Frustrated- No one knows how you feel- Except you...

Posted by brian9711 @brian9711, Nov 20, 2023

Doctor says your fine based on tests, I don't feel fine, it's like no one cares. Been healthy my whole life, am 50 and this feels bad. What should I do next?? Need help please.... Based on all the test results, I feel like an "A" student that is failing..

Approximately 6 months (have become slightly more constant), no significant change in pain levels

Most common Symptoms:
Flank/side pain sometimes on left/ sometimes on right, sometimes on both sides. More often when walking, not really impacted by jogging or other exercise- This pain is almost always a semi sharp pain, same whether on left or right side. Not as prevalent in morning, more common as the day goes on. Most common location of pain is left side.
Pain directly under the shoulder blades, less common than the flank pain, sometimes on left/ sometimes on right. This pain is almost always a mild pain, same whether on left or right side. Not as prevalent in morning, more common later in the day.
Midback pain, less common than the flank pain, almost always a “dull” pain that feels deep within the back. More at night, sometimes feels like a burning in the back, but this is rare.
Other symptoms
Headaches (not common, but I don’t typically get headaches very often)
Sensitive nipples (within the last 2 months)
Body tremors and anxiety over “stupid things” like making dinner, my hands will shake
Insomnia- Extreme difficulty sleeping, never been a good sleeper, but the last 6 months, prescribed sleeping pills do not work, melatonin does not work, nothing works, typically takes 1 ½ -2 hours to fall asleep, wake up multiple times during the night

Note: I haven’t lost any weight, but I have been eating more to maintain weight, feels like I am eating at least one extra meal a day. I started working out again about a month ago, and actually have not lost any strength and cardio has slightly improved, which is weird.
Tests Completed (nothing identified a potential cause for these symptoms)
• Lung CT Scan
• CT Abdomen (Upper endoscopy)
• Back X-Rays and MRI’s (Multiple- Lumbar, thoracic, and cervical)
o Note- I tried explaining to the clinic I was pretty certain it was not a back/spinal issue, I can jog, lift weights, rake leaves, mow grass, stacked 5 face cords of fire wood, none of this makes the pain any better or ay worse, it doesn’t really matter what activities I am doing.
• Kidneys- Ultrasound
• Multiple blood tests – All have been within anticipated ranges

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Hi Brian,
I notice that one constant seems to be sleep issue. Have you considered a sleep specialist, even via zoom if no one close?

Sleep is a major health hazard. And what affect good sleep are both physical And psychosociological problems. Linked with that I'm not sure how fulfilling is your life. both at work and outside work. In other words even if your work is not gratifying (or worse, in which case changing workplace may be an option) and nor have a 'life' after work that gives you a deep sense of having lived your part of the day-in-your total control in ways that give you a sense of having lived a Purposeful life, it can result into a state of mind that interferes with having a deep refreshing sleep.

I sleep on pillow high enough to be level-necked when on my side; no pillow when on my back, to maintain most efficient breathing with refreshing sleep in a 80 y.o. body.

Wish you good.


Hi Brian711,
I would suggest that you do some research on exercise for the areas in which you have pain such as your sides and back. That may help. Also read the labels of all of the foods you eat. They are putting so much junk in our foods these days it's awful. If you discover that there are preservatives in a food then try not eating it or don't eat it too often. Eat more natural foods such as a good brand of red meat, (Allen Brothers comes to mind.) fresh fruits and vegetables. Give up eating out and TV dinners or any prepared foods. Eat real ham sandwiches not packaged meats.
Pray about your situation. God made you and he can fix you! He's there for you; just ask.
I'll say a prayer for you also.

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If you eat meat and care about quality and safety, go to a local butcher and have them cut what you want. The prepackaged stuff in supermarkets is scary in so many ways.


I noticed your remarks regarding anxiety. As your physician checked into possible psychosomatic reaction to anxiety. Panic attacks can present themselves and very different ways. Everything is connected. Keep trying doctors and go by mainly treating the symptoms you are feeling until you can get a diagnosis. That's about all I have. I would however try a short acting anti-anxiety medication like Xanax when you start getting these phantom pains moving around your body. Good luck


I didn't want to mention you are feeling frustrated and nobody knows how you feel except you. Others that have experienced what you're going through they know what you're going through. What is happening to you is not obvious I'm assuming you're not missing a leg. I think it's physical symptoms are ones that people can easily empathize with. But don't underestimate a millions and millions of people who are suffering internally with no out ward looking effects


I noticed your remarks regarding anxiety. As your physician checked into possible psychosomatic reaction to anxiety. Panic attacks can present themselves and very different ways. Everything is connected. Keep trying doctors and go by mainly treating the symptoms you are feeling until you can get a diagnosis. That's about all I have. I would however try a short acting anti-anxiety medication like Xanax when you start getting these phantom pains moving around your body. Good luck

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I have had Panic attacks since I was 25 years old. After many tries with all kinds of Meds. The only one that has stopped my anxiety. Panic attacks are Clonazepam 0.5mg a controlled med. I have been using it for 25 years No more Attacks I can live a normal life. I hope this helps


I have had Panic attacks since I was 25 years old. After many tries with all kinds of Meds. The only one that has stopped my anxiety. Panic attacks are Clonazepam 0.5mg a controlled med. I have been using it for 25 years No more Attacks I can live a normal life. I hope this helps

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Yes this helps,do you ever quit taking them for a month? I take valium now 30 mg a day and that keeps me from having panic attacks. Both of our medications are long acting and build up which is nice. I took Xanax for 33 years daily and when I quit taking it I had quite an episode. My diagnosis was change in mental status metabolic encephalopathy. I noticed it coming on I suppose 10 years ago. I didn't get the full brutal effect until my doctor retired and I did not get a new primary which as a result I lost my prescription for Xanax. My symptoms were horrible regarding withdrawal. I eventually end up in the emergency room followed by a lengthy hospital stay. My brain was unable to produce gaba by itself at this point in my life after having an artificially created Gabba . So I take the Valium to create gaba as my receptor is basically a stump. Wondering if you've ever had experience going off?


Yes this helps,do you ever quit taking them for a month? I take valium now 30 mg a day and that keeps me from having panic attacks. Both of our medications are long acting and build up which is nice. I took Xanax for 33 years daily and when I quit taking it I had quite an episode. My diagnosis was change in mental status metabolic encephalopathy. I noticed it coming on I suppose 10 years ago. I didn't get the full brutal effect until my doctor retired and I did not get a new primary which as a result I lost my prescription for Xanax. My symptoms were horrible regarding withdrawal. I eventually end up in the emergency room followed by a lengthy hospital stay. My brain was unable to produce gaba by itself at this point in my life after having an artificially created Gabba . So I take the Valium to create gaba as my receptor is basically a stump. Wondering if you've ever had experience going off?

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I have taken 2 pills 0.5mg every night for the last 34 years. Back in the early 80s, no one knew what I had many times I was in the hospital with fake heart attacks I was given Xanax, Valum, and prosaic lithium nothing worked luckily I met a Phytrist who said I inhered from my mother this panic gene. It was so bad I could not get out of bed I was always afraid to go out in public in fear of attack. Worse no one knew what I had. God bless my Physiatrist who said to take Clonpin 3x a day I did not believe him at first but as my panic disappeared I felt good for the first time in years I could work and go out in public. I offered him $$ for his help he refused. Dr O Rouk from Mass General Hospital 1989. Long story but all true. dan


I have had Panic attacks since I was 25 years old. After many tries with all kinds of Meds. The only one that has stopped my anxiety. Panic attacks are Clonazepam 0.5mg a controlled med. I have been using it for 25 years No more Attacks I can live a normal life. I hope this helps

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Do you know of any good doctors that prescribe hope and help for severe panic attacks and MDD depression ?


I have taken 2 pills 0.5mg every night for the last 34 years. Back in the early 80s, no one knew what I had many times I was in the hospital with fake heart attacks I was given Xanax, Valum, and prosaic lithium nothing worked luckily I met a Phytrist who said I inhered from my mother this panic gene. It was so bad I could not get out of bed I was always afraid to go out in public in fear of attack. Worse no one knew what I had. God bless my Physiatrist who said to take Clonpin 3x a day I did not believe him at first but as my panic disappeared I felt good for the first time in years I could work and go out in public. I offered him $$ for his help he refused. Dr O Rouk from Mass General Hospital 1989. Long story but all true. dan

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The dates may be different but very much a similar story with me. I was disabled for a year and a half from my job at 18 they tried everything in the medical field. Strangely enough after trying a plethora of medications we stumbled on Xanax and I was able to return to work. The long-term use of Xanax that did come with a toll. Metabolic encephalopathy was the price I paid so when my doctor said I would probably have to be on benzodiazepines for life he was right. So I'm grateful for the trade-off I would have not had a very fulfilling life stuck in panic land. Thanks for your reply


Have any of the sleeping pills you've been prescribed then in the benzodiazepine family or perhaps the barbiturate family. For benzodiazepines I think the best is restoril and the second dalmane. Things like melatonin are meant to put you to sleep at night keep you to sleep.

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