Foot neuropathy (numbness and pain) after total knee replacement (TKR)

Posted by norby @norby, Nov 26, 2018

I had a right total knee replacement 10 weeks ago and came out of surgery with numbness and intermittent pain on the bottom of my right foot. However, I do have good motor function in that foot. The knee has been healing and with PT, movement is on track, but the foot is a major challenge. The foot pain at times is worse than any from the knee. I have been able to generally manage the foot pain with gabapentin. My surgeon believes this may resolve in time but may take from 6-12 months. However there is a possibility that it will never go away. Has anyone else experienced foot neuropathy following knee replacement? If so, what was your experience with it?

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Sounds like most ortho surgeons go by the same policy of never admitting guilt

My wife who is very healthy and vibrant required a TKR 5 months ago.

Her knee has been examined , x rayed and told that it’s perfect

However she’s suffered what she describes as a tight band around her knee that keeps her awake at night and basically avoiding doing much other than she’s doing every exercise available to help with the healing as well as resting, icing etc.

Past month or so she’s developed tingling in her toes on the TKR leg and numbness that comes and goes

Her surgeon promised her that it’s all part of the healing and prescribed an anti anxiety med to help her sleep which doesn’t seem to help

She was encouraged to get a second opinion and the other surgeon says it’s all normal an that it’ll take a year

When I asked him if she needed to seek pain management he obviously wasn’t listening to us because he said that it’s nit pai and that the tingling in her foot could be from her back which she never has had back issues and has no back pain which he replied that you don’t have to have back pain to have foot numbness

Finally went to my primary Doc and he is concerned enough that he’s ordered am MRI or cat scan along with urine and blood test

Like he said it’s better to figure it out now than wait

These surgeons I guess are just educated mechanics without any problem solving abilities other than to replace joints

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I am so sorry to hear this. When your primary orders blood tests I would see if you could get a test to see if she is allergic to metal in her replacement. I had very similar issues 2 year later still have but know I am allergic to 11 of the 15 metals in my implant 🙏 good luck


I had my TLK replaced on Nov 13 I have the worst numbness on bottom of my foot heel is the worst, it feels like I am walking on rocks. Burning at night was worse than the knee pain. My Doc finally called me in Gabapentin however I can only take it at night. It knocks me out. I can not get any relief.....



My wife had TKR about 5 months ago. She developed what she described as a tight band sensation around her knee and then neuropathy of the adjacent foot which comes and goes

She’s pretty miserable and wishes that she’d never had the procedure.

I’ve encouraged her to take the gabapentin but she’s doesn’t think it helps and is very paranoid about taking any pain medication due to all the potential for kidney and liver damage

Her surgeon who is well respected locally has been no help in regard to advice or pain management ( he actually prescribed an anxiety med for her when she described her issues )

She got a second opinion from another local surgeon who basically blew her off stating that it’s very common and that most likely the foot issues are probably from her back which doesn’t seem that likely since she’s never had any back issues

A few weeks ago she visited our new primary physician who is an internist and seems very caring and smart

He ordered an MRI to try to get a better insight than the X-ray that her surgeon ordered along with urinalysis and bloodwork

He was concerned because he said her knee felt warm to touch compared to her other knee

The x ray shows the mechanics of the knee are fine but as he states it doesn’t show other issues that could cause it

She has a follow up this week to review with our PCP so hoping for some intelligent insight and advice from a Doctor that seems to care rather than the overpaid mechanic that guided the robot to install the knee



My wife had TKR about 5 months ago. She developed what she described as a tight band sensation around her knee and then neuropathy of the adjacent foot which comes and goes

She’s pretty miserable and wishes that she’d never had the procedure.

I’ve encouraged her to take the gabapentin but she’s doesn’t think it helps and is very paranoid about taking any pain medication due to all the potential for kidney and liver damage

Her surgeon who is well respected locally has been no help in regard to advice or pain management ( he actually prescribed an anxiety med for her when she described her issues )

She got a second opinion from another local surgeon who basically blew her off stating that it’s very common and that most likely the foot issues are probably from her back which doesn’t seem that likely since she’s never had any back issues

A few weeks ago she visited our new primary physician who is an internist and seems very caring and smart

He ordered an MRI to try to get a better insight than the X-ray that her surgeon ordered along with urinalysis and bloodwork

He was concerned because he said her knee felt warm to touch compared to her other knee

The x ray shows the mechanics of the knee are fine but as he states it doesn’t show other issues that could cause it

She has a follow up this week to review with our PCP so hoping for some intelligent insight and advice from a Doctor that seems to care rather than the overpaid mechanic that guided the robot to install the knee

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I have the same issue. Tight band feeling around the knees along with tightness from knees down to feet. Mine unfortunately has been for 2 years! So frustrating not to get any answers as to why. PCP, knee surgeon, rheumatologist thinks it's coming from the back. MRI done but nothing affirmative shows. I pray that you find the answers and get relief. Please post your outcome.


Had a knee replacement 7 years ago. Still pins and needles in bottom of foot. Was told it would go away. After 1 year my Dr. said "I should see a podiatrist" Felt Gaslighted and that this had nothing to do with knee replacement. It's not super bothersome my foot just feels like a brick after long use. Would be interested to know if yours went away?


I had TKR done May 17. I developed tarsal tunnel in my foot that has also caused numbness from my outer ankle up to my knee. I expected numbness around the knee, but that legs feels like dead weight much of the time, especially if I spend much time standing. The bottom of my foot feels like it's dead dry leather from my achilles to my 3 outer toes.


<p>After having total replacement surgeries on both knees, I've developed neuropathy on both of my feet. Particularly, under ball of toes. I also have rheumatology. Has anyone else experienced this too after having knee surgery?</p>


Hello @lisasusan0, I moved your discussion and combined it with an existing discussion titled, "Foot neuropathy (numbness and pain) after total knee replacement (TKR)" -

Although it is a lengthy discussion, I wanted to introduce you to the many members already discussing neuropathy after total knee replacement. @delacade, @paint1956, and @shep148 all recently discussed a situation similar to yours.

@lisasusan0, have you had a chance to discuss this issue with your surgeon and have any recommendations been given on how to proceed?


I had TKR done May 17. I developed tarsal tunnel in my foot that has also caused numbness from my outer ankle up to my knee. I expected numbness around the knee, but that legs feels like dead weight much of the time, especially if I spend much time standing. The bottom of my foot feels like it's dead dry leather from my achilles to my 3 outer toes.

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I had TKR November 2022. Woke up with numbness on the bottom of my foot. After a lengthy journey I have been diagnosed with tarsal tunnel syndrome. Numbness in bottom of heel and outer sole of foot and two outer toes.


Hello @lisasusan0, I moved your discussion and combined it with an existing discussion titled, "Foot neuropathy (numbness and pain) after total knee replacement (TKR)" -

Although it is a lengthy discussion, I wanted to introduce you to the many members already discussing neuropathy after total knee replacement. @delacade, @paint1956, and @shep148 all recently discussed a situation similar to yours.

@lisasusan0, have you had a chance to discuss this issue with your surgeon and have any recommendations been given on how to proceed?

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I have been to a neurologist and was told that I do have it but that was it. I went to my podiatrist and was told by looking at my left foot/ankle that I needed a triple arthrodesis. This really doesn't explain the neuropathy in my toes and ball of my toes. Now since I've had my total knee done on my other knee six months ago I'm starting to have numbness in those toes as well. My knees are completely fine, no problems and really not any numbness there.

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