Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Posted by kathrina @kathrina, Nov 5, 2019

It seems if I get enough activity/exercise daily I don’t have pain; if not, am awakened from sleep and must get up (even in the middle of the night). What’s going on & what more should I do to avoid rest-disruption?

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Let’s start a list.

Your symptoms of foot neuropathy

Treatments which provide relief or ease if symptoms.

I have been diagnosed with foot neuropathy. My feet are cold especially when at rest and at night. When I walk in exercise my feet get stingy and moist. They can get painful.

I use 600 mg of alpha lipoid acid and topical creams like lidocaine and CBD (no thc) cream, arnica cream or oil. I do foot massage.

I wear wool socks and frequently warm my feet with a heated rice bag or warm water.

Seems like there is some level of discomfort throughout the day.

Help me find other things to try.

Best wishes to all who suffer.

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@chme, I think you'll be interested in this discussion:
- Foot neuropathy: What gives you relief?

Here is the search results for other discussions you might find helpful to compiling a list:


Let’s start a list.

Your symptoms of foot neuropathy

Treatments which provide relief or ease if symptoms.

I have been diagnosed with foot neuropathy. My feet are cold especially when at rest and at night. When I walk in exercise my feet get stingy and moist. They can get painful.

I use 600 mg of alpha lipoid acid and topical creams like lidocaine and CBD (no thc) cream, arnica cream or oil. I do foot massage.

I wear wool socks and frequently warm my feet with a heated rice bag or warm water.

Seems like there is some level of discomfort throughout the day.

Help me find other things to try.

Best wishes to all who suffer.

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I suggest going to a vascular surgeon. My PN had moved up my legs (or so I thought) instead after an easy angiogram, which found I had very serious blockage especially in my left leg , I was relieved of ALL pain in Both of my legs!


Has anyone else had Vit B6 toxicity like me which is believed to be the cause of their neuropathy? I’ve been taking supplements for years with B6 in it and my neuropathy was labeled idiopathic bc no cause was determined. I had the blood test done to check this number and it was off the charts! I quit the supplements 3 weeks ago and am hoping once I get this high value out of my system, that I will heal. They say it is quite slow. I urge those with idiopathic neuropathy to get their B levels tested and, if high, to read up on this. Apparently it is a “thing.” At last, hope !


There is no cure for neuropathy. It’s damaged nerves. Vitamin B’s help. But I’m sure your doctor did bloodwork and you know your vitamin deficiencies. Neuropathy also worsens with time and will move up your legs. I take gabapentin twice a day for the nerve pain but what really helps me is duloxitine. My neuropathy is from just above my knees on down to my toes. I find wearing Crocs or Skechers sneakers allow me to walk my best. I can’t walk far or stand too long. I’m best in a recliner with legs up. If you don’t have a rheumatologist, you should consider that as a possibility. There may be other things going on. Best regards for your improvement.

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Thank you. All information helpful.


Let’s start a list.

Your symptoms of foot neuropathy

Treatments which provide relief or ease if symptoms.

I have been diagnosed with foot neuropathy. My feet are cold especially when at rest and at night. When I walk in exercise my feet get stingy and moist. They can get painful.

I use 600 mg of alpha lipoid acid and topical creams like lidocaine and CBD (no thc) cream, arnica cream or oil. I do foot massage.

I wear wool socks and frequently warm my feet with a heated rice bag or warm water.

Seems like there is some level of discomfort throughout the day.

Help me find other things to try.

Best wishes to all who suffer.

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I’ve been using thiamine tablets (Vitamin B 1). Has relived night feet cold and tingling. Been taking it for 3 Yrs. OTC, Naturemade, B Complex


Pacer, what doing that is hoping you “recover from peripheral neuropathy”? Of us on Connect would like to see your answer!! Yeah, your reply ASAP!

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Sorry for my delayed reply! The most important factor in my recovery is avoiding any more Covid vaccines, which were the likely cause. I have been taking 400 mg palmitoylethanolamide daily to inhibit neuroinflammation. I use heavily padded insoles in my shoes to allow the nerves in my feet to heal. I stimulate the nerves on the bottom of my feet multiple times a day with a Naboso Neuro Ball. I take vitamin B12 occasionally to avoid nerve damage from B12 deficiency and because B12 might help promote remyelination.


Let’s start a list.

Your symptoms of foot neuropathy

Treatments which provide relief or ease if symptoms.

I have been diagnosed with foot neuropathy. My feet are cold especially when at rest and at night. When I walk in exercise my feet get stingy and moist. They can get painful.

I use 600 mg of alpha lipoid acid and topical creams like lidocaine and CBD (no thc) cream, arnica cream or oil. I do foot massage.

I wear wool socks and frequently warm my feet with a heated rice bag or warm water.

Seems like there is some level of discomfort throughout the day.

Help me find other things to try.

Best wishes to all who suffer.

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I have an adjustable bed that I adjust the foot (bottom) section so that my feet are higher than my heart. Brings relief for me!


Sorry for my delayed reply! The most important factor in my recovery is avoiding any more Covid vaccines, which were the likely cause. I have been taking 400 mg palmitoylethanolamide daily to inhibit neuroinflammation. I use heavily padded insoles in my shoes to allow the nerves in my feet to heal. I stimulate the nerves on the bottom of my feet multiple times a day with a Naboso Neuro Ball. I take vitamin B12 occasionally to avoid nerve damage from B12 deficiency and because B12 might help promote remyelination.

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Thank you. Good information. Not familiar with the medication but will look up.

My dr also suspects Covid vaccine.

Take care. Thank you for responding.


I’ve been using thiamine tablets (Vitamin B 1). Has relived night feet cold and tingling. Been taking it for 3 Yrs. OTC, Naturemade, B Complex

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Thank you. I’ll try that. Best to you.


I have an adjustable bed that I adjust the foot (bottom) section so that my feet are higher than my heart. Brings relief for me!

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Thanks. I too find elevating takes some immediate sting away.

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