Frustrated- No one knows how you feel- Except you...

Posted by brian9711 @brian9711, Nov 20, 2023

Doctor says your fine based on tests, I don't feel fine, it's like no one cares. Been healthy my whole life, am 50 and this feels bad. What should I do next?? Need help please.... Based on all the test results, I feel like an "A" student that is failing..

Approximately 6 months (have become slightly more constant), no significant change in pain levels

Most common Symptoms:
Flank/side pain sometimes on left/ sometimes on right, sometimes on both sides. More often when walking, not really impacted by jogging or other exercise- This pain is almost always a semi sharp pain, same whether on left or right side. Not as prevalent in morning, more common as the day goes on. Most common location of pain is left side.
Pain directly under the shoulder blades, less common than the flank pain, sometimes on left/ sometimes on right. This pain is almost always a mild pain, same whether on left or right side. Not as prevalent in morning, more common later in the day.
Midback pain, less common than the flank pain, almost always a “dull” pain that feels deep within the back. More at night, sometimes feels like a burning in the back, but this is rare.
Other symptoms
Headaches (not common, but I don’t typically get headaches very often)
Sensitive nipples (within the last 2 months)
Body tremors and anxiety over “stupid things” like making dinner, my hands will shake
Insomnia- Extreme difficulty sleeping, never been a good sleeper, but the last 6 months, prescribed sleeping pills do not work, melatonin does not work, nothing works, typically takes 1 ½ -2 hours to fall asleep, wake up multiple times during the night

Note: I haven’t lost any weight, but I have been eating more to maintain weight, feels like I am eating at least one extra meal a day. I started working out again about a month ago, and actually have not lost any strength and cardio has slightly improved, which is weird.
Tests Completed (nothing identified a potential cause for these symptoms)
• Lung CT Scan
• CT Abdomen (Upper endoscopy)
• Back X-Rays and MRI’s (Multiple- Lumbar, thoracic, and cervical)
o Note- I tried explaining to the clinic I was pretty certain it was not a back/spinal issue, I can jog, lift weights, rake leaves, mow grass, stacked 5 face cords of fire wood, none of this makes the pain any better or ay worse, it doesn’t really matter what activities I am doing.
• Kidneys- Ultrasound
• Multiple blood tests – All have been within anticipated ranges

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You need to have confidence they're not out to get you, Slow down


Get a different doctor. Try CBD oil for insomnia and pain.


@brian9711 Welcome to Mayo Connect, where patients and caregivers support one another through just the kind of frustrating situation as you are in now.
To try to connect you with others with like symptoms, may I ask a few more questions?
Thinking back to the onset of this pain and discomfort, did you have any illness or injury, even minor, in the months leading up to it? Did you have Covid before this began?
Or stress, like a job change, relationship change, relocation or loss of a loved one?
What about any lifestyle changes such as starting or stopping something you had done for a long time?
Did you start or stop any medications or supplements - of any kind?

Maybe your answers will trigger a reply or suggestion from a member here...


I had a frustrating month and a bit looking for answers about the sharp pain I was experiencing in my middle spine. I saw a physiotherapist and a GP (filling in for my regular doctor, who was on maternity leave) and had an x-ray, and no one thought it was anything serious even when I started having significant balance issues.

Finally, when my feet started to go numb, I limped into the ER one morning and came out of hospital 3 1/2 months later in a wheel chair, after having a tumour cut off my spine in emergency surgery, augmented by radiation therapy (I can walk again now, two years later, and my cancer is fully under control).

Most of the time unexplained pains are nothing, but sometimes they're something. Healthcare professionals are competent and hardworking, but outliers (like me) can slip through the holes.


Hi Brian711,
I would suggest that you do some research on exercise for the areas in which you have pain such as your sides and back. That may help. Also read the labels of all of the foods you eat. They are putting so much junk in our foods these days it's awful. If you discover that there are preservatives in a food then try not eating it or don't eat it too often. Eat more natural foods such as a good brand of red meat, (Allen Brothers comes to mind.) fresh fruits and vegetables. Give up eating out and TV dinners or any prepared foods. Eat real ham sandwiches not packaged meats.
Pray about your situation. God made you and he can fix you! He's there for you; just ask.
I'll say a prayer for you also.


Boy does this sound familiar. I have been experiencing many of these same symptoms. No tremors, but I do have some back issues.
Everything else sounds the same. Mostly at night with the pain. No full night’s sleep either. I am currently working on seeing my PCP to investigate it more. Like you, I don’t think it is my back. I am pretty convinced it is gastric.
I would love to hear if you find any answers and I will do the same. This has been going on for almost two years now. You?


I'm so sorry you are struggling. It is so good you are able to keep your physical strength up despite this.
Not sleeping well always affects my pain levels. I also notice an increase in pain levels with increased sugar intake so I limit that .
For sleep have you tried Epsom salt baths?
I take a warm Epsom salt bath, then read quietly for an hour or two. I also take a magnesium complex . I'm praying that things improve for you soon


I'm so sorry you are struggling. It is so good you are able to keep your physical strength up despite this.
Not sleeping well always affects my pain levels. I also notice an increase in pain levels with increased sugar intake so I limit that .
For sleep have you tried Epsom salt baths?
I take a warm Epsom salt bath, then read quietly for an hour or two. I also take a magnesium complex . I'm praying that things improve for you soon

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Thanks, I’ll try epsom salts!


I had a frustrating month and a bit looking for answers about the sharp pain I was experiencing in my middle spine. I saw a physiotherapist and a GP (filling in for my regular doctor, who was on maternity leave) and had an x-ray, and no one thought it was anything serious even when I started having significant balance issues.

Finally, when my feet started to go numb, I limped into the ER one morning and came out of hospital 3 1/2 months later in a wheel chair, after having a tumour cut off my spine in emergency surgery, augmented by radiation therapy (I can walk again now, two years later, and my cancer is fully under control).

Most of the time unexplained pains are nothing, but sometimes they're something. Healthcare professionals are competent and hardworking, but outliers (like me) can slip through the holes.

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Yeah stories like this scare me, I am glad you’re doing ok , and agreed, the one offs often get missed, that’s where I am worried I am at. Cheers


Hi Brian711,
I would suggest that you do some research on exercise for the areas in which you have pain such as your sides and back. That may help. Also read the labels of all of the foods you eat. They are putting so much junk in our foods these days it's awful. If you discover that there are preservatives in a food then try not eating it or don't eat it too often. Eat more natural foods such as a good brand of red meat, (Allen Brothers comes to mind.) fresh fruits and vegetables. Give up eating out and TV dinners or any prepared foods. Eat real ham sandwiches not packaged meats.
Pray about your situation. God made you and he can fix you! He's there for you; just ask.
I'll say a prayer for you also.

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Thanks for prayers, but about a month ago I just started working out again and nothing helps and working out (weights or running) don’t make it better or worse, it’s weird snd fiesnt feel right. I wrestled in HS and college, know what minor aches and pains feel like, this is different.

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