Fosamax or Exercise?

Posted by msou @msou, Jul 4, 2022

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In addition to other benefits, the poses must also be helping balance!

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I think so. I am steadier, using my feet better, although I still put two fingers on a chair to do the tree pose.


callalloo. I have a 2016, 2108 and 2022 DEXA. First one is mild osteoporosis...second (doing NOTHING different and TAKING NO DRUGS...Osteopenia! Third moderate osteoporosis.

I've taken nothing for it. Dexa scans are notoriously inaccurate and all over the map. EVEN IF you go to the same facility with the same technician.

I'm doing osteostrong and anxious to see how my next Dexa pans out.

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I guess that DEXAs can vary, depending upon the hardware used? Or can the operator make a difference? It's odd to me too. Given that a diagnosis of osteoporosis, leading to drug recommendations, can rest on the DEXA data, a tad more precision would be appreciated!

I'm with you on just doing all of the common sense things I can figure out to maintain or even augment the bone density that I have to the best of my ability.


it can vary depending on the side of your body that's scanned...and the position the tech puts your leg in etc. It's by no means a consistent result...a few years ago a blogger went to 4 clinics in 2 weeks with different results at each...some by as much as 15%.

I'm really really banking on Osteostrong...If it doesn't work I guess I'll just let my bones age naturally. My mom was 4'11 and thin and lived to be 97 and didn't have any femur fractures!


it can vary depending on the side of your body that's scanned...and the position the tech puts your leg in etc. It's by no means a consistent result...a few years ago a blogger went to 4 clinics in 2 weeks with different results at each...some by as much as 15%.

I'm really really banking on Osteostrong...If it doesn't work I guess I'll just let my bones age naturally. My mom was 4'11 and thin and lived to be 97 and didn't have any femur fractures!

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DEXA scores may seem all over the map, but if you make a chart with each set of scores over the years, the trend is clear.

I personally would not recommend letting bones "age naturally." Especially if you already have moderate osteoporosis.

But I have spinal fractures that give me pain and limit what I can do, and even threaten my independence. I am willing to suffer any side effects to prevent more fractures. Luckily Tymlos is not causing many problems after I ramped up slowly on the dose for the first two months,


DEXA scores may seem all over the map, but if you make a chart with each set of scores over the years, the trend is clear.

I personally would not recommend letting bones "age naturally." Especially if you already have moderate osteoporosis.

But I have spinal fractures that give me pain and limit what I can do, and even threaten my independence. I am willing to suffer any side effects to prevent more fractures. Luckily Tymlos is not causing many problems after I ramped up slowly on the dose for the first two months,

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I'm banking on Osteostrong. I'll let you know my next results when I get my next scan in 2024.

Having a small framed and thin mother who lived to be 97 with no major fractures and a 4'9" grandmother who lived to be 107 and suffered her first major fracture at 105 when she broke her hip after a fall...I think I might still opt to take my chances with nature vs biphosphonates that have been proven to create weak bones that spontaneously fracture.

I have yet to hear about, read about or be told about a drug for osteoporosis with side effects less dangerous than a POSSIBLE fracture. TYMLOS is no different in that regard:

I'm banking on Osteostrong. I'll let you know my next results when I get my next scan in 2024.

Having a small framed and thin mother who lived to be 97 with no major fractures and a 4'9" grandmother who lived to be 107 and suffered her first major fracture at 105 when she broke her hip after a fall...I think I might still opt to take my chances with nature vs biphosphonates that have been proven to create weak bones that spontaneously fracture.

I have yet to hear about, read about or be told about a drug for osteoporosis with side effects less dangerous than a POSSIBLE fracture. TYMLOS is no different in that regard:

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Well I have suffered a few fractures and would endure some pretty severe side effects to take Tymlos. Luckily the side effects aren't bad.

The link you posted is old- 2017. The two year time limit on Forteo was lifted because not a single patient developed bone cancer. We assume Tymlos' time limit and black box warning will also be limited but it is newer, so it is taking longer than for Forteo.

I had breast cancer and of course was concerned that I might have tiny metastases in bone that could grow. But hasn't happened. That is separate from the warning for sarcoma.

I respect everyone's decisions but I do think it helps to base them on the latest, more accurate info 🙂


What's bizarre is that I just refound DEXA from 2009. So I have three results; 2009, 2016 and 2022. My gm/cm² actual number went up in 2022 but the T-score also went up. I mean, honestly, how can that even happen? A higher number = a gm/cm² = higher density = a lower T-score. Unless the whole T-score scale has been rethought in the past decade?

I have a weak lower back (4 herniated lumbar discs injured a zillion years ago) and forward stretching is important for retaining comfort and flexibility. But I'm wary about it now, having read the caution about possibly triggering compression fractures. I hope to get the Echolight and more comprehensive analysis as the DEXA seems maybe too simplistic.

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Hi @callalloo, reverse abdominal curls are okay for osteoporosis. I remeber a stretch that helped my lower back that involved bending the knees, bringing them to the chest and hugging them. Are you able to that?


I'm banking on Osteostrong. I'll let you know my next results when I get my next scan in 2024.

Having a small framed and thin mother who lived to be 97 with no major fractures and a 4'9" grandmother who lived to be 107 and suffered her first major fracture at 105 when she broke her hip after a fall...I think I might still opt to take my chances with nature vs biphosphonates that have been proven to create weak bones that spontaneously fracture.

I have yet to hear about, read about or be told about a drug for osteoporosis with side effects less dangerous than a POSSIBLE fracture. TYMLOS is no different in that regard:

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Why are there so few actual reports of benefits from Osteostrong, even some showing worsening bone density and occasional fracturing while using the equipment? Most everything to date seems anecdotal and there is no way to tell which people who reported benefit used Osteostrong alone or with medication, supplements, etc. Without studies or actual evidence, doctors are not going to recommend or stand behind it. The cost for me would be 2,400 annually for a 10 minute once a week use of the equipment. If it were beneficial, I'd be all in. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a fan of the current pharmaceutical offerings but for those of us with really high fracture risk, there doesn't seem to be much of a choice. You may be younger and have been T scores than some of us.. but I don't know.


Why are there so few actual reports of benefits from Osteostrong, even some showing worsening bone density and occasional fracturing while using the equipment? Most everything to date seems anecdotal and there is no way to tell which people who reported benefit used Osteostrong alone or with medication, supplements, etc. Without studies or actual evidence, doctors are not going to recommend or stand behind it. The cost for me would be 2,400 annually for a 10 minute once a week use of the equipment. If it were beneficial, I'd be all in. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a fan of the current pharmaceutical offerings but for those of us with really high fracture risk, there doesn't seem to be much of a choice. You may be younger and have been T scores than some of us.. but I don't know.

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Actually lots of doctors recommend it. And It's always your choice to take prescription drugs with known (serious) side effects OR try other alternative treatments. I know that I have not had any fractures and I've had 10 sessions so far..I see my strength increasing on each machine. And my balance has improved especially on the vibration plate. If the money is an issue and you also don't think it will work, it's obviously not for you. I can't believe that you would pay NOTHING for a yes $2400 MINUS what you'd pay for medical treatments if you choose to forego them as I have. I'm going to be 73 in October. As I've said, my osteoporosis is in the moderate range per doctor BASED ON THE LAST DEXA SCAN which I now know can be as inaccurate as 15-20%. I JUST know that I'm not doing RECLAST which has been linked to multiple deaths as well as KIDNEY FAILURE. And/or any of the other biphosphonates which have been linked to MANY MANY MANY spontaneous femur fractures (HORRIFICALLY painful from what I've read) and/or jaw bone weakness and breaks.


I guess that DEXAs can vary, depending upon the hardware used? Or can the operator make a difference? It's odd to me too. Given that a diagnosis of osteoporosis, leading to drug recommendations, can rest on the DEXA data, a tad more precision would be appreciated!

I'm with you on just doing all of the common sense things I can figure out to maintain or even augment the bone density that I have to the best of my ability.

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Hi, CAllallo,
When I retired, I was a year and a half away from Medicare. So went to a different medical group during that time until I could go back to my old one. Well, I was due for my DEXA. They did it at the new facility. But they also told me it could not be compared to my old scans because they use a "different" DEXA scanner. Apparently, you need to stay with the same brand (?) of scanner to be able to compare old files.

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