Follow up CT scans after lung cancer: How often is your followup?

Posted by akfishinmom1 @akfishinmom1, Jun 2, 2023

I had lung surgery in December of 2021 which was 1A. No further treatment and since have been getting 6 month scans with the last being March 29th 2023. I have several ground glass nodules and one 4mm solid nodule that have been stable. I recently had a follow up appointment with the thoracic surgeon after the March CT scan. He said I don’t need another scan for a year because I’ve been stable for 2 years I guess taking into account the original Ct scan where the cancerous nodule was discovered. I thought the protocol was for continued 6 month scans to watch the other nodules? He put my order in for a 12 month scan but I am concerned that it should be 6 months. Any thoughts on this?

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I'm having blood tests and CT every 4 months since lung wedge resection and colon resection nearing a year ago.
I would never be comfortable waiting a year for any of it.


I had lung cancer in 1992 and again in 2017. After two and a half years or three, I would feel comfortable
with every year. So maybe you need one more six month scan.


Actually that is good news. They base the scan frequency on how likely there might be something there. They are telling you they don't expect to see anything new and that is good.
I am on 3 month scans now and Lord willing someday I will get to 6 month scans or 1 year scans and I will be happier.


Yes, they will go to one year scan follow-up for stable cases. There are guidelines for it.
It also depends on what exactly is in your lungs.
Interesting is the difference between CT scan and PET scan. Of course, it is a different "technology". And PET scans cost a lot more than a CT scan. My CT scan report said nodule on right was growing while the left was stable. The PET scan report said left was more concerning than right.


@akfishinmom1, Your comfort level with scan frequency is important. Some people get anxious before scans and prefer a longer time between scans, while others get anxious if the scans are spread apart more. Sadly the moral of the story is that we're all anxious and concerned about recurrence. We all need to find that sweet spot that works for us and our doctors. One consideration is that with new and better treatments we are living longer, and the CT scans do expose us to radiation. Generally, the risk from the radiation far out weights the risks involved with a lung cancer recurrence. I've pushed my scans from 3 months to 4 months.
Maybe one more at the 6 month interval would help to ease your mind. I would likely feel the same way and would want to keep an eye on that nodule.


Thank you everyone for your input. I think I may push for a 6 month scan instead of a year. A lot can happen in a year.


It IS good news. Also, your doctor may be running into the insurance company. They decide what they'll pay for, and that's based on something called "the standard of care" based on your condition and history. I ran into that after my first round of cancer when my Oncologist wanted more PET scans than the insurance company permitted in a year.

In your position, I'd ask for a 6-month scan for my peace of mind. Please keep in mind though that there is a possibility that it may not occur. I wish you the best possible long-term outcome!


I believe it's 6mo intervals for 2 years and then once a year


6 most for 2 years then once a year


Oh gosh, I had a spindle cell sarcoma in my right lung seven years ago and have had blood tests and CT scans every six months ever since. I also have ground glass nodules and a now five mm nodule in my left lung (It grew two mm in a year). I’m going back in three months for blood tests and another CT scan because my oncologist does not like things like this. I’m with you - peace of mind: Priceless.

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