you're not alone.

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Thanks for sharing the video! I'd love to see weeks 2 & 3 please.


A doctor prescribed Lyrica for my Fibromyalgia. Although I started out on the lowest dosage (I am ever so sensitive to many, many drugs and many homeopathic products). Even at the lowest dosage of the Lyrica, I felt a definite difference ... an all over feeling of calm and reduction of aches and pains. BUT...after a couple of months I became zombie like - didn't have any desire to do anything. I stopped taking it.

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The neurologist said the brain has a long memory of pain and Lyrica would block the awareness of pain to the brain. Not worth the price of losing my sharp thinking power 🤷‍♀️ My choice.


@gshfmb You're welcome. It's good to hear you're working with physical therapy. I hope they provide you help not only while working with them but to use at home when you work with yourself. "Motion is Lotion" as we say in Mayo Pain Rehab. The important key is to learn how to move appropriately.

I hear you about the island. It's not easy to pop into a Mayo Clinic. I flew from NY to FL and was blessed to have Medicare cover my whole 3-week pain rehab experience, however I incurred the expense of travel, hotel and meals.

Recently Connect was privy to have access to Dr. Sletten's Mayo PRC Family Day videos. Dr. Sletten is the director of the PRC in FL and breaks down concepts to the families of participants each of the 3 weeks they are there. The videos contain an inside peek of the principles and tools used for rehabilitation. I graduated the PRC almost 2 years ago and it was the hardest thing I've ever done, but most rewarding and life changing. My husband was able to learn about what I was experiencing in rehab each week so he could support and encourage me.

I'm happy to share the Week 1 video with you, and any other Connect member out there who is curious about Mayo PRC or who knows they can't get there but wants to pick Mayo's brain on how this program works. There is no shame in the game in learning or hearing about a plan you may be able to apply to your current situation, especially if its beneficial. Dr. Sletten explains the "Cycle of Pain" and the science behind "chronic". He educates on many factors and presents on how lifestyle changes can empower you. He's also kind of funny. Take a peek...

Mayo Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Center - Family Day Week 1:

If you, @gshfmb, or any other Connect member watches the Week 1 video and would like to see the following Week 2 and Week 3 please do not hesitate to let me know and I'd be happy to share. There are always ways each of us can continue to improve, even in pain. Keep your chin up, you're not alone.

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Would like to see Week 2 and Week 3 videos. How?


Thanks for sharing the video! I'd love to see weeks 2 & 3 please.

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Hello @irishlady1974 how are you doing? Thank you for showing interest in the PRC videos. I became familiar your posts and found you struggle with neurological symptoms. Before getting into the next video, may I ask how you are currently managing and if anything in video 1 resonated? Do you think perhaps going to the Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center may be a consideration for you pain management?


Would like to see Week 2 and Week 3 videos. How?

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Hey there @car72, welcome, it's nice to meet you! I'm happy you have interest in the Mayo Pain Rehab videos. I will be posting more.

Thanks for joining this conversation thread titled Gabapentin and Cymbalta. Are you struggling with chronic pain? If your comfortable, do mind sharing a bit about your journey and what brings you to Connect?


I had hip replacement surgery last November and the peroneal nerve was damaged...have drop foot... Was on Gabapentin and it did not good for the pain. Neurologist switched me to Lyrica and I am going off it now as it's done no good... Was interested in your first video in that the presenter encourages people to get off drugs, which I am doing... I must wear a brace to walk and there's still considerable hip pain around the incision site. Wed. will have a CT scan...just to be sure there is nothing visibly wrong...


Hello @irishlady1974 how are you doing? Thank you for showing interest in the PRC videos. I became familiar your posts and found you struggle with neurological symptoms. Before getting into the next video, may I ask how you are currently managing and if anything in video 1 resonated? Do you think perhaps going to the Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center may be a consideration for you pain management?

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I found the video very enlightening! I recently stopped lyrica because of neurological side effects I want to stay away from. I'm going through physical therapy for upper body (but could use it all over) in the form of Myofascial Release, dry needling, and massage. I'm very interested in learning more about the mind-body connection as I also suffer from anxiety, depression and high blood pressure. I'm staring to see a bunch if different specialists through a different provider but wondering if Mayo's PRC would make more sense.


@jeanniem Hello, Jeanniem. If I may ask, why are you taking Gabapentin and why add Cymbalta? I've taken both. I took Gabapentin for nerve pain, neuropathy, and other pain. Cymbalta I've been taking for years for firbromyalgia pain, and it helps with all my pain basically......perhaps because it truly helps wfibromyalgia. But, it's a miracle drug for me. Because Cymbalta helps so w/reduction of amount of overall body pain, I've been able to reduce and eliminate the gabapentin, lyrica, oxycodone, 800mg ibuprophen, lamictal.....added Requip for dopamine and am working on completing the 'cocktail' with MJ, THC./CBD at night for pain, sleep, anxiety and daytime for pain, anxiety. I'm thrilled with the progress, even tho I'm not there yet.

I take the max dose of Chymbalta, 120mg daily and don't think I could survive w/o it.

Good luck with these decisions. May they lead you to less pain and better life~ Blessings, elizabeth

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My neuropathy commenced in the mid-1990-s and I've tried many things, including for many years a daily dose of Lyrica or pregabalin, I am presently 6 or 7 weeks into 'increasing' the dose 25mg every 3 weeks or so. THIS IS WORKING! Prior to an increase night-time nerve-related discomfort in my feet will have increased noticeably, and reduced noticeably after the increase in dosage. I am now at 200mg twice a day.


I found the video very enlightening! I recently stopped lyrica because of neurological side effects I want to stay away from. I'm going through physical therapy for upper body (but could use it all over) in the form of Myofascial Release, dry needling, and massage. I'm very interested in learning more about the mind-body connection as I also suffer from anxiety, depression and high blood pressure. I'm staring to see a bunch if different specialists through a different provider but wondering if Mayo's PRC would make more sense.

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@irishlady1974 Honestly, I feel that you are a prime candidate for the PRC. After a while, the rotation and merry go round of docs, specialists, meds and therapies wears on you physically, emotionally and behaviorally. It's called the cycle of pain and you're not alone in it. Living with daily chronic pain and symptoms exacerbates anxiety and depression, how can it not? Especially if you or doctors don't know how to treat the whole package as a team.

Dr. Sletten gives 3 key points about determining who is ready for the PRC or who may be a candidate:

1. Duration and effectiveness of treatments
2. Potential for push/crash
3. Emotional distress

These are questions to ask yourself and are further elaborated on in the videos.

Here is Family Day - Week 2:

I can tell you that the PRC is a comprehensive rehabilitation program that does treat mind and body, like you are hoping to learn more about. It's mind blowing in how they successfully pay attention to every little detail of how to teach, motivate and provide a plan for their participants. The fact that you are not doing it alone and have a group of peers going through it with you is empowering because they understand, and everyone lifts each other up. It was awe-inspiring, really, and well exceeded my expectations. I could go on and on about the program because it was life changing for me.

In case you haven't seen this yet, here is a Mayo Clinic link to the PRC:

Also, here's a direct link if you should decide to apply to Mayo Clinic and get the ball rolling:

Whether you think it's feasible for you to actually get to the Mayo Clinic PRC or not, I commend you for trying to learn and think outside of the box by watching the videos. Knowledge is definitely power! What is your main goal? To reduce medication use? To reduce the number of doctors or specialists? To have a self-managing plan?

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