Fibromyalgia pain: Let's connect

Posted by clownscrytoo @clownscrytoo, Oct 22, 2016

Is there anyone here that suffers from fibro? I had the 'tender spot test' several years ago and I had 17 out of the 18. I try my hardest to get through the pain with my 4 hydrocodone/acetaminaphine pills a day, Tiger Balm rubbed into areas that are the worst, light exercises, and distracting myself with hobbies or chores, etc; but there are many occasions where none of that helps and I spend most of the day holding down the couch, getting up about 30-45 minutes after that, walking/standing around the house for 15-20 minutes, or sitting for about 15-30 min. I do not drive and my husband works 6 days a week, overtime almost every day, so I'm alone a lot. my wonderful husband is very supportive and I am very grateful for that, but my only other friends are online, out of state, and I will probably never even get to meet them. when extreme pain takes over, my depression takes over and it is so difficult to find hope. does anyone have tips for fibro, whether diet or over-the-counter meds (I've tried them all, I think), or anything, besides hobbies and such? I've tried every over-the-counter med, and the Tiger Balm does cover some of what the pain pill doesn't help, but I'm hoping one of our members might have some knowledge that could help. I'd really appreciate it.

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I also cannot take Lyrica and Cymbalta because of side effects which end up giving me blurred vision.

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Those meds do have a range of side effects that have created issues for some people that I knew at the high school where I worked. The attendance secretary was prescribed Lyrica (can't recall for what) and she developed such pain in both feet that she could not stand or walk without feeling agony. From what she described, it was neurological in nature, so I urged her to see a neurologist but not to just stop cold turkey. She chose to stop taking the medication and did inform her primary care physician (who had prescribed it) but chose not to see a neurologist. The issues for which she had gone to her PCP in the first place continued, then exacerbated. She said she'd "just deal" because what the medication had done to her was worse than the symptoms...
For anyone who is able to take meds like Lyrica, Cymbalta, Humira, etc., that's great.
I fully acknowledge what I can and cannot do.


Except for the meds, i am same at 76+; my 50 years instinct that drugs, i including OTCs - (astronauts took Actifed no-drowsy into space, "spaced" me out of consciousness) are not my friends, 2 ER visits, past & this summer for severe ADRs, gene test proved me right. can only tolerate the acetaminophen/ibuprofen, so that at night to help sleep. Also several "rares" that have no cure or effective treatment, so DIYing myself. The BP issue many actually be a cervical situation, not systemic (although have 2 likely suspects) so feeling need to go from NP to Osteopathic MD - like the integrated approach instead of just targeting. Have lost days - had to check TV guide to paper calendar (no-tech flip phone) on one occasion as same name shows both days; have city trash collection - more than once had to bring back due to Monday holiday for workers, but not me; spine issues can be helped by just laying down relieving physical stress - often take unintended, but refreshing naps. Seems the child of an anesthesiologist and public health nurse does not get any free passes! (but did get the familial dry wit and offbeat sense of coping humor - almost better than drugs. almost). Sorry we are in these messes, but grateful for the company.

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I like you, have had FM over 40 years.. I'm sorry you are not able to take codeine but I understand because I tolerate no FM meds. I can't nap or don't sleep at night. I am able to take low dose clonazepam for sleep, perhaps you could try?


I like you, have had FM over 40 years.. I'm sorry you are not able to take codeine but I understand because I tolerate no FM meds. I can't nap or don't sleep at night. I am able to take low dose clonazepam for sleep, perhaps you could try?

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i check all meds now per my genesight results, most are a big no; but will research. Thanks for suggesting.


I’ve been suffering like you for 10 years. We have to keep moving, whatever it takes. Every month I pray that my pain manager will increase my prescription for 10ml of Oxycodone 2 Xs a day. I wait as long as I can to take it in halves so I can function. Meanwhile I soak, do stretches, put lidocaine on the pain areas and walk the way my PT instructed. Hip first, heel then toe.
I’m a lymphoma survivor and have had 3 spine surgeries which have left me with severe neuropathy. We have to do whatever it takes ALL DAY LONG, EVERYDAY.
Thanks for posting. Somehow it helps to know that there are others feeling the same way

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I have not had FM as long as you, my doctor has me on Lyrica, Butran Patch 15 mg & Cymbalta. I have had one back surgery in 2010, now I am to have a second one in January. I have lots of back pain which I am hoping will ease with the surgery, I also feel exhausted daily and can fall asleep at the drop of a hat.


Can anyone tell me how to tell fibromyalgia pains from other pains.


Can anyone tell me how to tell fibromyalgia pains from other pains.

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It is constant pain that will move all over the body. There are 10 -12 trigger points that a good rheumatologist will just touch and you will want to scream in pain. My T3 will bring the pain level down but I am never free of pain because lyrica and all the usual medications cause too many side effects. The worst is my vision.


Thanks for the information. The Rheumatologist had my Family Physician do the testing and fill out the forms then sent them in to the Rheumatologist. I suffer from exhaustion, pains in my arms to the point I can't wash myself properly and then aches and pains all over, worst of all are the daily headaches.


I was suffering like you are years ago and it seemed ever time I had a lot of carbs(pizza specifically)I was in complete agony…so I googled the correlation between fibromyalgia and gluten and so many articles came up…I began eliminating breads, carbs and my fibro was totally under control to the point my life became normal as normal could be and there are days I feel like I’m cured of it until I try like vacuuming which will give me pain in my upper body…and exhaust me…then I know the ugly fibro is there…you have to know your limitations. I even walk when it’s cooler at night, 3 miles 4-5 times a week…makes me tired but helps me sleep better! Lots of water too! Aleve (1 Aleve)is my drug of choice as it makes me feel amazing for 2-3 days as I only take 1 about every 6 weeks…wishing you the very best💞


I was suffering like you are years ago and it seemed ever time I had a lot of carbs(pizza specifically)I was in complete agony…so I googled the correlation between fibromyalgia and gluten and so many articles came up…I began eliminating breads, carbs and my fibro was totally under control to the point my life became normal as normal could be and there are days I feel like I’m cured of it until I try like vacuuming which will give me pain in my upper body…and exhaust me…then I know the ugly fibro is there…you have to know your limitations. I even walk when it’s cooler at night, 3 miles 4-5 times a week…makes me tired but helps me sleep better! Lots of water too! Aleve (1 Aleve)is my drug of choice as it makes me feel amazing for 2-3 days as I only take 1 about every 6 weeks…wishing you the very best💞

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hi! i know i’m a little late too this conversation but i just got diagnosed with fibro and my GI tract is a complete mess. how long did it take for the gluten free diet to start to help?? i’m willing to try anything to make the pain tolerable


My fibromyalgia flared up big-time after I had Covid two years ago. Five days after getting Covid, I started having flares with very painful all-over muscle pain lasting a couple months, with some weeks of relief in between. During the periods where I didn't have bad body pains, I often had daily headaches, but at least they were relieved by Tylenol. Now, I have been in a lot of body pain every day for almost 3 months. The pain is worse in my upper back and neck, with milder pain in my arms and legs. It's hard to get through the day. I don't take any medications for it. I've read the drugs meant for fibro aren't that effective and often have bad side effects and serious withdrawal issues to get off the drugs. My PCP won't provide any strong pain meds.

Since this started, I've also had terrible insomnia. I usually fall asleep at night because the pain and lack of sleep wears me out, but I wake after 4-5 hours and can't get back to sleep. I've tried Trazodone but am weaning off that because I don't think it's helping me anymore. I take a sleep gummy and 2.5mg melatonin before bed.

Looking back, I think I've had fibro for years but my symptoms were minimal and only occurred for about a week once or twice a year. I tried a gluten free diet for 3 months but didn't notice any improvement. I haven't tried Tiger Balm, but use a cream similar to Ben Gay Ultra Strength.

I appreciate this forum, but wish there were some in-person support groups. Most of my friends and relatives don't understand or believe in fibromyalgia, so it's a very lonely disease.

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